From 695eb1e03cf329e1d5e5725fa5b266ac9c421c0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Peter Cottle Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 12:43:41 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] emoji table --- assets/emoji_table.rtf | 2523 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2523 insertions(+) create mode 100644 assets/emoji_table.rtf diff --git a/assets/emoji_table.rtf b/assets/emoji_table.rtf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6704f3149 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/emoji_table.rtf @@ -0,0 +1,2523 @@ +{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265\cocoasubrtf210 +{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 AppleColorEmoji;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Monaco;\f2\fnil\fcharset77 ZapfDingbatsITC; +\f3\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;\f4\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;\f5\fnil\fcharset0 AppleSymbols; +\f6\fnil\fcharset134 STHeitiSC-Light;\f7\fnil\fcharset129 AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular;} +{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} +\margl1440\margr1440\vieww18700\viewh19820\viewkind0 +\pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\pardirnatural + +\f0\fs24 \cf0 \uc0\u55357 \u56833 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude01 grinning face with smiling eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56834 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude02 face with tears of joy\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56835 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude03 smiling face with open mouth\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56836 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude04 smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56837 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude05 smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56838 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude06 smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56841 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude09 winking face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56842 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude0a smiling face with smiling eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56843 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude0b face savouring delicious food\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56844 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude0c relieved face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56845 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude0d smiling face with heart-shaped eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56847 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude0f smirking face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56850 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude12 unamused face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56851 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude13 face with cold sweat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56852 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude14 pensive face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56854 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude16 confounded face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56856 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude18 face throwing a kiss\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56858 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude1a kissing face with closed eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56860 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude1c face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56861 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude1d face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56862 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude1e disappointed face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56864 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude20 angry face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56865 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude21 pouting face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56866 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude22 crying face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56867 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude23 persevering face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56868 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude24 face with look of triumph\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56869 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude25 disappointed but relieved face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56872 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude28 fearful face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56873 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude29 weary face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56874 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude2a sleepy face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56875 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude2b tired face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56877 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude2d loudly crying face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56880 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude30 face with open mouth and cold sweat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56881 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude31 face screaming in fear\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56882 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude32 astonished face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56883 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude33 flushed face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56885 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude35 dizzy face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56887 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude37 face with medical mask\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56888 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude38 grinning cat face with smiling eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56889 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude39 cat face with tears of joy\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56890 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude3a smiling cat face with open mouth\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56891 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude3b smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56892 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude3c cat face with wry smile\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56893 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude3d kissing cat face with closed eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56894 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude3e pouting cat face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56895 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude3f crying cat face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56896 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude40 weary cat face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56901 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude45 face with no good gesture\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56902 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude46 face with ok gesture\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56903 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude47 person bowing deeply\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56904 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude48 see-no-evil monkey\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56905 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude49 hear-no-evil monkey\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56906 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude4a speak-no-evil monkey\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56907 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude4b happy person raising one hand\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56908 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude4c person raising both hands in celebration\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56909 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude4d person frowning\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56910 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude4e person with pouting face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56911 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude4f person with folded hands\ + +\f2 \uc0\u9986 +\f1 \\u2702 black scissors\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9989 +\f1 \\u2705 white heavy check mark\ + +\f2 \uc0\u9992 +\f1 \\u2708 airplane\ + +\f2 \uc0\u9993 +\f1 \\u2709 envelope\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9994 +\f1 \\u270a raised fist\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9995 +\f1 \\u270b raised hand\ + +\f2 \uc0\u9996 +\f1 \\u270c victory hand\ + +\f2 \uc0\u9999 +\f1 \\u270f pencil\ + +\f2 \uc0\u10002 +\f1 \\u2712 black nib\ + +\f2 \uc0\u10004 +\f1 \\u2714 heavy check mark\ + +\f2 \uc0\u10006 +\f1 \\u2716 heavy multiplication x\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10024 +\f1 \\u2728 sparkles\ + +\f2 \uc0\u10035 +\f1 \\u2733 eight spoked asterisk\ + +\f2 \uc0\u10036 +\f1 \\u2734 eight pointed black star\ + +\f2 \uc0\u10052 +\f1 \\u2744 snowflake\ + +\f2 \uc0\u10055 +\f1 \\u2747 sparkle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10060 +\f1 \\u274c cross mark\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10062 +\f1 \\u274e negative squared cross mark\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10067 +\f1 \\u2753 black question mark ornament\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10068 +\f1 \\u2754 white question mark ornament\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10069 +\f1 \\u2755 white exclamation mark ornament\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10071 +\f1 \\u2757 heavy exclamation mark symbol\ + +\f2 \uc0\u10084 +\f1 \\u2764 heavy black heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10133 +\f1 \\u2795 heavy plus sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10134 +\f1 \\u2796 heavy minus sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10135 +\f1 \\u2797 heavy division sign\ + +\f2 \uc0\u10145 +\f1 \\u27a1 black rightwards arrow\ + +\f0 \uc0\u10160 +\f1 \\u27b0 curly loop\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56960 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude80 rocket\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56963 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude83 railway car\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56964 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude84 high-speed train\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56965 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude85 high-speed train with bullet nose\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56967 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude87 metro\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56969 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude89 station\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56972 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude8c bus\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56975 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude8f bus stop\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56977 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude91 ambulance\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56978 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude92 fire engine\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56979 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude93 police car\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56981 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude95 taxi\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56983 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude97 automobile\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56985 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude99 recreational vehicle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56986 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude9a delivery