title | author | date | site | documentclass | bibliography | url | description | biblio-style | csl | ||
WG2: Cell-type classification |
Jose Alquicira Hernandez and Lieke Michelsen |
2022-06-14 |
bookdown::bookdown_site |
book |
Cell-type classification for single-cell eQTLGen consortium.
apalike |
chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl |
This is the user guide to perform cell-type classification as part of the single-cell eQTLGen consortium.
Source code for this project can be accessed from https://github.com/sc-eQTLgen-consortium/WG2-pipeline-classification.
Current version state of singularity image when generating this documentation is on commit 9ae2a75
For any inquiries please contact:
- Jose Alquicira Hernandez (j.alquicira@garvan.org.au)
- Lieke Michielsen (L.C.M.Michielsen@tudelft.nl)