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LUX Backend API Usage


The LUX platform's custom backend API is presently implemented as a set of MarkLogic Data Services, all of which are to be documented herein. The source code may be found within /src/main/ml-modules/root/ds.

Where applicable these endpoints return JSON API responses which are based upon the Linked Art Search Response Format, which itself is based upon the Collections model from Activity Streams.

It is possible that LUX backend consumers also consume MarkLogic native endpoints; for those, please see MarkLogic's REST API reference and MarkLogic's REST API Developer's Guide.


Every LUX backend endpoint request must be authenticated. Approved LUX backend API consumers are intended to have one of the endpoint consumer roles. These provide sufficient privileges to consume all of LUX's backend endpoints. Document permissions may restrict the endpoint consumer to a subset of data. The tenant's endpoint consumer service account has access to all documents. Individual unit endpoint service accounts may have access to overlapping subsets of data. For more information on tenants, unit portals, and roles, see LUX Backend Security and Software.

Use the DIGEST authentication scheme for HTTP and HTTPS application servers.

Generated Data Service Interfaces

Node.js and Java interfaces may be generated from MarkLogic Data Services. LUX's middle tier uses Node.js and the associated data service generated interfaces/proxies. Below is a short description of the various pieces required to generate the interfaces. See the middle tier's documentation for more information, such as when to generate the interfaces during that tier's deployment.

  1. gulpfile.js exports a function that executes MarkLogic's proxy generator. Therein, one specifies where to find the project's MarkLogic Data Service definition files and where to output the generated interfaces.
  2. package.json needs to list marklogic package as a dependency and gulp as a dev dependency.
  3. Once those packages are installed, run gulp proxygen.
  4. Node.js code may now use the generated interfaces.

Usage example that presumes an Express.JS context:

const router = express.Router();

const mlApi = require('../utils/mlApi.js');
const client = new mlApi().getMarkLogicClient();

const Lux = require('../lib/lux.js');
const luxInstance = Lux.on(client);

  passport.authenticate('jwt-user', {
    session: false,
  function (req, res, next) {
	  .item(req.query.uri, req.query.profile, req.query.lang)
	  .then((doc) => {
	  .catch((e) => {
	    errors.handleError(req, res, e);

module.exports = router;


Note to backend endpoint developers: generated Data Service interfaces do not play nicely with hyphens in the Data Service file names. Use camelCase instead.

Custom MarkLogic Data Services

To better align with data available to the endpoint consumer, several endpoints utilize configuration that may vary by unit, or more precisely, endpoint consumer role. Thus, when consuming endpoints with users that have different roles, different configurations may be applied. This includes the search term, advanced search, and related list configurations. When the user has the %%mlAppName%%-endpoint-consumer role, the superset of all of these configurations apply. For more on how this works, see Unit Portals.

Advanced Search Configuration

The advancedSearchConfig endpoint enables consumers to get a typescript-formatted version of the search configuration geared towards an advanced search user interface.

URL : /ds/lux/advancedSearchConfig.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters : None

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: Retrieve and request the advanced search configuration.

Parameters: None

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

Abbreviated content shown below.

            "helpText":"Enter term(s) to be found within the title or name of...",
            "helpText":"Search for People & Groups by terms anywhere in the...",
            "label":"Born/Formed At",
            "helpText":"Search for People & Groups that were born or formed in...",
         ...more search terms.
      ...more search scopes.
            ...more allowed options.
         ...defaults for this group.
      }, least one more group.

Failed Request / Response Example

Only known scenarios would be an authentication error and internal server error.

Auto Complete

Experimental endpoint. Not yet fully vetted or used in LUX production.

The autoComplete endpoint allows consumers to request primary and alternative names that include wildcarded input.

In the context of servicing a single user typing in a field, endpoint consumers are advised to wait for their previous request's response before making a new request, even if doing so imposes a lag on displaying the most relevant matches for the user's latest input.

