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An up-to-date C++ API wrapper for Mikrotik/RouterOS

Table of Contents

General Info

It has been tested under Windows, Linux and should work on Mac. It does not use dependencies.


  • TLS support

Usage And Examples

Establishing a connection, logging in

This example attempts to establish connection and then login to the API

#include "MikrotikPlus/connector.hpp"

int main() {

	MikrotikPlus::Connector mikrotik("", "admin", "default_pass", 8728); // Constructors an API Wrapper object


    if (mikrotik.isSockDescriptorValid()) {

        if (mikrotik.login()) {

            std::cout << "Login successful";


    } else {

        std::cout << "Failed to connect to " + mikrotik->getAPISettings().getIP() + ":" + std::to_string(mikrotik->getAPISettings().getPort());



Constructors do what they are supposed to do; they merely initialize the variables and perform actions necessary for the program to run, nothing else. You are responsible for ensuring that the connection and login was successful.

Reading and writing sentences

The RouterOS API communicates through sentences, which are simply a collection of words. They are often in the key, value form. If the API sends:


You obtain

{rx-bits-per-second, 8531}

Sentence type

The Sentence type is located in the MikrotikPlus/sentence.hpp header.

It defines a function which tokenizes the words and returns a map of type:

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>
#include "MikrotikPlus/connector.hpp"
#include "MikrotikPlus/sentence.hpp"

MikrotikPlus::Sentence write_sentence;
MikrotikPlus::Sentence read_sentence;

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> sentence_map;

write_sentence.addWord("some additional argument")

do {

	read_sentence = mikrotik.readSentence();

    sentence_map = read_sentence.getMap();

    auto it = sentence_map.find("version");

	if (it != sentence_map.end()) {

        if (*it == "6.7") {

	    	std::cout << "You have the latest version";




} while (read_sentence.getType() == MikrotikPlus::SENTENCE_TYPES::CONTINUE);

You can also write or read a single word of the type std::string

std::string word = mikrotik.readWord();
mikrotik.write(""); // You have to terminate the sentence if you are done with constructing it

Sentence defines a clear member function which clears the underlying vector of strings (array of words) it holds.

It also defines a reset member function which resets the sentence type. Sentence types are as following:


It overloads the << operator, which prints out words each on its line, when invoked.


Exceptions are located in the MikrotikPlus/exceptions.hpp header

Sometimes a connection error might occur when connected to the RouterOS API, i.e the connection got timed out or simply lost. In such a case, the ConnectionTimedOut exception gets thrown. We have to attempt to read a sentence from the API in order to know that.


try {

    do {

	    read_sentence = mikrotik.readSentence();

        // Read some data on an infinite loop
        // Process it

    } while (read_sentence.getType() == MikrotikPlus::SENTENCE_TYPES::CONTINUE);

} catch (MikrotikPlus::ConnectionTimedOut &e) {

    // Reconnect and login

    goto block1;



To build this, you will have to download the source code and navigate to its directory. Then, you will do this:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
(sudo) make install