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YANG Object Reference

Tejaswi Goel edited this page Aug 12, 2019 · 42 revisions

This information contains a list of currently supported YANG objects.

Model for managing system-wide services and functions on network devices.

Supported operations and container paths

  • GET /openconfig-system:system/state
  • GET /openconfig-system:system/memory
  • GET /openconfig-system:system/cpus
  • GET /openconfig-system:system/processes

Model for representing a system component inventory, which can include hardware or software elements arranged in an arbitrary structure.

Supported operations and container paths

  • GET /openconfig-platform:components/component

Currently it supports only system board EEPROM, to get system EEPROM need to use "System Eeprom" as a key for the components key attribute. Bulk get request gets only system EEPROM info.

Model for managing network interfaces and subinterfaces.

Supported operations and container paths

module: openconfig-interfaces
    +--rw interfaces
       +--rw interface* [name]
          +--rw name             -> ../config/name
          +--rw config
          |  +--rw name?            string
          |  +--rw type             identityref
          |  +--rw mtu?             uint16
-         |  +--rw loopback-mode?   boolean
          |  +--rw description?     string
          |  +--rw enabled?         boolean
          +--ro state
          |  +--ro name?            string
          |  +--ro type             identityref
          |  +--ro mtu?             uint16
-         |  +--ro loopback-mode?   boolean
          |  +--ro description?     string
          |  +--ro enabled?         boolean
          |  +--ro ifindex?         uint32
          |  +--ro admin-status     enumeration
          |  +--ro oper-status      enumeration
          |  +--ro last-change?     oc-types:timeticks64
          |  +--ro logical?         boolean
          |  +--ro counters
          |     +--ro in-octets?             oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro in-pkts?               oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro in-unicast-pkts?       oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro in-broadcast-pkts?     oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro in-multicast-pkts?     oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro in-discards?           oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro in-errors?             oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro in-unknown-protos?     oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro in-fcs-errors?         oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro out-octets?            oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro out-pkts?              oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro out-unicast-pkts?      oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro out-broadcast-pkts?    oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro out-multicast-pkts?    oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro out-discards?          oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro out-errors?            oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro carrier-transitions?   oc-yang:counter64
          |     +--ro last-clear?            oc-types:timeticks64
          +--rw hold-time
          |  +--rw config
          |  |  +--rw up?     uint32
          |  |  +--rw down?   uint32
          |  +--ro state
          |     +--ro up?     uint32
          |     +--ro down?   uint32
-          +--rw subinterfaces
             +--rw subinterface* [index]
                +--rw index     -> ../config/index
                +--rw config
                |  +--rw index?         uint32
                |  +--rw description?   string
                |  +--rw enabled?       boolean
                +--ro state
                   +--ro index?          uint32
                   +--ro description?    string
                   +--ro enabled?        boolean
                   +--ro name?           string
                   +--ro ifindex?        uint32
                   +--ro admin-status    enumeration
                   +--ro oper-status     enumeration
                   +--ro last-change?    oc-types:timeticks64
                   +--ro logical?        boolean
                   +--ro counters
                      +--ro in-octets?             oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro in-pkts?               oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro in-unicast-pkts?       oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro in-broadcast-pkts?     oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro in-multicast-pkts?     oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro in-discards?           oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro in-errors?             oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro in-unknown-protos?     oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro in-fcs-errors?         oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro out-octets?            oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro out-pkts?              oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro out-unicast-pkts?      oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro out-broadcast-pkts?    oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro out-multicast-pkts?    oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro out-discards?          oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro out-errors?            oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro carrier-transitions?   oc-yang:counter64
                      +--ro last-clear?            oc-types:timeticks64

Defines configuration and operational state data for network access control lists

