diff --git a/src/core/reference.js b/src/core/reference.js
index 76fa454e8a..52ff833fd8 100644
--- a/src/core/reference.js
+++ b/src/core/reference.js
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
* contain a creature's x-coordinate as a `Number` or its name as a
* `String`. Variables can change value by reassigning them as follows:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Declare the variable x and assign it the value 10.
* let x = 10;
* // Reassign x to 50.
* x = 50;
- *
+ * ```
* Variables have block scope. When a variable is declared between curly
* braces `{}`, it only exists within the block defined by those braces. For
* example, the following code would throw a `ReferenceError` because `x` is
* declared within the `setup()` function's block:
- *
+ * ```js
* function setup() {
* createCanvas(100, 100);
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
* // x was declared in setup(), so it can't be referenced here.
* circle(x, 50, 20);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* Variables declared outside of all curly braces `{}` are in the global
* scope. A variable that's in the global scope can be used and changed
* anywhere in a sketch:
- *
+ * ```js
* let x = 50;
* function setup() {
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
* circle(x, 50, 20);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* @property let
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
* condition. For example, an `if` statement makes it easy to express the
* idea "Draw a circle if the mouse is pressed.":
- *
+ * ```js
* if (mouseIsPressed === true) {
* circle(mouseX, mouseY, 20);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* The statement header begins with the keyword `if`. The expression in
* parentheses `mouseIsPressed === true` is a `Boolean` expression that's
@@ -129,18 +129,18 @@
* always `true` or `false`, so the code snippet above could also be written
* as follows:
- *
+ * ```js
* if (mouseIsPressed) {
* circle(mouseX, mouseY, 20);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* An `if`-`else` statement adds a block of code that runs if the `Boolean`
* expression is `false`. For example, here's an `if`-`else` statement that
* expresses the idea "Draw a circle if the mouse is pressed. Otherwise,
* display a message.":
- *
+ * ```js
* if (mouseIsPressed === true) {
* // When true.
* circle(mouseX, mouseY, 20);
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
* // When false.
* text('Click me!', 50, 50);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* There are two possible paths, or branches, in this code snippet. The
* program must follow one branch or the other.
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
* is in the middle, paint the canvas gray. Otherwise, paint the canvas
* black.":
- *
+ * ```js
* if (mouseX < 33) {
* background(255);
* } else if (mouseX < 67) {
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
* } else {
* background(0);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* `if` statements can add as many `else`-`if` statements as needed. However,
* there can only be one `else` statement and it must be last.
@@ -177,11 +177,11 @@
* example, the `Boolean` operator `&&` (AND) checks whether two expressions
* are both `true`:
- *
+ * ```js
* if (keyIsPressed === true && key === 'p') {
* text('You pressed the "p" key!', 50, 50);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* If the user is pressing a key AND that key is `'p'`, then a message will
* display.
@@ -189,11 +189,11 @@
* The `Boolean` operator `||` (OR) checks whether at least one of two
* expressions is `true`:
- *
+ * ```js
* if (keyIsPressed === true || mouseIsPressed === true) {
* text('You did something!', 50, 50);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* If the user presses a key, or presses a mouse button, or both, then a
* message will display.
@@ -201,15 +201,15 @@
* The body of an `if` statement can contain another `if` statement. This is
* called a "nested `if` statement." For example, nested `if` statements make
* it easy to express the idea "If a key is pressed, then check if the key is
- * 'r'. If it is, then set the fill to red.":
+ * `'r'`. If it is, then set the fill to red.":
- *
+ * ```js
* if (keyIsPressed === true) {
* if (key === 'r') {
* fill('red');
* }
* }
- *
+ * ```
* See Boolean and Number
* to learn more about these data types and the operations they support.
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
* help with organizing and reusing code. For example, functions make it easy
* to express the idea "Draw a flower.":
- *
+ * ```js
* function drawFlower() {
* // Style the text.
* textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
@@ -330,23 +330,23 @@
* // Draw a flower emoji.
* text('🌸', 50, 50);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* The function header begins with the keyword `function`. The function's
* name, `drawFlower`, is followed by parentheses `()` and curly braces `{}`.
* The code between the curly braces is called the function's body. The
* function's body runs when the function is called like so:
- *
+ * ```js
* drawFlower();
- *
+ * ```
* Functions can accept inputs by adding parameters to their headers.
* Parameters are placeholders for values that will be provided when the
* function is called. For example, the `drawFlower()` function could include
* a parameter for the flower's size:
- *
+ * ```js
* function drawFlower(size) {
* // Style the text.
* textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
@@ -357,23 +357,23 @@
* // Draw a flower emoji.
* text('🌸', 50, 50);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* Parameters are part of the function's declaration. Arguments are provided
* by the code that calls a function. When a function is called, arguments are
* assigned to parameters:
- *
+ * ```js
* // The argument 20 is assigned to the parameter size.
* drawFlower(20);
- *
+ * ```
* Functions can have multiple parameters separated by commas. Parameters
* can have any type. For example, the `drawFlower()` function could accept
* `Number` parameters for the flower's x- and y-coordinates along with its
* size:
- *
+ * ```js
* function drawFlower(x, y, size) {
* // Style the text.
* textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
@@ -385,25 +385,25 @@
* // Use the x and y parameters.
* text('🌸', x, y);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* Functions can also produce outputs by adding a `return` statement:
- *
+ * ```js
* function double(x) {
* let answer = 2 * x;
* return answer;
* }
- *
+ * ```
* The expression following `return` can produce an output that's used
* elsewhere. For example, the output of the `double()` function can be
* assigned to a variable:
- *
+ * ```js
* let six = double(3);
* text(`3 x 2 = ${six}`, 50, 50);
- *
+ * ```
* @property function
@@ -507,13 +507,13 @@
* "Is a mouse button being pressed?" must be either `true` or
* `false`:
- *
+ * ```js
* // If the user presses the mouse, draw a circle at
* // the mouse's location.
* if (mouseIsPressed === true) {
* circle(mouseX, mouseY, 20);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* The `if` statement checks whether
* mouseIsPressed is `true` and draws a
@@ -531,20 +531,20 @@
* always `true` or `false`, so the code snippet above could also be written
* as follows:
- *
+ * ```js
* if (mouseIsPressed) {
* circle(mouseX, mouseY, 20);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* The `!==` operator (NOT EQUAL) checks whether two values are not equal, as
* in the following example:
- *
+ * ```js
* if (2 + 2 !== 4) {
* text('War is peace.', 50, 50);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* Starting from the left, the arithmetic expression `2 + 2` produces the
* value `4`. The `Boolean` expression `4 !== 4` evaluates to `false` because
@@ -556,11 +556,11 @@
* The `Boolean` operator `&&` (AND) checks whether two expressions are both
* `true`:
- *
+ * ```js
* if (keyIsPressed === true && key === 'p') {
* text('You pressed the "p" key!', 50, 50);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* If the user is pressing a key AND that key is `'p'`, then a message will
* display.
@@ -568,11 +568,11 @@
* The `Boolean` operator `||` (OR) checks whether at least one of two
* expressions is `true`:
- *
+ * ```js
* if (keyIsPressed === true || mouseIsPressed === true) {
* text('You did something!', 50, 50);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* If the user presses a key, or presses a mouse button, or both, then a
* message will display.
@@ -580,26 +580,27 @@
* The following truth table summarizes a few common scenarios with `&&` and
* `||`:
- *
+ * ```js
* true && true // true
* true && false // false
* false && false // false
* true || true // true
* true || false // true
- * false || false // true
- *
+ * false || false // false
+ * ```
* The relational operators `>`, `<`, `>=`, and `<=` also produce `Boolean`
* values:
- *
+ * ```js
* 2 > 1 // true
* 2 < 1 // false
* 2 >= 2 // true
* 2 <= 2 // true
- *
+ * ```
- * See Number for more information about `Number`s.
+ * See if for more information about `if` statements and
+ * Number for more information about `Number`s.
* @property Boolean
@@ -663,8 +664,8 @@
- *
+ *
@@ -712,34 +713,34 @@
* The `String` data type is helpful for working with text. For example, a
* string could contain a welcome message:
- *
* // Click the canvas to begin detecting key presses.
* // Create a Boolean variable.
@@ -702,8 +703,8 @@
* isPlaying = true;
* }
* }
- *
+ * ```js
* // Use a string literal.
* text('Hello!', 10, 10);
- *
+ * ```
- *
+ * ```js
* // Create a string variable.
* let message = 'Hello!';
* // Use the string variable.