truck\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56994 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea2 ship\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56996 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea4 speedboat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56997 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea5 horizontal traffic light\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56999 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea7 construction sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57000 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea8 police cars revolving light\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57001 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea9 triangular flag on post\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57002 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeaa door\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57003 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeab no entry sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57004 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeac smoking symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57005 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udead no smoking symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57010 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb2 bicycle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57014 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb6 pedestrian\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57017 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb9 mens symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57018 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeba womens symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57019 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udebb restroom\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57020 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udebc baby symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57021 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udebd toilet\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57022 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udebe water closet\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57024 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udec0 bath\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9410 +\f1 \\u24c2 circled latin capital letter m\ + +\f3 \uc0\u55356 \u56688 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd70 negative squared latin capital letter a\ + +\f3 \uc0\u55356 \u56689 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd71 negative squared latin capital letter b\ + +\f3 \uc0\u55356 \u56702 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd7e negative squared latin capital letter o\ + +\f3 \uc0\u55356 \u56703 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd7f negative squared latin capital letter p\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56718 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd8e negative squared ab\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56721 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd91 squared cl\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56722 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd92 squared cool\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56723 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd93 squared free\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56724 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd94 squared id\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56725 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd95 squared new\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56726 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd96 squared ng\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56727 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd97 squared ok\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56728 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd98 squared sos\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56729 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd99 squared up with exclamation mark\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56730 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udd9a squared vs\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56809 \u55356 \u56810 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udde9\\ud83c\\uddea regional indicator symbol letter d + regional indicator symbol letter e\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56812 \u55356 \u56807 +\f1 \\ud83c\\uddec\\ud83c\\udde7 regional indicator symbol letter g + regional indicator symbol letter b\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56808 \u55356 \u56819 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udde8\\ud83c\\uddf3 regional indicator symbol letter c + regional indicator symbol letter n\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56815 \u55356 \u56821 +\f1 \\ud83c\\uddef\\ud83c\\uddf5 regional indicator symbol letter j + regional indicator symbol letter p\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56816 \u55356 \u56823 +\f1 \\ud83c\\uddf0\\ud83c\\uddf7 regional indicator symbol letter k + regional indicator symbol letter r\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56811 \u55356 \u56823 +\f1 \\ud83c\\uddeb\\ud83c\\uddf7 regional indicator symbol letter f + regional indicator symbol letter r\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56810 \u55356 \u56824 +\f1 \\ud83c\\uddea\\ud83c\\uddf8 regional indicator symbol letter e + regional indicator symbol letter s\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56814 \u55356 \u56825 +\f1 \\ud83c\\uddee\\ud83c\\uddf9 regional indicator symbol letter i + regional indicator symbol letter t\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56826 \u55356 \u56824 +\f1 \\ud83c\\uddfa\\ud83c\\uddf8 regional indicator symbol letter u + regional indicator symbol letter s\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56823 \u55356 \u56826 +\f1 \\ud83c\\uddf7\\ud83c\\uddfa regional indicator symbol letter r + regional indicator symbol letter u\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56833 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude01 squared katakana koko\ + +\f3 \uc0\u55356 \u56834 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude02 squared katakana sa\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56858 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude1a squared cjk unified ideograph-7121\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56879 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude2f squared cjk unified ideograph-6307\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56882 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude32 squared cjk unified ideograph-7981\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56883 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude33 squared cjk unified ideograph-7a7a\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56884 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude34 squared cjk unified ideograph-5408\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56885 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude35 squared cjk unified ideograph-6e80\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56886 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude36 squared cjk unified ideograph-6709\ + +\f3 \uc0\u55356 \u56887 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude37 squared cjk unified ideograph-6708\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56888 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude38 squared cjk unified ideograph-7533\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56889 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude39 squared cjk unified ideograph-5272\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56890 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude3a squared cjk unified ideograph-55b6\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56912 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude50 circled ideograph advantage\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56913 +\f1 \\ud83c\\ude51 circled ideograph accept\ +\'a9 \\ua9 copyright sign\ +\'ae \\uae registered sign\ +\uc0\u8252 \\u203c double exclamation mark\ +\uc0\u8265 \\u2049 exclamation question mark\ + +\f4 8\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u38\\u20e3 digit eight + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 9\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u39\\u20e3 digit nine + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 7\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u37\\u20e3 digit seven + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 6\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u36\\u20e3 digit six + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 1\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u31\\u20e3 digit one + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 0\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u30\\u20e3 digit zero + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 2\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u32\\u20e3 digit two + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 3\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u33\\u20e3 digit three + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 5\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u35\\u20e3 digit five + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 4\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u34\\u20e3 digit four + combining enclosing keycap\ + +\f4 #\uc0\u8419 +\f1 \\u23\\u20e3 number sign + combining enclosing keycap\ +\'99 \\u2122 trade mark sign\ + +\f5 \uc0\u8505 +\f1 \\u2139 information source\ + +\f3 \uc0\u8596 +\f1 \\u2194 left right arrow\ + +\f6 \uc0\u8597 +\f1 \\u2195 up down arrow\ + +\f4 \uc0\u8598 +\f1 \\u2196 north west arrow\ + +\f3 \uc0\u8599 +\f1 \\u2197 north east arrow\ + +\f4 \uc0\u8600 +\f1 \\u2198 south east arrow\ + +\f3 \uc0\u8601 +\f1 \\u2199 south west arrow\ + +\f4 \uc0\u8617 +\f1 \\u21a9 leftwards arrow with hook\ + +\f4 \uc0\u8618 +\f1 \\u21aa rightwards arrow with hook\ + +\f0 \uc0\u8986 +\f1 \\u231a watch\ + +\f0 \uc0\u8987 +\f1 \\u231b hourglass\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9193 +\f1 \\u23e9 black right-pointing double triangle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9194 +\f1 \\u23ea black left-pointing double triangle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9195 +\f1 \\u23eb black up-pointing double triangle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9196 +\f1 \\u23ec black down-pointing double triangle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9200 +\f1 \\u23f0 alarm clock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9203 +\f1 \\u23f3 hourglass with flowing sand\ + +\f4 \uc0\u9642 +\f1 \\u25aa black small square\ + +\f4 \uc0\u9643 +\f1 \\u25ab white small square\ + +\f4 \uc0\u9654 +\f1 \\u25b6 black right-pointing triangle\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9664 +\f1 \\u25c0 black left-pointing triangle\ + +\f7 \uc0\u9723 +\f1 \\u25fb white medium square\ + +\f7 \uc0\u9724 +\f1 \\u25fc black medium square\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9725 +\f1 \\u25fd white medium small square\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9726 +\f1 \\u25fe black medium small square\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9728 +\f1 \\u2600 black sun with rays\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9729 +\f1 \\u2601 cloud\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9742 +\f1 \\u260e black telephone\ + +\f5 \uc0\u9745 +\f1 \\u2611 ballot box with check\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9748 +\f1 \\u2614 umbrella with rain drops\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9749 +\f1 \\u2615 hot beverage\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9757 +\f1 \\u261d white up pointing index\ + +\f6 \uc0\u9786 +\f1 \\u263a white smiling face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9800 +\f1 \\u2648 aries\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9801 +\f1 \\u2649 taurus\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9802 +\f1 \\u264a gemini\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9803 +\f1 \\u264b cancer\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9804 +\f1 \\u264c leo\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9805 +\f1 \\u264d virgo\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9806 +\f1 \\u264e libra\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9807 +\f1 \\u264f scorpius\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9808 +\f1 \\u2650 