URL : /ds/lux/autoComplete.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters

Parameter Example Description
text 'kra' REQUIRED - The text to match on. May be one or more words. Matches are insensitive to case, diacritics, punctuation, and whitespace; further non-wildcarded words may be stemmed. An asterisk is automatically added to the end of the text (last word). Additional wildcards may be included. Use an asterisk for zero or more of any character. Use one question mark for each single character that can be any character. Start the text with an asterisk to indicate it may be anywhere in the name, as opposed to having to start with it. Duplicate wildcard characters are automatically consolidated. Contiguous question marks are not consider duplicate, and thus not consolidated. As an example, the system would change hamp?* hea?? loo to hamp* hea?? loo*, which could return Hampstead Heath Looking Towards Harrow. The metadata.matchOn response body property value is the cleaned up value. An error is thrown when a wildcarded word does not include three contiguous non-wildcard characters; i.e., one- and two-character wildcard matches are not supported.
context 'item.material' REQUIRED - The context to resolve the text parameter value in. The context is the search scope and search term names combined as "[scopeName].[termName]". For example, the context parameter value for search scope "agent" and search term "activeAt" would be "agent.activeAt". For a list of available contexts, please see /src/main/ml-modules/root/config/autoCompleteConfig.mjs. The advanced search configuration also offers getAutoCompleteContext(scopeName: string, termName: string). An error is thrown if an unsupported value is specified.
fullyHonorContext false OPTIONAL - Each auto complete context is configured with two constraints: a list of names and a relationship. For example, the itemProductionAgentId context is configured to agent names and requires the agent have produced something. When this parameter value is true, both constraints are applied. When false, the relationship constraint is not applied --faster but will include false positives. Some of the other parameters only apply when this parameter value is true. Defaults to true.
onlyMatchOnPrimaryNames false OPTIONAL - When true, the list of names to match on is restricted to primary names. When false, the list of names includes both primary and alternative names. Defaults to true.
onlyReturnPrimaryNames true OPTIONAL - Primary names are always included in the response, as the primaryNames property value, within the matches array. Some of those names may not match the text --but at least one in the associated document did. Depending on the value of the onlyMatchOnPrimaryNames parameter, a document could have been included that only matched on an alternative now. When onlyReturnPrimaryNames is false, the matchingNames property is also included for each match and contains the names that matched the text. The matchingNames property value can include alternative names when onlyMatchOnPrimaryNames is false. onlyReturnPrimaryNames defaults to false. This parameter is presently only used when fullyHonorContext is true.
page 1 OPTIONAL - The starting "page" or index in the list of matches. Defaults to 1. An error will be thrown if this value is less than 1.
pageLength 7 OPTIONAL - The number of matches to return. Default and maximum: 10. An error will be thrown if this value is less than 1.
filterIndex 63 OPTIONAL - Useful when requesting the next page of matches when none of the above parameter values need to change. It instructs the backend where to resume looking in the list of names so as not to include ones already returned or skip over others. Use the value given in the metadata.filterIndex response body property from the previous request. Defaults to 0. This parameter is presently only used when fullyHonorContext is true.
previouslyFiltered 1223 OPTIONAL - Useful when requesting the next page of matches as it informs the backend how many candidate matches had to be filtered before either qualifying a page worth's of results or timing out. Defaults to 0. This parameter is presently only used when fullyHonorContext is true.
timeoutInMilliseconds 500 OPTIONAL - The number of milliseconds before time out. Clock begins once in the endpoint's implementation. Defaults to 0 which is interpreted as no timeout. The metadata.timedOut response body property indicates if the request timed out or not. This parameter is presently only used when fullyHonorContext is true.

Implementation Notes

Implementation choices and restrictions combined with the dataset and certain parameter values could lead to some discrepancies:

  1. For performance reasons, candidate names are not filtered by underlying capabilities, leading to the potential of false positives. For instance, if the consumer specifies 'ben' as the text to match, qualifying documents should have at least one name that begins with "ben"; however, the system may include results with "ben" anywhere in one of the names. There is an option to improve this without accepting the full performance penalty.
  2. Due to a difference in supported options between two native functions, the matchingNames property value may omit some names that matched the input. This may be expected when the system had to ignore punctuation or whitespace in order to make the match. Stemmed words may also be a factor.

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: Request the first ten matches of people and group names that begin with "ben". Receive the first three matches due to reaching the specified timeout.


Parameter Value
text 'smith'
context 'item.producedBy'
fullyHonorContext true
onlyMatchOnPrimaryNames false
onlyReturnPrimaryNames false
page 1
pageLength 10
timeoutInMilliseconds 500

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

Abbreviated content shown below.

