-**Web Hosting**
+ [![Power Up Privacy]](https://powerupprivacy.com){ rel=nofollow target=_blank title="Power Up Privacy" }
-: Traffic to this website uses hundreds of gigabytes of data per month, we use a variety of service providers to keep up with this traffic.
+ [Power Up Privacy]: ../assets/img/donors/power-up-privacy.webp
-: We are endeavoring to [hire](jobs.md) full-time journalists and writers to review products and create more educational content on a regular basis.
+=== "Past Supporters"
-**Domain Registrations**
+ Thank you to these organizations who have substantially supported our project in the past.
-: We have a few domain names like `privacyguides.org` which cost us around $10 yearly to maintain their registration.
+ - [Safing](https://safing.io){ rel=nofollow target=_blank }: 2019 – 2021
-**Online Services**
+## Active Members
-: We host [internet services](services.md) for testing and showcasing different privacy-products we like and [recommend](../tools.md). Some of them are made publicly available for our community's use (SearXNG, Tor, etc.), and some are provided for our team members (email, etc.).
+Privacy Guides would not be possible without these individuals who generously donate on a monthly or yearly basis. (1)
+{ .annotate }
-**Product Purchases**
+1. If you [become a member](https://donate.magicgrants.org/privacyguides/membership) and [link your donation](https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/getting-your-member-flair-on-the-forum/25453) to your forum account, you're automatically added here with a link to your profile and avatar to show your support for Privacy Guides. If you link your forum account but don't set your flair or title, you'll be a silent +1. You can change your visibility any time. This chart is updated upon each website release.
-: We occasionally purchase products and services for the purposes of testing our [recommended tools](../tools.md).
-Thank you to all those who support our mission! :material-heart:{ .pg-red }
+--8<-- "includes/members.md"