Supported operations and container paths

module: openconfig-acl
    +--rw acl
       +--rw config
       +--ro state
       |  +--ro counter-capability?   identityref
       +--rw acl-sets
       |  +--rw acl-set* [name type]
       |     +--rw name           -> ../config/name
       |     +--rw type           -> ../config/type
       |     +--rw config
       |     |  +--rw name?          string
       |     |  +--rw type?          identityref
       |     |  +--rw description?   string
       |     +--ro state
       |     |  +--ro name?          string
       |     |  +--ro type?          identityref
       |     |  +--ro description?   string
       |     +--rw acl-entries
       |        +--rw acl-entry* [sequence-id]
       |           +--rw sequence-id        -> ../config/sequence-id
       |           +--rw config
       |           |  +--rw sequence-id?   uint32
       |           |  +--rw description?   string
       |           +--ro state
       |           |  +--ro sequence-id?       uint32
       |           |  +--ro description?       string
-      |           |  +--ro matched-packets?   oc-yang:counter64
-      |           |  +--ro matched-octets?    oc-yang:counter64
-      |           +--rw l2
       |           |  +--rw config
       |           |  |  +--rw source-mac?             oc-yang:mac-address
       |           |  |  +--rw source-mac-mask?        oc-yang:mac-address
       |           |  |  +--rw destination-mac?        oc-yang:mac-address
       |           |  |  +--rw destination-mac-mask?   oc-yang:mac-address
       |           |  |  +--rw ethertype?              oc-pkt-match-types:ethertype-type
       |           |  +--ro state
       |           |     +--ro source-mac?             oc-yang:mac-address
       |           |     +--ro source-mac-mask?        oc-yang:mac-address
       |           |     +--ro destination-mac?        oc-yang:mac-address
       |           |     +--ro destination-mac-mask?   oc-yang:mac-address
       |           |     +--ro ethertype?              oc-pkt-match-types:ethertype-type
       |           +--rw ipv4
       |           |  +--rw config
       |           |  |  +--rw source-address?        oc-inet:ipv4-prefix
       |           |  |  +--rw destination-address?   oc-inet:ipv4-prefix
       |           |  |  +--rw dscp?                  oc-inet:dscp
       |           |  |  +--rw protocol?              oc-pkt-match-types:ip-protocol-type
       |           |  |  +--rw hop-limit?             uint8
       |           |  +--ro state
       |           |     +--ro source-address?        oc-inet:ipv4-prefix
       |           |     +--ro destination-address?   oc-inet:ipv4-prefix
       |           |     +--ro dscp?                  oc-inet:dscp
       |           |     +--ro protocol?              oc-pkt-match-types:ip-protocol-type
       |           |     +--ro hop-limit?             uint8
       |           +--rw ipv6
       |           |  +--rw config
       |           |  |  +--rw source-address?           oc-inet:ipv6-prefix
       |           |  |  +--rw source-flow-label?        oc-inet:ipv6-flow-label
       |           |  |  +--rw destination-address?      oc-inet:ipv6-prefix
       |           |  |  +--rw destination-flow-label?   oc-inet:ipv6-flow-label
       |           |  |  +--rw dscp?                     oc-inet:dscp
       |           |  |  +--rw protocol?                 oc-pkt-match-types:ip-protocol-type
       |           |  |  +--rw hop-limit?                uint8
       |           |  +--ro state
       |           |     +--ro source-address?           oc-inet:ipv6-prefix
       |           |     +--ro source-flow-label?        oc-inet:ipv6-flow-label
       |           |     +--ro destination-address?      oc-inet:ipv6-prefix
       |           |     +--ro destination-flow-label?   oc-inet:ipv6-flow-label
       |           |     +--ro dscp?                     oc-inet:dscp
       |           |     +--ro protocol?                 oc-pkt-match-types:ip-protocol-type
       |           |     +--ro hop-limit?                uint8
       |           +--rw transport
       |           |  +--rw config
       |           |  |  +--rw source-port?        oc-pkt-match-types:port-num-range
       |           |  |  +--rw destination-port?   oc-pkt-match-types:port-num-range
       |           |  |  +--rw tcp-flags*          identityref
       |           |  +--ro state
       |           |     +--ro source-port?        oc-pkt-match-types:port-num-range
       |           |     +--ro destination-port?   oc-pkt-match-types:port-num-range
       |           |     +--ro tcp-flags*          identityref
       |           +--rw input-interface
       |           |  +--rw config
       |           |  +--ro state
       |           |  +--rw interface-ref
       |           |     +--rw config
       |           |     |  +--rw interface?      -> /oc-if:interfaces/interface/name
       |           |     |  +--rw subinterface?   -> /oc-if:interfaces/interface[oc-if:name=current()/../interface]/subinterfaces/subinterface/index
       |           |     +--ro state
       |           |        +--ro interface?      -> /oc-if:interfaces/interface/name
       |           |        +--ro subinterface?   -> /oc-if:interfaces/interface[oc-if:name=current()/../interface]/subinterfaces/subinterface/index
       |           +--rw actions
       |              +--rw config
       |              |  +--rw forwarding-action    identityref
       |              |  +--rw log-action?          identityref
       |              +--ro state
       |                 +--ro forwarding-action    identityref
       |                 +--ro log-action?          identityref
       +--rw interfaces
          +--rw interface* [id]
             +--rw id                  -> ../config/id
             +--rw config
             |  +--rw id?   oc-if:interface-id
             +--ro state
             |  +--ro id?   oc-if:interface-id
             +--rw interface-ref
             |  +--rw config
             |  |  +--rw interface?      -> /oc-if:interfaces/interface/name
             |  |  +--rw subinterface?   -> /oc-if:interfaces/interface[oc-if:name=current()/../interface]/subinterfaces/subinterface/index
             |  +--ro state
             |     +--ro interface?      -> /oc-if:interfaces/interface/name
             |     +--ro subinterface?   -> /oc-if:interfaces/interface[oc-if:name=current()/../interface]/subinterfaces/subinterface/index
             +--rw ingress-acl-sets
             |  +--rw ingress-acl-set* [set-name type]
             |     +--rw set-name       -> ../config/set-name
             |     +--rw type           -> ../config/type
             |     +--rw config
             |     |  +--rw set-name?   -> ../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set/config/name
             |     |  +--rw type?       -> ../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set[name=current()/../set-name]/config/type
             |     +--ro state
             |     |  +--ro set-name?   -> ../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set/config/name
             |     |  +--ro type?       -> ../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set[name=current()/../set-name]/config/type
             |     +--ro acl-entries
             |        +--ro acl-entry* [sequence-id]
             |           +--ro sequence-id    -> ../state/sequence-id
             |           +--ro state
             |              +--ro sequence-id?       -> /acl/acl-sets/acl-set[name=current()/../../../../set-name][type=current()/../../../../type]/acl-entries/acl-entry/sequence-id
             |              +--ro matched-packets?   oc-yang:counter64
             |              +--ro matched-octets?    oc-yang:counter64
             +--rw egress-acl-sets
                +--rw egress-acl-set* [set-name type]
                   +--rw set-name       -> ../config/set-name
                   +--rw type           -> ../config/type
                   +--rw config
                   |  +--rw set-name?   -> ../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set/config/name
                   |  +--rw type?       -> ../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set[name=current()/../set-name]/config/type
                   +--ro state
                   |  +--ro set-name?   -> ../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set/config/name
                   |  +--ro type?       -> ../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set[name=current()/../set-name]/config/type
                   +--ro acl-entries
                      +--ro acl-entry* [sequence-id]
                         +--ro sequence-id    -> ../state/sequence-id
                         +--ro state
                            +--ro sequence-id?       -> /acl/acl-sets/acl-set[name=current()/../../../../set-name][type=current()/../../../../type]/acl-entries/acl-entry/sequence-id
                            +--ro matched-packets?   oc-yang:counter64
                            +--ro matched-octets?    oc-yang:counter64