        "Tony I Smith",
        "Tony Smith",
        "Tony. Smith",
        "توني سميث",
        "Smith, Anthony",
        "Smith, Anthony Peter",
        "Smith, Tony",
        "Smith, Tony (American sculptor, architect, and painter, 1912-1980)",
        "Smith, Tony I",
        "Smith, Tony Peter",
        "Smith, Tony, 1912-",
        "Smith, Tony, 1912-1980",
        "Smith, Tony."
        "Henry Holmes Smith",
        "Smith, Henry Holmes",
        "هنري هولمز سميث",
        "Smith, Henry Holmes",
        "Smith, Henry Holmes (American photographer, 1909-1986)",
        "Smith, Henry Holmes, 1909-1986"
    ...more matches

Failed Request / Response Example

Scenario: Insufficient number of characters.


Parameter Value
text 'be'
context 'agent.activeAt'

Response Status Code: 400

Response Status Message: "Wildcarded strings must have at least three non-wildcard characters before or after the wildcard; 'be*' does not qualify"

    "status":"Bad Request",
    "message":"Wildcarded strings must have at least three non-wildcard characters before or after the wildcard; 'be*' does not qualify"

Data Constants

The dataConstants endpoint enables consumers to get all data constants available at that moment.

Data constant values may vary between dataset versions. Data constants are only guaranteed constant within a single dataset version. As such backend endpoint consumers are strongly encouraged not to hardcode these values within their application. Rather, hardcode the data constant names and use this endpoint to retrieve the values for the dataset version present in the target environment.

URL : /ds/lux/dataConstants.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters : None

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: dataConstants returns some results.

Parameters: None

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

Abbreviated content shown below.

  ...more count constants
  ...many more language constants

Failed Request / Response Example

Only known scenarios would be an authentication error and internal server error.


The document endpoint enables consumers to retrieve a single document's JSON-LD, or subset thereof upon specifying a named profile.

URL : /ds/lux/document.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters

Parameter Example Description
uri See example below REQUIRED - The URI of the requested document.
profile "relationship" OPTIONAL - The name of a profile that informs which subset of the JSON-LD to return. The default is to serve up the entire JSON-LD block, which is also the behavior when an invalid profile name is specified or an exception is encountered. Available profiles: "name", "location", "relationship", "results"*, and "rights"; one may double check in the applyProfile() function within /src/main/ml-modules/root/lib/profileDocLib.mjs.
lang "en" OPTIONAL - The language to serve up when there are multiple to choose from. Default is en.

* Until the "results" profile's implementation is updated, the profile will return the entire JSON-LD block. Nonetheless, present-day use of this profile within a search results context is encouraged.

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: The name profile is requested of an existing document.


Parameter Value
profile name

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

         "content":"Andy Warhol",
            ...more languages
               "_label":"Primary Name"

Failed Request / Response Example

Scenario: Requested document does not exist.


Parameter Value

Response Status Code: 404

Response Status Message: "Not Found"

Response Body:

    "status":"Not Found",
    "message":"Document '' Not Found"


The facets endpoint enables consumers to request a facet's values constrained by search criteria.

If unable to calculate the facet, an error is thrown. This includes when the system determines the request would exceed a threshold applicable to non-semantic facets and configured by the facetMaximumProduct build property. When that property value is less than the estimated number of search results multiplied by the number of values in the requested facet's index, the threshold is exceeded and an error is thrown. When the LuxFacet trace event is enabled, a message is also logged.

Only the first 100 values of a semantic facet's values are accessible.

URL : /ds/lux/facets.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters

Parameter Example Description
name agentStartDate REQUIRED - The name of the facet to calculate. The Search Info endpoint's facetBy response body property lists all of the available facets.
q See Search's example REQUIRED - The query to constrain the facet's values by. This parameter's support is identical to the Search endpoint's q parameter.
scope agent CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED - The scope to apply to the query. Only required when a) using the LUX String Search Grammar or b) using the LUX JSON Search Grammar but not setting the _scope property. The value of the scope parameter is given precedence over the LUX JSON Search Grammar _scope property value. For a complete list of available search scopes, please review the return of the Search Info endpoint, specifically the searchBy response body property.
page 1 OPTIONAL - The starting page. Defaults to 1. An error will be thrown if this value is less than 1.
pageLength 10 OPTIONAL - The number of results per page. The default is 20. The maximum is 10,000 for non-semantic facets and 100 for semantic facets. Via multiple requests, one may retrieve more than 10,000 values from a non-semantic facet but never more than 100 values from a semantic facet. An error will be thrown if this value is less than 1.
sort asc OPTIONAL - By default, facet values are sorted by the number of times (frequency) the value appears in the search results, in descending order. This works well for string facet values, but not facets with numeric or date ranges, where it makes more sense to sort by the facet's values. To sort by facet value, set this parameter's value to asc for ascending or desc for descending. At present, this parameter is only implemented for non-semantic facets; semantic facets are only sorted by frequency.
filterResults false OPTIONAL - Only applicable to semantic facet requests. Submit true to instruct the system to filter the results to ensure there are no false positives. Filtering is the process of pulling candidate search result documents from disk in order to verify they meet all search criteria. The process can significantly slow the request and often yields the same results. Unfiltered search results are calculated using indexes alone --the same as non-semantic facets and estimates. This endpoint parameter's default is specified by the filterSemanticFacetSearchResults build property. Initially, the default will be true (filtered) but it is expected to switch to false (unfiltered).