sagittarius\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9809 +\f1 \\u2651 capricorn\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9810 +\f1 \\u2652 aquarius\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9811 +\f1 \\u2653 pisces\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9824 +\f1 \\u2660 black spade suit\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9827 +\f1 \\u2663 black club suit\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9829 +\f1 \\u2665 black heart suit\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9830 +\f1 \\u2666 black diamond suit\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9832 +\f1 \\u2668 hot springs\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9851 +\f1 \\u267b black universal recycling symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9855 +\f1 \\u267f wheelchair symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9875 +\f1 \\u2693 anchor\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9888 +\f1 \\u26a0 warning sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9889 +\f1 \\u26a1 high voltage sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9898 +\f1 \\u26aa medium white circle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9899 +\f1 \\u26ab medium black circle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9917 +\f1 \\u26bd soccer ball\ + +\f3 \uc0\u9918 +\f1 \\u26be baseball\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9924 +\f1 \\u26c4 snowman without snow\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9925 +\f1 \\u26c5 sun behind cloud\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9934 +\f1 \\u26ce ophiuchus\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9940 +\f1 \\u26d4 no entry\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9962 +\f1 \\u26ea church\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9970 +\f1 \\u26f2 fountain\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9971 +\f1 \\u26f3 flag in hole\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9973 +\f1 \\u26f5 sailboat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9978 +\f1 \\u26fa tent\ + +\f0 \uc0\u9981 +\f1 \\u26fd fuel pump\ + +\f3 \uc0\u10548 +\f1 \\u2934 arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards\ + +\f3 \uc0\u10549 +\f1 \\u2935 arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards\ + +\f3 \uc0\u11013 +\f1 \\u2b05 leftwards black arrow\ + +\f3 \uc0\u11014 +\f1 \\u2b06 upwards black arrow\ + +\f3 \uc0\u11015 +\f1 \\u2b07 downwards black arrow\ + +\f0 \uc0\u11035 +\f1 \\u2b1b black large square\ + +\f0 \uc0\u11036 +\f1 \\u2b1c white large square\ + +\f0 \uc0\u11088 +\f1 \\u2b50 white medium star\ + +\f0 \uc0\u11093 +\f1 \\u2b55 heavy large circle\ + +\f3 \uc0\u12336 +\f1 \\u3030 wavy dash\ + +\f3 \uc0\u12349 +\f1 \\u303d part alternation mark\ + +\f3 \uc0\u12951 +\f1 \\u3297 circled ideograph congratulation\ + +\f3 \uc0\u12953 +\f1 \\u3299 circled ideograph secret\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56324 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udc04 mahjong tile red dragon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u56527 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udccf playing card black joker\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57088 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf00 cyclone\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57089 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf01 foggy\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57090 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf02 closed umbrella\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57091 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf03 night with stars\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57092 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf04 sunrise over mountains\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57093 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf05 sunrise\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57094 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf06 cityscape at dusk\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57095 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf07 sunset over buildings\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57096 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf08 rainbow\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57097 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf09 bridge at night\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57098 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf0a water wave\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57099 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf0b volcano\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57100 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf0c milky way\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57103 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf0f earth globe asia-australia\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57105 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf11 new moon symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57107 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf13 first quarter moon symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57108 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf14 waxing gibbous moon symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57109 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf15 full moon symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57113 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf19 crescent moon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57115 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf1b first quarter moon with face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57119 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf1f glowing star\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57120 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf20 shooting star\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57136 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf30 chestnut\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57137 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf31 seedling\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57140 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf34 palm tree\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57141 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf35 cactus\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57143 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf37 tulip\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57144 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf38 cherry blossom\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57145 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf39 rose\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57146 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf3a hibiscus\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57147 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf3b sunflower\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57148 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf3c blossom\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57149 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf3d ear of maize\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57150 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf3e ear of rice\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57151 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf3f herb\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57152 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf40 four leaf clover\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57153 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf41 maple leaf\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57154 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf42 fallen leaf\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57155 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf43 leaf fluttering in wind\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57156 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf44 mushroom\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57157 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf45 tomato\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57158 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf46 aubergine\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57159 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf47 grapes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57160 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf48 melon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57161 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf49 watermelon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57162 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf4a tangerine\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57164 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf4c banana\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57165 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf4d pineapple\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57166 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf4e red apple\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57167 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf4f green apple\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57169 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf51 peach\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57170 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf52 cherries\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57171 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf53 strawberry\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57172 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf54 hamburger\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57173 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf55 slice of pizza\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57174 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf56 meat on bone\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57175 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf57 poultry leg\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57176 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf58 rice cracker\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57177 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf59 rice ball\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57178 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf5a cooked rice\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57179 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf5b curry and rice\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57180 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf5c steaming bowl\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57181 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf5d spaghetti\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57182 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf5e bread\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57183 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf5f french fries\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57184 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf60 roasted sweet potato\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57185 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf61 dango\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57186 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf62 oden\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57187 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf63 sushi\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57188 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf64 fried shrimp\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57189 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf65 fish cake with swirl design\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57190 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf66 soft ice cream\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57191 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf67 shaved ice\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57192 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf68 ice cream\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57193 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf69 doughnut\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57194 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf6a cookie\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57195 