* text(message, 10, 10);
- *
+ * ```
* The most common way to create strings is to use some form of quotations as
* follows:
- *
+ * ```js
* text("hi", 50, 50);
- *
+ * ```
- *
+ * ```js
* text('hi', 50, 50);
- *
+ * ```
- *
+ * ```js
* text(`hi`, 50, 50);
- *
- *
+ * ```
+ *
* `"hi"`, `'hi'`, and ``hi`` are all string literals. A "literal" means a
* value was actually written, as in `text('hi', 50, 50)`. By contrast,
* `text(message, 50, 50)` uses the variable `message`, so it isn't a string
@@ -748,61 +749,61 @@
* Single quotes `''` and double quotes `""` mean the same thing. It's nice to
* have the option for cases when a string contains one type of quote:
- *
+ * ```js
* text("What's up?", 50, 50);
- *
+ * ```
- *
+ * ```js
* text('Air quotes make you look "cool."', 50, 50);
- *
+ * ```
- * Backticks ```` create template literals. Template literals have many uses.
+ * Backticks ` `` ` create template literals. Template literals have many uses.
* For example, they can contain both single and double quotes as needed:
- *
- * text(`"Don't you forget about me"`, 10, 10);
- *
+ * ```js
+ * text(`"Don't you forget about me"`, 10, 10);
+ * ```
* Template literals are helpful when strings are created from variables like
* so:
- *
+ * ```js
* let size = random(10, 20);
* circle(50, 50, size);
* text(`The circle's diameter is ${size} pixels.`, 10, 10);
- *
+ * ```
* The `size` variable's value will replace `${size}` when the string is
* created. `${}` is a placeholder for any value. That means an expression can
* be used, as in `${round(PI, 3)}`. All of the following are valid template
* literals:
- *
+ * ```js
* text(`π is about ${round(PI, 2)} pixels.`, 10, 10);
* text(`It's ${mouseX < width / 2} that I'm on the left half of the canvas.`, 10, 30);
- *
+ * ```
* Template literals can include several variables:
- *
+ * ```js
* let x = random(0, 100);
* let y = random(0, 100);
* let size = random(10, 20);
* circle(x, y, size);
* text(`The circle at (${x}, ${y}) has a diameter of ${size} pixels.`, 10, 10);
- *
+ * ```
* Template literals are also helpful for creating multi-line text like so:
- *
+ * ```js
* let poem = `My sketch doesn't run;
* it waits for me patiently
* while bugs point the way.`;
* text(poem, 10, 10);
- *
+ * ```
* @property String
@@ -857,87 +858,87 @@
* such as 12.34. For example, a circle's position and size can be described
* by three numbers:
- *
+ * ```js
* circle(50, 50, 20);
- *
+ * ```
- *
+ * ```js
* circle(50, 50, 12.34);
- *
+ * ```
* Numbers support basic arithmetic and follow the standard order of
* operations: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition,
* and Subtraction (PEMDAS). For example, it's common to use arithmetic
* operators with p5.js' system variables that are numbers:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Draw a circle at the center.
* circle(width / 2, height / 2, 20);
- *
+ * ```
- *
+ * ```js
* // Draw a circle that moves from left to right.
* circle(frameCount * 0.01, 50, 20);
- *
+ * ```
* Here's a quick overview of the arithmetic operators:
- *
+ * ```js
* 1 + 2 // Add
* 1 - 2 // Subtract
* 1 * 2 // Multiply
* 1 / 2 // Divide
* 1 % 2 // Remainder
* 1 ** 2 // Exponentiate
- *
+ * ```
* It's common to update a number variable using arithmetic. For example, an
* object's location can be updated like so:
- *
+ * ```js
* x = x + 1;
- *
+ * ```
* The statement above adds 1 to a variable `x` using the `+` operator. The
* addition assignment operator `+=` expresses the same idea:
- *
+ * ```js
* x += 1;
- *
+ * ```
* Here's a quick overview of the assignment operators:
- *
+ * ```js
* x += 2 // Addition assignment
* x -= 2 // Subtraction assignment
* x *= 2 // Multiplication assignment
* x /= 2 // Division assignment
* x %= 2 // Remainder assignment
- *
+ * ```
* Numbers can be compared using the
* relational operators
* `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `===`, and `!==`. For example, a sketch's
* frameCount can be used as a timer:
- *
+ * ```js
* if (frameCount > 1000) {
* text('Game over!', 50, 50);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* An expression such as `frameCount > 1000` evaluates to a `Boolean` value
* that's either `true` or `false`. The relational operators all produce
* `Boolean` values:
- *
+ * ```js
* 2 > 1 // true
* 2 < 1 // false
* 2 >= 2 // true
* 2 <= 2 // true
* 2 === 2 // true
* 2 !== 2 // false
- *
+ * ```
* See Boolean for more information about comparisons and conditions.
@@ -946,10 +947,10 @@
* Expressions with numbers can also produce special values when something
* goes wrong:
- *
+ * ```js
* sqrt(-1) // NaN
* 1 / 0 // Infinity
- *
+ * ```
* The value `NaN` stands for
* Not-A-Number.
