The Facebook Political Ad Collector has several pieces. This document describes the various services required to run a version of FBPAC on your own, and how those services map to bits of code. discusses how to actually install this (locally or in production); this document provides the overview of what you'll eventually have running.
repo Rust app. Receives ads and ad ratings submitted by extension users; serves a rudimentary feed for Ads Others Are Seeing tab in extension; serves assets for website.backend/classifier
: Python scripts for building a model to train a model to predict whether an ad is political given its text, along with scripts for updating each database record with that predictionn.extension
browser extension.
repo Rails app. Serves API for React portion of website (public-facing and admin); manages login for admin dashboard; serves entire Targeting Breakdown page.
- Rust app from
. This runs on Amazon ECS. - Rails apps from
. This runs on Amazon ECS. - simple site showing how to install the ad collector. This is a website run by Github Pages.
- a Postgres database. We use an Amazon RDS db.r4.large, but that may be beefier than necessary. However, to my knowledge, it hasn't gotten overloaded.
- archiver: data store uploader (English only; This runs daily, with a CloudWatch Event kicking off a the "ecsRunTask" Lambda task that runs an ECS task, as defined in a Dockerfile)
- political classifier, This runs hourly, with a CloudWatch Event kicking off a the "ecsRunTask" Lambda task that runs an ECS task, as defined in a Dockerfile). Also classifies ads by probability of listbuilding/fundraising.
- political model re-builder, This runs daily, with a CloudWatch Event kicking off a the "ecsRunTask" Lambda task that runs a EC2 Spot Instance request, using a custom AMI (with pre-installed dependencies) and a custom UserData script, Trains the political classifier based on votes that have come in.
- fbpac-cache-warmer for recalculating the homepage stats every hour.
- Amazon S3 folder for storing ad images; the Rust app has to have credentials to write to this bucket.
- targeting parser
- full-text search in Postgres (doesn't handle accents very well, which is a problem for non-English search. Postgres's
may be a good option here.)
How to add users to the admin. There's no GUI.
$ RAILS_ENV=production
irb > Partner.create!({:email => "", :password => "whatever", :password_confirmation => "whatever"})