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf6b chocolate bar\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57196 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf6c candy\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57197 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf6d lollipop\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57198 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf6e custard\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57199 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf6f honey pot\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57200 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf70 shortcake\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57201 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf71 bento box\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57202 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf72 pot of food\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57203 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf73 cooking\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57204 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf74 fork and knife\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57205 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf75 teacup without handle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57206 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf76 sake bottle and cup\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57207 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf77 wine glass\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57208 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf78 cocktail glass\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57209 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf79 tropical drink\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57210 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf7a beer mug\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57211 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf7b clinking beer mugs\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57216 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf80 ribbon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57217 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf81 wrapped present\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57218 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf82 birthday cake\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57219 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf83 jack-o-lantern\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57220 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf84 christmas tree\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57221 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf85 father christmas\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57222 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf86 fireworks\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57223 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf87 firework sparkler\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57224 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf88 balloon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57225 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf89 party popper\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57226 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf8a confetti ball\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57227 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf8b tanabata tree\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57228 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf8c crossed flags\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57229 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf8d pine decoration\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57230 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf8e japanese dolls\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57231 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf8f carp streamer\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57232 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf90 wind chime\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57233 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf91 moon viewing ceremony\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57234 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf92 school satchel\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57235 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf93 graduation cap\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57248 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa0 carousel horse\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57249 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa1 ferris wheel\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57250 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa2 roller coaster\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57251 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa3 fishing pole and fish\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57252 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa4 microphone\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57253 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa5 movie camera\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57254 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa6 cinema\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57255 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa7 headphone\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57256 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa8 artist palette\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57257 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfa9 top hat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57258 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfaa circus tent\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57259 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfab ticket\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57260 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfac clapper board\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57261 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfad performing arts\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57262 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfae video game\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57263 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfaf direct hit\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57264 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb0 slot machine\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57265 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb1 billiards\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57266 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb2 game die\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57267 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb3 bowling\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57268 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb4 flower playing cards\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57269 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb5 musical note\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57270 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb6 multiple musical notes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57271 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb7 saxophone\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57272 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb8 guitar\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57273 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfb9 musical keyboard\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57274 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfba trumpet\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57275 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfbb violin\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57276 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfbc musical score\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57277 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfbd running shirt with sash\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57278 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfbe tennis racquet and ball\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57279 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfbf ski and ski boot\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57280 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfc0 basketball and hoop\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57281 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfc1 chequered flag\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57282 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfc2 snowboarder\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57283 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfc3 runner\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57284 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfc4 surfer\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57286 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfc6 trophy\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57288 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfc8 american football\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57290 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfca swimmer\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57312 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe0 house building\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57313 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe1 house with garden\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57314 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe2 office building\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57315 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe3 japanese post office\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57317 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe5 hospital\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57318 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe6 bank\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57319 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe7 automated teller machine\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57320 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe8 hotel\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57321 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe9 love hotel\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57322 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfea convenience store\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57323 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfeb school\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57324 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfec department store\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57325 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfed factory\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57326 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfee izakaya lantern\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57327 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfef japanese castle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57328 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udff0 european castle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56332 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc0c snail\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56333 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc0d snake\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56334 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc0e horse\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56337 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc11 sheep\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56338 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc12 monkey\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56340 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc14 chicken\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56343 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc17 boar\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56344 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc18 elephant\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56345 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc19 octopus\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56346 