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: Get the first page of places where works associated to "mona lisa" were created.


Parameter Value
name workCreationPlaceId
q mona lisa
scope work

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

Abbreviated content shown below.

      ...more facet values

Failed Request / Response Example

Scenario: Request exceeds threshold of estimated number of search results multiplied by the number of the facet's indexed values.


Parameter Value
name workCreationAgentId
q book
scope work

Response Status Code: 400

Response Status Message: Bad Request

Response Body:

  "errorResponse": {
    "statusCode": 400,
    "status": "Bad Request",
    "messageCode": "BadRequestError",
    "message": "Threshold to calculate the 'workCreationAgentId' facet exceeded."

When the LuxFacet trace event is enabled, a message similar to the following will also be logged: "Rejected request to calculate the 'workCreationAgentId' facet as 11,212,278 search results by 4,924,830 field values exceeds the 5,000,000,000,000 threshold."

Related List

The relatedList endpoint may be used to retrieve a set of items related to the specified document. Each item identifies:

  1. The related document's URI.
  2. The name of the relationship.
  3. The number of times this specific relationship (e.g., created by) is defined for the two documents.
  4. A search-estimate and search link illustrating the relationship (e.g., all works created by Sanderson and published in New Haven, CT).

The same document will span multiple entries when the documents are related in multiple unique relationships (e.g., created and published by). When this happens, all entries for the same related document are contiguous.

Items are sorted by the total number of relationships between the two documents, from most to least.

Performance tip: in paginated contexts, implement local pagination and request items for multiple pages from this endpoint each time you do not have enough items for requested page. Testing revealed requesting 10,000 items can take less than one second longer than requesting 10 items, regardless of page; yet, requests for highly referenced entities can take over five seconds. So rather than waiting five seconds for each page of items related to a highly referenced entity, add a second to the opening request by requesting and receiving items for 100s of pages. Do so for all entities; the additional time for moderately referenced items is negligible.

To retrieve the full list of related documents, switch to the Search endpoint. There are some differences when going through the Search endpoint:

  1. Format the same scope, search term name, and search term value in the LUX JSON Search Grammar and submit as the value of the q parameter.
  2. Each related document will only be represented once, as opposed to once per relationship.
  3. Results will not be sorted by the number of relationships.
  4. Search results may not immediately describe how or how many times they are related to the document from which one started.

URL : /ds/lux/relatedList.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters

Parameter Example Description
scope concept REQUIRED - The related list's search scope. For instance, when one is looking for concepts associated with an agent, the scope should be "concept".
name relatedToAgent REQUIRED - The name of the related list. Using the same concepts-from-agent example, the name should be "relatedToAgent". For a complete list of available related lists, please search for "relatedTo" in the return of the Search Info endpoint. Note the scope you find the related list in as that will also be needed.
uri REQUIRED - The URI of the document to get the related documents of. For the concepts-from-agent example, this should be the agent's URI. The URI is one in the same as the document's IRI and ID.
page 1 OPTIONAL - The starting page. Defaults to 1. An error will be thrown if this value is less than 1.
pageLength 100 OPTIONAL - The number of related items per page. Default is 25. Maximum is 1,000. An error will be thrown if this value is less than 1.
filterResults false OPTIONAL - Submit true to instruct the system to filter the results to ensure there are no false positives. Filtering is the process of pulling candidate search result documents from disk in order to verify they meet all search criteria. The process can significantly slow the request and often yields the same results. Unfiltered search results are calculated using indexes alone --the same as non-semantic facets and estimates. This endpoint parameter's default is specified by the filterRelatedListSearchResults build property. Initially, the default will be true (filtered) but it is expected to switch to false (unfiltered).
relationshipsPerRelation 100000 OPTIONAL - The maximum number of relationships to process per relation. A related list's definition is comprised of multiple relations. Each may resolve to zero or more relationships. Some resolve to more than a million, potentially impacting performance to the extent the request times out. To avoid timeouts, a maximum number of relationships is applied per relation, meaning the maximum number of relationships processed per request is the maximum multiplied by the related list's number of relations. The per relation default is likely 250,000 but set by the relatedListPerRelationDefault build property. The maximum that cannot be exceeded is likely 500,000 but set by the relatedListPerRelationMax build property. If a value larger than the allowed maximum is specified, the request proceeds but the allowed maximum is applied.

