Following is the supported API format for prometheus encode:
prom: metrics: list of prometheus metric definitions, each includes: name: the metric name type: (enum) one of the following: gauge: single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down counter: monotonically increasing counter whose value can only increase histogram: counts samples in configurable buckets agg_histogram: counts samples in configurable buckets, pre-aggregated via an Aggregate stage filter: an optional criterion to filter entries by key: the key to match and filter by value: the value to match and filter by valueKey: entry key from which to resolve metric value labels: labels to be associated with the metric buckets: histogram buckets prefix: prefix added to each metric name expiryTime: time duration of no-flow to wait before deleting prometheus data item maxMetrics: maximum number of metrics to report (default: unlimited)
Following is the supported API format for kafka encode:
kafka: address: address of kafka server topic: kafka topic to write to balancer: (enum) one of the following: roundRobin: RoundRobin balancer leastBytes: LeastBytes balancer hash: Hash balancer crc32: Crc32 balancer murmur2: Murmur2 balancer writeTimeout: timeout (in seconds) for write operation performed by the Writer readTimeout: timeout (in seconds) for read operation performed by the Writer batchBytes: limit the maximum size of a request in bytes before being sent to a partition batchSize: limit on how many messages will be buffered before being sent to a partition tls: TLS client configuration (optional) insecureSkipVerify: skip client verifying the server's certificate chain and host name caCertPath: path to the CA certificate userCertPath: path to the user certificate userKeyPath: path to the user private key
Following is the supported API format for S3 encode:
s3: account: tenant id for this flow collector endpoint: address of s3 server accessKeyId: username to connect to server secretAccessKey: password to connect to server bucket: bucket into which to store objects writeTimeout: timeout (in seconds) for write operation batchSize: limit on how many flows will be buffered before being sent to an object secure: true for https, false for http (default: false) objectHeaderParameters: parameters to include in object header (key/value pairs)
Following is the supported API format for the NetFlow / IPFIX collector:
collector: hostName: the hostname to listen on port: the port number to listen on, for IPFIX/NetFlow v9. Omit or set to 0 to disable IPFIX/NetFlow v9 ingestion portLegacy: the port number to listen on, for legacy NetFlow v5. Omit or set to 0 to disable NetFlow v5 ingestion batchMaxLen: the number of accumulated flows before being forwarded for processing
Following is the supported API format for the kafka ingest:
kafka: brokers: list of kafka broker addresses topic: kafka topic to listen on groupid: separate groupid for each consumer on specified topic groupBalancers: list of balancing strategies (range, roundRobin, rackAffinity) startOffset: FirstOffset (least recent - default) or LastOffset (most recent) offset available for a partition batchReadTimeout: how often (in milliseconds) to process input decoder: decoder to use (E.g. json or protobuf) type: (enum) one of the following: json: JSON decoder protobuf: Protobuf decoder batchMaxLen: the number of accumulated flows before being forwarded for processing pullQueueCapacity: the capacity of the queue use to store pulled flows pullMaxBytes: the maximum number of bytes being pulled from kafka commitInterval: the interval (in milliseconds) at which offsets are committed to the broker. If 0, commits will be handled synchronously. tls: TLS client configuration (optional) insecureSkipVerify: skip client verifying the server's certificate chain and host name caCertPath: path to the CA certificate userCertPath: path to the user certificate userKeyPath: path to the user private key
Following is the supported API format for the Network Observability eBPF ingest:
grpc: port: the port number to listen on bufferLength: the length of the ingest channel buffer, in groups of flows, containing each group hundreds of flows (default: 100)
Following is the supported API format for generic transformations:
generic: policy: (enum) key replacement policy; may be one of the following: preserve_original_keys: adds new keys in addition to existing keys (default) replace_keys: removes all old keys and uses only the new keys rules: list of transform rules, each includes: input: entry input field output: entry output field multiplier: scaling factor to compenstate for sampling
Following is the supported API format for filter transformations:
filter: rules: list of filter rules, each includes: input: entry input field type: (enum) one of the following: remove_field: removes the field from the entry remove_entry_if_exists: removes the entry if the field exists remove_entry_if_doesnt_exist: removes the entry if the field does not exist remove_entry_if_equal: removes the entry if the field value equals specified value remove_entry_if_not_equal: removes the entry if the field value does not equal specified value add_field_if_doesnt_exist: adds a field to the entry if the field does not exist value: specified value of input field:
Following is the supported API format for network transformations:
network: rules: list of transform rules, each includes: input: entry input field output: entry output field type: (enum) one of the following: add_regex_if: add output field if input field satisfies regex pattern from parameters field add_if: add output field if input field satisfies criteria from parameters field add_subnet: add output subnet field from input field and prefix length from parameters field add_location: add output location fields from input add_service: add output network service field from input port and parameters protocol field add_kubernetes: add output kubernetes fields from input reinterpret_direction: reinterpret flow direction at a higher level than the interface add_ip_category: categorize IPs based on known subnets configuration parameters: parameters specific to type assignee: value needs to assign to output field kubeConfigPath: path to kubeconfig file (optional) servicesFile: path to services file (optional, default: /etc/services) protocolsFile: path to protocols file (optional, default: /etc/protocols) ipCategories: configure IP categories cidrs: list of CIDRs to match a category name: name of the category directionInfo: information to reinterpret flow direction (optional, to use with reinterpret_direction rule) reporterIPField: field providing the reporter (agent) host IP srcHostField: source host field dstHostField: destination host field flowDirectionField: field providing the flow direction in the input entries; it will be rewritten ifDirectionField: interface-level field for flow direction, to create in output
Following is the supported API format for writing to loki:
loki: url: the address of an existing Loki service to push the flows to tenantID: identifies the tenant for the request batchWait: maximum amount of time to wait before sending a batch batchSize: maximum batch size (in bytes) of logs to accumulate before sending timeout: maximum time to wait for a server to respond to a request minBackoff: initial backoff time for client connection between retries maxBackoff: maximum backoff time for client connection between retries maxRetries: maximum number of retries for client connections labels: map of record fields to be used as labels staticLabels: map of common labels to set on each flow ignoreList: map of record fields to be removed from the record clientConfig: clientConfig timestampLabel: label to use for time indexing timestampScale: timestamp units scale (e.g. for UNIX = 1s)
Following is the supported API format for writing to standard output:
stdout: format: the format of each line: printf (default - writes using golang's default map printing), fields (writes one key and value field per line) or json
Following is the supported API format for specifying metrics aggregations:
aggregates: name: description of aggregation result groupByKeys: list of fields on which to aggregate operationType: sum, min, max, count, avg or raw_values operationKey: internal field on which to perform the operation
Following is the supported API format for specifying connection tracking:
conntrack: keyDefinition: fields that are used to identify the connection fieldGroups: list of field group definitions name: field group name fields: list of fields in the group hash: how to build the connection hash fieldGroupRefs: list of field group names to build the hash fieldGroupARef: field group name of endpoint A fieldGroupBRef: field group name of endpoint B outputRecordTypes: (enum) output record types to emit newConnection: New connection endConnection: End connection heartbeat: Heartbeat flowLog: Flow log outputFields: list of output fields name: output field name operation: (enum) aggregate operation on the field value sum: sum count: count min: min max: max first: first last: last splitAB: When true, 2 output fields will be created. One for A->B and one for B->A flows. input: The input field to base the operation on. When omitted, 'name' is used scheduling: list of timeouts and intervals to apply per selector selector: key-value map to match against connection fields to apply this scheduling endConnectionTimeout: duration of time to wait from the last flow log to end a connection terminatingTimeout: duration of time to wait from detected FIN flag to end a connection heartbeatInterval: duration of time to wait between heartbeat reports of a connection maxConnectionsTracked: maximum number of connections we keep in our cache (0 means no limit) tcpFlags: settings for handling TCP flags fieldName: name of the field containing TCP flags detectEndConnection: detect end connections by FIN flag swapAB: swap source and destination when the first flowlog contains the SYN_ACK flag
Following is the supported API format for specifying metrics time-based filters:
timebased: rules: list of filter rules, each includes: name: description of filter result indexKey: internal field to index TopK operationType: (enum) sum, min, max, avg, count, last or diff sum: set output field to sum of parameters fields in the time window avg: set output field to average of parameters fields in the time window min: set output field to minimum of parameters fields in the time window max: set output field to maximum of parameters fields in the time window count: set output field to number of flows registered in the time window last: set output field to last of parameters fields in the time window diff: set output field to the difference of the first and last parameters fields in the time window operationKey: internal field on which to perform the operation topK: number of highest incidence to report (default - report all) reversed: report lowest incidence instead of highest (default - false) timeInterval: time duration of data to use to compute the metric