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc1a spiral shell\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56347 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc1b bug\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56348 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc1c ant\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56349 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc1d honeybee\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56350 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc1e lady beetle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56351 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc1f fish\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56352 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc20 tropical fish\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56353 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc21 blowfish\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56354 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc22 turtle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56355 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc23 hatching chick\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56356 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc24 baby chick\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56357 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc25 front-facing baby chick\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56358 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc26 bird\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56359 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc27 penguin\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56360 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc28 koala\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56361 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc29 poodle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56363 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc2b bactrian camel\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56364 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc2c dolphin\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56365 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc2d mouse face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56366 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc2e cow face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56367 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc2f tiger face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56368 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc30 rabbit face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56369 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc31 cat face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56370 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc32 dragon face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56371 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc33 spouting whale\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56372 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc34 horse face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56373 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc35 monkey face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56374 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc36 dog face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56375 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc37 pig face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56376 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc38 frog face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56377 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc39 hamster face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56378 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc3a wolf face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56379 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc3b bear face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56380 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc3c panda face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56381 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc3d pig nose\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56382 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc3e paw prints\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56384 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc40 eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56386 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc42 ear\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56387 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc43 nose\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56388 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc44 mouth\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56389 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc45 tongue\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56390 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc46 white up pointing backhand index\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56391 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc47 white down pointing backhand index\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56392 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc48 white left pointing backhand index\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56393 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc49 white right pointing backhand index\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56394 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc4a fisted hand sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56395 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc4b waving hand sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56396 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc4c ok hand sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56397 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc4d thumbs up sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56398 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc4e thumbs down sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56399 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc4f clapping hands sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56400 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc50 open hands sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56401 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc51 crown\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56402 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc52 womans hat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56403 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc53 eyeglasses\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56404 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc54 necktie\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56405 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc55 t-shirt\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56406 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc56 jeans\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56407 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc57 dress\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56408 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc58 kimono\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56409 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc59 bikini\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56410 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc5a womans clothes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56411 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc5b purse\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56412 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc5c handbag\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56413 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc5d pouch\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56414 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc5e mans shoe\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56415 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc5f athletic shoe\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56416 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc60 high-heeled shoe\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56417 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc61 womans sandal\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56418 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc62 womans boots\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56419 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc63 footprints\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56420 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc64 bust in silhouette\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56422 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc66 boy\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56423 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc67 girl\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56424 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc68 man\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56425 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc69 woman\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56426 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc6a family\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56427 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc6b man and woman holding hands\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56430 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc6e police officer\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56431 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc6f woman with bunny ears\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56432 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc70 bride with veil\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56433 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc71 person with blond hair\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56434 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc72 man with gua pi mao\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56435 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc73 man with turban\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56436 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc74 older man\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56437 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc75 older woman\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56438 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc76 baby\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56439 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc77 construction worker\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56440 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc78 princess\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56441 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc79 japanese ogre\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56442 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc7a japanese goblin\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56443 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc7b ghost\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56444 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc7c baby angel\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56445 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc7d extraterrestrial alien\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56446 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc7e alien monster\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56447 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc7f imp\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56448 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc80 skull\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56449 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc81 information desk person\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56450 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc82 guardsman\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56451 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc83 dancer\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56452 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc84 lipstick\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56453 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc85 nail polish\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56454 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc86 face