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: Retrieve the places associated to an agent, as well as the search criteria for works or objects with the same relationship.

Parameter Value
scope place
name relatedToAgent
page 1
pageLength 40 (to include the top-level next property)

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

Abbreviated content shown below.

         "name":"Is the Place of Publication of Works Created By"
         "name":"Is the Place of Publication of Works About"
      ...more items

Failed Request / Response Example

Scenario: Unknown related list.


Parameter Value
scope work
name relatedToConcept

Response Status Code: 400

Response Status Message: Bad Request

Response Body:

    "status":"Bad Request",
    "message":"No configuration for the 'relatedToConcept' related list in the 'work' scope."


The search endpoint is the primary means to search LUX's backend. A variety of search features are offered. Usage information follows. Additional information may be retrieved from the Search Info endpoint and the Advanced Search Configuration endpoint.

URL : /ds/lux/search.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters

Parameter Example Description
q See example below REQUIRED - The search criteria that is either stringified LUX JSON Search Grammar or LUX String Search Grammar When using LUX JSON Search Grammar, either specify the search scope via the _scope property or the scope parameter. Also include at least one search term. Search terms vary by search scope. For a complete list of available search terms, please review the return of the Search Info endpoint, specifically the searchBy response body property. Some search terms accept if not require term options. For example, one may specify the comparator operator using the _comp property of terms configured to the indexedRange pattern. Search terms may be grouped using the AND and OR properties; the property value needs to be an array of search terms and, optionally, additional group properties. The NOT property value may be set to a term or group to require the results not to have the specified criteria. The BOOST property may be used to provide an array containing two search terms. The first term is used for matching results and the second term will boost the score of results that match the first term. For additional details on the LUX String Search Grammar, see the Translate endpoint.
scope agent CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED - The scope to apply to the query. Only required when a) using the LUX String Search Grammar or b) using the LUX JSON Search Grammar but not setting the _scope property. The value of the scope parameter is given precedence over the LUX JSON Search Grammar _scope property value. For a complete list of available search scopes, please review the return of the Search Info endpoint, specifically the searchBy response body property.
mayChangeScope true OPTIONAL - Submit true if the endpoint is allowed to change the search scope when the requested search's results estimate is zero yet another search scope's estimate is greater than zero. Only applicable to search scopes associated with the user interface. When the search scope is changed, the metadata.changedScope response body property value will be true. Regardless, the metadata.scope parameter value will always align with the search performed. The selected search scope is based on a user interface order specified in the endpoint. No other part of the search is adjusted, specifically including the values of the sort and facetNames parameters. Endpoint consumers are encouraged to submit true for search requests that do not require a specific user interface scope. Subsequent requests that need to stick to a specific search should submit false. Defaults to false.
page 1 OPTIONAL - The starting page. Defaults to 1. An error will be thrown if this value is less than 1.
pageLength 10 OPTIONAL - The number of results per page. The default is 20. The maximum is 100. An error will be thrown if this value is less than 1.
sort itemProductionDate:asc OPTIONAL - A comma-delimited list of sort specifications. Each specification must include the sort binding name and may optionally include the sort's direction. Use asc for ascending and desc for descending. The Search Info endpoint's sortBy response body property lists most of this parameter's accepted values. There are two additional ones: random and relevance. When either is used, all other sort options are ignored. Use random to apply random scores to the search results; sort direction does not apply to this option. Use relevance to sort the search results by their score. For each sort binding name specified in this parameter, the default sort direction is ascending; however, when the parameter is not provided, search results are sorted by relevance, from highest score to lowest score (descending). A warning is included for each invalid sort option.
filterResults false OPTIONAL - Submit true to instruct the system to filter the results to ensure there are no false positives. Filtering is the process of pulling candidate search result documents from disk in order to verify they meet all search criteria. The process can significantly slow the request and often yields the same results. Unfiltered search results are calculated using indexes alone --the same as non-semantic facets and estimates. Unfiltered search results cannot be punctuation- or whitespace-sensitive. Unfiltered search results cannot be case-sensitive when the criteria is all lowercase (but can be case-sensitive for upper or mixed case). This endpoint parameter's default is specified by the filterSearchResults build property. Initially, the default will be true (filtered) but it is expected to switch to false (unfiltered).
facetsSoon true OPTIONAL - Submit true to indicate one or more facets may be requested in a subsequent request, relatively soon, using the same criteria. When true and the search is performed, search will be asked to do a little more work to speed up the subsequent request to calculate facets. Use the Facets endpoint for the facet request. Defaults to false.
synonymsEnabled true OPTIONAL - Indicate if synonyms are to be included in the search criteria. The default is controlled by the synonymsEnabled Gradle property, during deployment.

