This sample demonstrates how to use Node.js Stream to read image from Cloud Storage, generate a thumbnail image using Sharp and upload it back to Cloud Storage. This is a alternative approach for using ImageMagick, see generate-thumbnail.
See file functions/index.js for the thumbnail generation code.
The thumbnail generation is performed using Sharp. Download, resize input/output and upload uses Node.js Stream
The dependencies are listed in functions/package.json.
The function triggers on upload of any file to your Firebase project's default Cloud Storage bucket.
To deploy and test the sample:
- Create a Firebase project on the Firebase Console.
- Get the code, for instance using
git clone
- Enter the correct directory
cd functions-samples/image-sharp
- If you do not have it yet, install the Firebase CLI
npm install -g firebase-tools
- Setup the CLI to use your Firebase project using
firebase use --add
and select your Firebase project - Deploy your project's code using
firebase deploy
- Go to the Firebase Console Storage tab and upload an image. After a short time a thumbnail image with the same name but a
prefix will be created in the same folder (make sure you refresh the UI to see the new file).
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© Google, 2016. Licensed under an Apache-2 license.