massage\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56455 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc87 haircut\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56456 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc88 barber pole\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56457 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc89 syringe\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56458 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc8a pill\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56459 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc8b kiss mark\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56460 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc8c love letter\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56461 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc8d ring\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56462 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc8e gem stone\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56463 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc8f kiss\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56464 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc90 bouquet\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56465 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc91 couple with heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56466 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc92 wedding\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56467 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc93 beating heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56468 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc94 broken heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56469 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc95 two hearts\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56470 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc96 sparkling heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56471 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc97 growing heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56472 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc98 heart with arrow\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56473 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc99 blue heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56474 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc9a green heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56475 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc9b yellow heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56476 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc9c purple heart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56477 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc9d heart with ribbon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56478 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc9e revolving hearts\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56479 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc9f heart decoration\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56480 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca0 diamond shape with a dot inside\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56481 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca1 electric light bulb\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56482 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca2 anger symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56483 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca3 bomb\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56484 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca4 sleeping symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56485 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca5 collision symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56486 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca6 splashing sweat symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56487 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca7 droplet\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56488 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca8 dash symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56489 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udca9 pile of poo\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56490 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcaa flexed biceps\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56491 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcab dizzy symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56492 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcac speech balloon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56494 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcae white flower\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56495 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcaf hundred points symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56496 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb0 money bag\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56497 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb1 currency exchange\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56498 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb2 heavy dollar sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56499 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb3 credit card\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56500 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb4 banknote with yen sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56501 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb5 banknote with dollar sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56504 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb8 money with wings\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56505 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb9 chart with upwards trend and yen sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56506 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcba seat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56507 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcbb personal computer\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56508 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcbc briefcase\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56509 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcbd minidisc\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56510 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcbe floppy disk\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56511 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcbf optical disc\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56512 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc0 dvd\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56513 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc1 file folder\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56514 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc2 open file folder\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56515 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc3 page with curl\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56516 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc4 page facing up\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56517 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc5 calendar\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56518 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc6 tear-off calendar\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56519 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc7 card index\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56520 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc8 chart with upwards trend\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56521 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcc9 chart with downwards trend\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56522 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcca bar chart\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56523 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udccb clipboard\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56524 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udccc pushpin\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56525 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udccd round pushpin\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56526 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcce paperclip\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56527 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udccf straight ruler\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56528 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd0 triangular ruler\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56529 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd1 bookmark tabs\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56530 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd2 ledger\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56531 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd3 notebook\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56532 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd4 notebook with decorative cover\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56533 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd5 closed book\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56534 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd6 open book\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56535 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd7 green book\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56536 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd8 blue book\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56537 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcd9 orange book\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56538 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcda books\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56539 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcdb name badge\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56540 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcdc scroll\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56541 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcdd memo\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56542 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcde telephone receiver\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56543 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcdf pager\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56544 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce0 fax machine\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56545 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce1 satellite antenna\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56546 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce2 public address loudspeaker\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56547 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce3 cheering megaphone\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56548 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce4 outbox tray\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56549 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce5 inbox tray\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56550 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce6 package\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56551 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce7 e-mail symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56552 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce8 incoming envelope\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56553 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udce9 envelope with downwards arrow above\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56554 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcea closed mailbox with lowered flag\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56555 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udceb closed mailbox with raised flag\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56558 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcee postbox\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56560 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcf0 newspaper\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56561 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcf1 mobile