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: Search for the first three agents matching "ben" and boosted by "franklin". Sort the results by name. Allow the system to change the search scope should there be no results in the requested search scope.


Parameter Value
q {"BOOST":[{"text":"ben","_lang":"en"},{"text":"franklin","_lang":"en"}]}
scope item
mayChangeScope true
page 1
pageLength 20
sort itemProductionDate:desc

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

Abbreviated content shown below.

               "Records representing physical and digital objects that match your search."
      ...more search results

Failed Request / Response Example

Scenario: Invalid search term specified in the search criteria




Response Status Code: 400

Response Status Message: "Bad Request"

Response Body:

    "errorResponse": {
        "statusCode": 400,
        "status": "Bad Request",
        "messageCode": "BadRequestError",
        "message": "The 'producedFor' term is invalid for the 'item' search scope. Valid choices: carries, classification, depth, dimension, encounteredAt, encounteredBy, encounteredDate, hasDigitalImage, height, id, identifier, iri, isOnline, material, memberOf, name, producedAt, producedBy, producedDate, producedUsing, recordType, similar, text, width"

Search Estimate

The searchEstimate endpoint may be used to calculate the estimated number of results for a search. The estimate is the number of unfiltered results. For a brief explanation of filtered vs. unfiltered results and an alternative to this endpoint, see the Search Will Match endpoint. For performance reasons, the Search Will Match endpoint should be used for searches that include a related list search term (search term names that begin with "relatedTo").

URL : /ds/lux/searchEstimate.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters

Parameter Example Description
q See example below REQUIRED - Unlike the Facets and Search endpoints, this endpoint only supports the LUX JSON Search Grammar.
scope agent CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED - The scope to apply to the query. Only required when the _scope property is not set in the q parameter value. For a complete list of available search scopes, please review the return of the Search Info endpoint, specifically the searchBy response body property.

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: Successfully calculate a search estimate.


q: {"_scope":"agent", "name": "john smith"}

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

    "@context": "",
    "id": "",
    "type": "OrderedCollection",
    "label": {
        "en": [
            "People & Groups"
    "summary": {
        "en": [
            "Records representing individuals and organizations that match your search."
    "totalItems": 644,
    "first": {
        "id": "",
        "type": "OrderedCollectionPage"
    "last": {
        "id": "",
        "type": "OrderedCollectionPage"
    "partOf": ""

Failed Request / Response Example

Scenario: Used invalid search scope - agenttt.


q: {"_scope":"agenttt", "name": "maria smith"}

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

    "errorResponse": {
        "statusCode": 400,
        "status": "Bad Request",
        "messageCode": "BadRequestError",
        "message": "Invalid search scope specified: 'agenttt'"

Search Will Match

The searchWillMatch endpoint may be used to determine if a search or collection of searches will return at least one result. It differs from the Search Estimate endpoint in that this endpoint ensures there is at least one filtered search result whereas the other endpoint returns the number of unfiltered results. Unfiltered results are calculated exclusively from indexes. There are scenarios where an estimate can be greater than zero but the search returns zero results. When one needs to know if there is at least one filtered result and is willing to incur a performance penalty, this endpoint should be used. For a more in-depth explanation, visit as well as the "Estimate and Count" section of the Inside MarkLogic Server whitepaper.