@@ -989,7 +990,7 @@
* function draw() {
* background(200);
- * circle(frameCount * 0.01, 50, 20);
+ * circle(frameCount * 0.05, 50, 20);
* }
@@ -1006,7 +1007,7 @@
* For example, an object could contain the location, size, and appearance of
* a dog:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Declare the dog variable and assign it an object.
* let dog = { x: 50, y: 50, size: 20, emoji: '🐶' };
@@ -1016,14 +1017,14 @@
* // Draw the dog.
* text(dog.emoji, dog.x, dog.y);
- *
+ * ```
* The variable `dog` is assigned an object with four properties. Objects
* are declared with curly braces `{}`. Values can be accessed using the dot
* operator, as in `dog.size`. In the example above, the key `size`
* corresponds to the value `20`. Objects can also be empty to start:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Declare a cat variable and assign it an empty object.
* let cat = {};
@@ -1039,23 +1040,23 @@
* // Draw the cat.
* text(cat.emoji, cat.x, cat.y);
- *
+ * ```
* An object's data can be updated while a sketch runs. For example, the `cat`
* could run away from the `dog` by updating its location:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Run to the right.
* cat.x += 5;
- *
+ * ```
* If needed, an object's values can be accessed using square brackets `[]`
* and strings instead of dot notation:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Run to the right.
* cat["x"] += 5;
- *
+ * ```
* This syntax can be helpful when the key's name has spaces, as in
* `cat['height (m)']`.
@@ -1083,6 +1084,7 @@
+ *
* // Declare the variable data and assign it an object with three properties.
* let data = { x: 50, y: 50, d: 20 };
@@ -1104,6 +1106,7 @@
* circle(data.x, data.y, data.d);
* }
+ *
@@ -1141,32 +1144,33 @@
* type. For example, an array could contain a list of someone's favorite
* colors as strings. Arrays are created as follows:
- *
- * let colors = ['deeppink', 'darkorchid', 'magenta'];
- *
+ * ```js
+ * let myArray = ['deeppink', 'darkorchid', 'magenta'];
+ * ```
* Each piece of data in an array is called an element. Each element has an
- * address, or index, within its array. The variable `colors` refers to an
- * array with three String> elements, `'deeppink'`,
+ * address, or index, within its array. The variable `myArray` refers to an
+ * array with three String elements, `'deeppink'`,
* `'darkorchid'`, and `'magenta'`. Arrays are zero-indexed, which means
* that `'deeppink'` is at index 0, `'darkorchid'` is at index 1, and
* '`magenta'` is at index 2. Array elements can be accessed using their
* indices as follows:
- *
- * let zeroth = colors[0]; // 'deeppink'
- * let first = colors[1]; // 'darkorchid'
- * let second = colors[2]; // 'magenta'
- *
+ * ```js
+ * let zeroth = myArray[0]; // 'deeppink'
+ * let first = myArray[1]; // 'darkorchid'
+ * let second = myArray[2]; // 'magenta'
+ * ```
- * Elements can be added to the end of an array by calling the `push()`
+ * Elements can be added to the end of an array by calling the
+ * push()
* method as follows:
- *
- * colors.push('lavender');
+ * ```js
+ * myArray.push('lavender');
- * let third = colors[3]; // 'lavender'
- *
+ * let third = myArray[3]; // 'lavender'
+ * ```
* See MDN
* for more information about arrays.
@@ -1331,9 +1335,9 @@
* are the same type. Here's an example of creating an instance of a `Frog`
* class:
- *
+ * ```js
* let fifi = new Frog(50, 50, 20);
- *
+ * ```
* The variable `fifi` refers to an instance of the `Frog` class. The keyword
* `new` is used to call the `Frog` class' constructor in the statement
@@ -1341,17 +1345,17 @@
* the variable `fifi`. Classes are templates, so they can be used to create
* more than one instance:
- *
+ * ```js
* // First Frog instance.
* let frog1 = new Frog(25, 50, 10);
* // Second Frog instance.
* let frog2 = new Frog(75, 50, 10);
- *
+ * ```
* A simple `Frog` class could be declared as follows:
- *
+ * ```js
* class Frog {
* constructor(x, y, size) {
* // This code runs once when an instance is created.
@@ -1373,7 +1377,7 @@
* this.y += random(-10, 10);
* }
* }
- *
+ * ```
* Class declarations begin with the keyword `class` followed by the class
* name, such as `Frog`, and curly braces `{}`. Class names should use
@@ -1397,7 +1401,7 @@
* coordinates when called. Once a `Frog` instance is created, its data and
* methods can be accessed using the dot operator `.` as follows:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Draw a lily pad.