phone\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56562 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcf2 mobile phone with rightwards arrow at left\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56563 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcf3 vibration mode\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56564 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcf4 mobile phone off\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56566 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcf6 antenna with bars\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56567 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcf7 camera\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56569 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcf9 video camera\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56570 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcfa television\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56571 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcfb radio\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56572 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcfc videocassette\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56579 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd03 clockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56586 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd0a speaker with three sound waves\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56587 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd0b battery\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56588 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd0c electric plug\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56589 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd0d left-pointing magnifying glass\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56590 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd0e right-pointing magnifying glass\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56591 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd0f lock with ink pen\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56592 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd10 closed lock with key\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56593 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd11 key\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56594 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd12 lock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56595 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd13 open lock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56596 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd14 bell\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56598 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd16 bookmark\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56599 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd17 link symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56600 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd18 radio button\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56601 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd19 back with leftwards arrow above\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56602 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd1a end with leftwards arrow above\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56603 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd1b on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56604 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd1c soon with rightwards arrow above\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56605 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd1d top with upwards arrow above\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56606 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd1e no one under eighteen symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56607 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd1f keycap ten\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56608 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd20 input symbol for latin capital letters\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56609 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd21 input symbol for latin small letters\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56610 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd22 input symbol for numbers\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56611 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd23 input symbol for symbols\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56612 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd24 input symbol for latin letters\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56613 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd25 fire\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56614 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd26 electric torch\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56615 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd27 wrench\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56616 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd28 hammer\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56617 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd29 nut and bolt\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56618 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd2a hocho\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56619 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd2b pistol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56622 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd2e crystal ball\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56623 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd2f six pointed star with middle dot\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56624 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd30 japanese symbol for beginner\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56625 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd31 trident emblem\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56626 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd32 black square button\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56627 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd33 white square button\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56628 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd34 large red circle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd35 large blue circle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56630 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd36 large orange diamond\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56631 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd37 large blue diamond\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56632 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd38 small orange diamond\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56633 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd39 small blue diamond\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56634 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd3a up-pointing red triangle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56635 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd3b down-pointing red triangle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56636 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd3c up-pointing small red triangle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56637 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd3d down-pointing small red triangle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56656 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd50 clock face one oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56657 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd51 clock face two oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56658 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd52 clock face three oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56659 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd53 clock face four oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56660 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd54 clock face five oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56661 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd55 clock face six oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56662 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd56 clock face seven oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56663 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd57 clock face eight oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56664 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd58 clock face nine oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56665 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd59 clock face ten oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56666 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd5a clock face eleven oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56667 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd5b clock face twelve oclock\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56827 +\f1 \\ud83d\\uddfb mount fuji\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56828 +\f1 \\ud83d\\uddfc tokyo tower\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56829 +\f1 \\ud83d\\uddfd statue of liberty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56830 +\f1 \\ud83d\\uddfe silhouette of japan\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56831 +\f1 \\ud83d\\uddff moyai\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56832 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude00 grinning face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56839 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude07 smiling face with halo\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56840 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude08 smiling face with horns\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56846 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude0e smiling face with sunglasses\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56848 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude10 neutral face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56849 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude11 expressionless face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56853 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude15 confused face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56855 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude17 kissing face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56857 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude19 kissing face with smiling eyes\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56859 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude1b face with stuck-out tongue\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56863 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude1f worried face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56870 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude26 frowning face with open mouth\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56871 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude27 anguished face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56876 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude2c grimacing face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56878 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude2e face with open mouth\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56879 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude2f hushed face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56884 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude34 sleeping face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56886 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude36 face without mouth\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56961 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude81 helicopter\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56962 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude82 steam locomotive\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56966 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude86 train\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56968 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude88 light rail\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56970 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude8a tram\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56973 