You are acknowledging that you have a right to license your contribution to this project. By submitting a pull request you are guaranteed that your contributions are licensed under the MIT license. You must accept this policy in order to contribute to our project.
- When you finish the feature contact either contributor about integrating it into the project
- Be able to use other patient data such as weight, age, sex, etc. to make a better prediction about drug interactions
- Make a score for the severity of a drug interaction in order to give the doctor a measureable scale
- Speed Improvements
- UI Improvements
- Follow Python convention in Python Style Guide
- Follow W3 Javascript Convention in Javascript Style Guide
- Provide meaningful and complete commits
- No periods
- Present tense
Email a contributor
- Include description of bug
- Steps that caused the bug
Parts of this document were adapted from Hack Illinois' 2017 API Contributions guide at Hack Illinois