* fill('green');
* stroke('green');
@@ -1408,7 +1412,7 @@
* // Hop.
* fifi.hop();
- *
+ * ```
* @property class
@@ -1688,11 +1692,11 @@
* For example, a `for` loop makes it easy to express the idea
* "draw five lines" like so:
- *
+ * ```js
* for (let x = 10; x < 100; x += 20) {
* line(x, 25, x, 75);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* The loop's header begins with the keyword `for`. Loops generally count up
* or count down as they repeat, or iterate. The statements in parentheses
@@ -1709,27 +1713,27 @@
* For example, the following loop never stops iterating because it doesn't
* count up:
- *
+ * ```js
* for (let x = 10; x < 100; x = 20) {
* line(x, 25, x, 75);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* The statement `x = 20` keeps the variable `x` stuck at `20`, which is
* always less than `100`.
* `for` loops can also count down:
- *
+ * ```js
* for (let d = 100; d > 0; d -= 10) {
* circle(50, 50, d);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* `for` loops can also contain other loops. The following nested loop draws a
* grid of points:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Loop from left to right.
* for (let x = 10; x < 100; x += 10) {
@@ -1739,13 +1743,13 @@
* }
* }
- *
+ * ```
* `for` loops are also helpful for iterating through the elements of an
* array. For example, it's common to iterate through an array that contains
* information about where or what to draw:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Create an array of x-coordinates.
* let xCoordinates = [20, 40, 60];
@@ -1756,29 +1760,29 @@
* // Draw a circle.
* circle(xCoordinates[i], 50, 20);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* If the array's values aren't modified, the `for...of` statement can
* simplify the code. They're similar to `for` loops in Python and `for-each`
* loops in C++ and Java. The following loops have the same effect:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Draw circles with a for loop.
* let xCoordinates = [20, 40, 60];
* for (let i = 0; i < xCoordinates.length; i += 1) {
* circle(xCoordinates[i], 50, 20);
* }
- *
+ * ```
- *
+ * ```js
* // Draw circles with a for...of statement.
* let xCoordinates = [20, 40, 60];
* for (let x of xCoordinates) {
* circle(x, 50, 20);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* In the code snippets above, the variables `i` and `x` have different roles.
@@ -1912,7 +1916,7 @@
* `true`. They're like `if` statements that repeat. For example, a `while`
* loop makes it easy to express the idea "draw several lines" like so:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Declare a variable to keep track of iteration.
* let x = 10;
@@ -1923,7 +1927,7 @@
* // Increment by 20.
* x += 20;
* }
- *
+ * ```
* The loop's header begins with the keyword `while`. Loops generally count up
* or count down as they repeat, or iterate. The statement in parentheses
@@ -1935,7 +1939,7 @@
* It's common to create infinite loops accidentally. For example, the
* following loop never stops iterating because it doesn't count up:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Declare a variable to keep track of iteration.
* let x = 10;
@@ -1946,7 +1950,7 @@
* // This should be in the loop's body!
* x += 20;
- *
+ * ```
* The statement `x += 20` appears after the loop's body. That means the
* variable `x` is stuck at `10`, which is always less than `100`.
@@ -1955,7 +1959,7 @@
* advance. For example, concentric circles could be drawn at random
* increments:
- *
+ * ```js
* let d = 100;
* let minSize = 5;
@@ -1963,7 +1967,7 @@
* circle(50, 50, d);
* d -= random(10);
* }
- *
+ * ```
* @property while
@@ -1987,7 +1991,7 @@
* line(x, 25, x, 75);
* // Increment by 20.
- * x += 20
+ * x += 20;
* }
* }
@@ -2029,20 +2033,20 @@
* common to add a `console.log()` statement while studying how a section of
* code works:
- *
+ * ```js
* if (isPlaying === true) {
* // Add a console.log() statement to make sure this block of code runs.
* console.log('Got here!');
* // Game logic.
* }
- *
+ * ```
* `console.error()` is helpful for tracking errors because it prints
* formatted messages. For example, it's common to encounter errors when
* loading media assets:
- *
+ * ```js
* // Logs an error message with special formatting.
* function handleFailure(error) {
* console.error('Oops!', error);
@@ -2050,10 +2054,9 @@
* // Try to load an image and call handleError() if it fails.
* loadImage('https://example.com/cat.jpg', handleImage, handleError);
- *
+ * ```
- * @for console
- * @param {String|Expression|Object} message message to print to the console.
+ * @property console
* @example