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude8d oncoming bus\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56974 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude8e trolleybus\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56976 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude90 minibus\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56980 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude94 oncoming police car\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56982 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude96 oncoming taxi\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56984 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude98 oncoming automobile\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56987 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude9b articulated lorry\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56988 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude9c tractor\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56989 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude9d monorail\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56990 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude9e mountain railway\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56991 +\f1 \\ud83d\\ude9f suspension railway\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56992 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea0 mountain cableway\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56993 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea1 aerial tramway\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56995 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea3 rowboat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56998 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udea6 vertical traffic light\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57006 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeae put litter in its place symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57007 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeaf do not litter symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57008 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb0 potable water symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57009 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb1 non-potable water symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57011 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb3 no bicycles\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57012 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb4 bicyclist\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57013 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb5 mountain bicyclist\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57015 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb7 no pedestrians\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57016 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udeb8 children crossing\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57023 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udebf shower\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57025 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udec1 bathtub\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57026 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udec2 passport control\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57027 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udec3 customs\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57028 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udec4 baggage claim\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u57029 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udec5 left luggage\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57101 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf0d earth globe europe-africa\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57102 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf0e earth globe americas\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57104 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf10 globe with meridians\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57106 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf12 waxing crescent moon symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57110 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf16 waning gibbous moon symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57111 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf17 last quarter moon symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57112 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf18 waning crescent moon symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57114 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf1a new moon with face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57116 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf1c last quarter moon with face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57117 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf1d full moon with face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57118 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf1e sun with face\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57138 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf32 evergreen tree\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57139 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf33 deciduous tree\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57163 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf4b lemon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57168 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf50 pear\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57212 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udf7c baby bottle\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57287 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfc7 horse racing\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57289 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfc9 rugby football\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55356 \u57316 +\f1 \\ud83c\\udfe4 european post office\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56320 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc00 rat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56321 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc01 mouse\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56322 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc02 ox\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56323 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc03 water buffalo\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56324 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc04 cow\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56325 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc05 tiger\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56326 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc06 leopard\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56327 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc07 rabbit\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56328 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc08 cat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56329 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc09 dragon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56330 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc0a crocodile\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56331 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc0b whale\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56335 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc0f ram\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56336 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc10 goat\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56339 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc13 rooster\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56341 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc15 dog\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56342 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc16 pig\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56362 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc2a dromedary camel\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56421 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc65 busts in silhouette\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56428 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc6c two men holding hands\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56429 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udc6d two women holding hands\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56493 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcad thought balloon\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56502 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb6 banknote with euro sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56503 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcb7 banknote with pound sign\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56556 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcec open mailbox with raised flag\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56557 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udced open mailbox with lowered flag\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56559 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcef postal horn\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56565 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udcf5 no mobile phones\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56576 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd00 twisted rightwards arrows\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56577 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd01 clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56578 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd02 clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows with circled one overlay\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56580 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd04 anticlockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56581 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd05 low brightness symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56582 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd06 high brightness symbol\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56583 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd07 speaker with cancellation stroke\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56585 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd09 speaker with one sound wave\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56597 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd15 bell with cancellation stroke\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56620 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd2c microscope\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56621 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd2d telescope\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56668 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd5c clock face one-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56669 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd5d clock face two-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56670 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd5e clock face three-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56671 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd5f clock face four-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56672 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd60 clock face five-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56673 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd61 clock face six-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56674 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd62 clock face seven-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56675 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd63 clock face eight-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56676 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd64 clock face nine-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56677 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd65 clock face ten-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56678 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd66 clock face eleven-thirty\ + +\f0 \uc0\u55357 \u56679 +\f1 \\ud83d\\udd67 clock face twelve-thirty} \ No newline at end of file