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Suwat Ch edited this page Aug 31, 2017 · 13 revisions


A resource can be assigned an identity (Managed Service Identity or MSI) along the same line as an AAD application can create a service principal. This identity can be given RBAC to other resources in the same AAD tenant. The resource can then acquire a bearer token to access other authorized resources.

MSI provision

For Azure WebApps, a resource is a webapp. The MSI can be provisioned for a webapp as follow.

ARMClient.exe put "/subscriptions/{sub}/resourceGroups/{rg}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}?api-version=2015-02-01" @payload.json

Example payload.json below

  "location": "{location}",
  "properties": { },
  "identity": { 
    "Type": "SystemAssigned" 

Once done, two additional environment variables (MSI_ENDPOINT and MSI_SECRET) will be available to the webapp. Do use https://{scm_uri}/Env.cshtml to verify.

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