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Maven Plugin

Kostiantyn Shchepanovskyi edited this page Nov 2, 2016 · 6 revisions

Generate Java code

Option Default value
source Depends on phase: src/main/proto for generate-sources and src/test/proto for generate-test-sources
target ${}/generated-sources/proto
rpcReturnType java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture

Generate HTML documentation

Simple project with single module

This is the most trivial case: you have single maven module with proto files and java files in one place. Assume that proto files are stored in ${project.basedir}/src/main/proto. Then configuration should look like this:


Plugin defaults:

Option Default value
source Depends on phase: src/main/proto for generate-sources and src/test/proto for generate-test-sources
target ${}/generated-html

Complex and multi-module projects

If proto files (all or some part) are not stored in the same maven module where you run documentation generator plugin, then you should make small pre-processing before running plugin.

Example: proto files are stored in two different maven modules. In this case we use maven-dependency-plugin to prepare directory with proto files - ${tmpSourceDirectory} - for protostuff plugin :




Static Documentation

You can add static markdown pages to the generated documentation.


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