Defines configuration and operational state data for the LLDP protocol.

Supported operations and container paths

module: openconfig-lldp
    +--rw lldp
       +--rw config
       |  +--rw enabled?                      boolean
       |  +--rw hello-timer?                  uint64
       |  +--rw suppress-tlv-advertisement*   identityref
       |  +--rw system-name?                  string
       |  +--rw system-description?           string
       |  +--rw chassis-id?                   string
       |  +--rw chassis-id-type?              oc-lldp-types:chassis-id-type
       +--ro state
       |  +--ro enabled?                      boolean
       |  +--ro hello-timer?                  uint64
       |  +--ro suppress-tlv-advertisement*   identityref
       |  +--ro system-name?                  string
       |  +--ro system-description?           string
       |  +--ro chassis-id?                   string
       |  +--ro chassis-id-type?              oc-lldp-types:chassis-id-type
       |  +--ro counters
       |     +--ro frame-in?           yang:counter64
       |     +--ro frame-out?          yang:counter64
       |     +--ro frame-error-in?     yang:counter64
       |     +--ro frame-discard?      yang:counter64
       |     +--ro tlv-discard?        yang:counter64
       |     +--ro tlv-unknown?        yang:counter64
       |     +--ro last-clear?         yang:date-and-time
       |     +--ro tlv-accepted?       yang:counter64
       |     +--ro entries-aged-out?   yang:counter64
       +--rw interfaces
          +--rw interface* [name]
             +--rw name         -> ../config/name
             +--rw config
             |  +--rw name?      oc-if:base-interface-ref
             |  +--rw enabled?   boolean
             +--ro state
             |  +--ro name?       oc-if:base-interface-ref
             |  +--ro enabled?    boolean
             |  +--ro counters
             |     +--ro frame-in?          yang:counter64
             |     +--ro frame-out?         yang:counter64
             |     +--ro frame-error-in?    yang:counter64
             |     +--ro frame-discard?     yang:counter64
             |     +--ro tlv-discard?       yang:counter64
             |     +--ro tlv-unknown?       yang:counter64
             |     +--ro last-clear?        yang:date-and-time
             |     +--ro frame-error-out?   yang:counter64
             +--ro neighbors
                +--ro neighbor* [id]
                   +--ro id              -> ../state/id
                   +--ro config
                   +--ro state
                   |  +--ro system-name?               string
                   |  +--ro system-description?        string
                   |  +--ro chassis-id?                string
                   |  +--ro chassis-id-type?           oc-lldp-types:chassis-id-type
                   |  +--ro id?                        string
                   |  +--ro age?                       uint64
                   |  +--ro last-update?               int64
                   |  +--ro ttl?                       uint16
                   |  +--ro port-id?                   string
                   |  +--ro port-id-type?              oc-lldp-types:port-id-type
                   |  +--ro port-description?          string
                   |  +--ro management-address?        string
                   |  +--ro management-address-type?   string
                   +--ro custom-tlvs
                   |  +--ro tlv* [type oui oui-subtype]
                   |     +--ro type           -> ../state/type
                   |     +--ro oui            -> ../state/oui
                   |     +--ro oui-subtype    -> ../state/oui-subtype
                   |     +--ro config
                   |     +--ro state
                   |        +--ro type?          int32
                   |        +--ro oui?           string
                   |        +--ro oui-subtype?   string
                   |        +--ro value?         binary
                   +--ro capabilities
                      +--ro capability* [name]
                         +--ro name      -> ../state/name
                         +--ro config
                         +--ro state
                            +--ro name?      identityref
                            +--ro enabled?   boolean

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