URL : /ds/lux/searchWillMatch.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters

Parameter Example Description
q See example below REQUIRED - The criteria for one or more searches. Unlike the Facets and Search endpoints, this endpoint only supports the LUX JSON Search Grammar. Set the top-level property names to the name of the search and the values to the search criteria. When only wanting a single estimate, just the search criteria may be provided; the response will use unnamed as the search's name.

Response Body

There will be one hasOneOrMoreResult response body property per search. It has three possible values:

  • 1: The search would return one or more results.
  • 0: The search would return zero results.
  • -1: An error was encountered. Submit the associated search to the Search endpoint for the error message.

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: Successfully determine if a couple searches will return at least one result.




Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:


Failed Request / Response Example

Scenario: Only able to calculate the estimate of one of two searches.




Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:


Search Info

The searchInfo endpoint provides consumers:

  1. A complete list of search scopes and search terms therein that may be used to construct and pass search criteria into any endpoint that supports the LUX JSON Search Grammar.
  2. Information about each search term, including its target search scope and what it accepts (e.g, atomic value, child id search term).
  3. A list of facets and their associated search term names.
  4. A list of sort bindings implemented with range indexes. As detailed in the Search endpoint's documentation, additional sort parameter values include random and relevance.

Differences between the Advanced Search Configuration endpoint and this endpoint include a) Advanced Search Configuration endpoint defines each terms default search options and b) the searchInfo endpoint does not filter any search terms out.

URL : /ds/lux/searchInfo.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters : None

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: Successfully retrieve the data.

Parameters: None

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

Abbreviated content shown below.

      ...more agent search terms
      ...more concept search terms.
    ], terms for the event, item, place, reference, set, and work.
    ...more facets
    ...more to sort by

Failed Request / Response Example

Only known scenarios would be an authentication error and internal server error.


The stats endpoint enables consumers to get document estimates by context. The contexts align with the frontend's search contexts. Each context is associated to one or more document types. Additional information may be included in the future.

URL : /ds/lux/stats.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters : None

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: stats returns estimates

Parameters: None

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:


Failed Request / Response Example

Only known scenarios would be an authentication error and internal server error.


The translate endpoint enables consumers to convert search criteria from the LUX String Search Grammar to the LUX JSON Search Grammar.

The LUX JSON String Grammar:

  1. Is intended for keyword search.
  2. Facilities converting an end-user's initial or simple search into the LUX JSON Search Grammar.
  3. Supports a subset of the Basic Components and Operators portion of MarkLogic's search string grammar.
  4. Is accepted by the Facets endpoint, Search endpoint, and the Translate endpoint.
  5. Is not accepted by the Search Estimate endpoint and Search Will Match endpoint.
  6. Is not able to tap into all of the features supported by the LUX JSON Search Grammar, specifically all non-full text search terms and everything they are capable of (e.g., hop search criteria, date and dimension comparisons, and constraining by facet values).

For more information on the LUX JSON Search Grammar, see the Search endpoint's documentation for its q parameter.

URL : /ds/lux/translate.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters

Parameter Example Description
q See example below REQUIRED - Search criteria in the LUX String Search Grammar.
scope "agent" REQUIRED - A valid search scope.

The Search endpoint's documentation may include additional details on the above parameters. The parameters in this context are more restrictive; e.g., the scope parameter is required.

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: Translate the search criteria for cat dog from the LUX String Search Grammar to the LUX JSON Search Grammar.


Parameter Value
q cat dog
scope work

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:


Failed Request / Response Example

Scenario: Submit an invalid string grammar query


Parameter Value
q {""}
scope work

Response Status Code: 400

Response Body:

    "errorResponse": {
        "statusCode": 400,
        "status": "Bad Request",
        "messageCode": "BadRequestError",
        "message": "Unable to parse the search criteria via string grammar: {\"\"}"

Version Info

The versionInfo endpoint enables consumers to get the current versions of the code, data, and ML server. It also returns the name of the content database being used by this tenant.

URL : /ds/lux/versionInfo.mjs

Method(s) : GET, POST

Endpoint Parameters : None

Successful Request / Response Example

Scenario: versionInfo returns version info

Parameters: None

Response Status Code: 200

Response Status Message: OK

Response Body:

    "codeVersion": "v1.24.0-6-gaf84473",
    "dataVersion": "2024-09-04T12:45:25.112260",
    "mlVersion": "11.3.0",
    "databaseName": "lux-content"

Failed Request / Response Example

Only known scenarios would be an authentication error and internal server error.