We are using material-design-light as the CSS framework for this site.
To build out the custom color scheme for mdl, first you will need node.js installed.
Then we clone the material design lite repo and install required modules:
git clone https://github.com/google/material-design-lite.git
cd material-design-lite
npm install
Then open src/_variables.css
and change the following variables:
The Portworx orange as the primary color and blue as the accent color
$color-primary: $palette-indigo-500 !default;
$color-primary-dark: $palette-indigo-700 !default;
$color-accent: $palette-pink-A200 !default;
$color-primary: "241,90,36" !default;
$color-primary-dark: "216,65,11" !default;
$color-accent: $palette-blue-A200 !default;
Make the drawer wide:
$layout-drawer-narrow: 240px !default;
$layout-drawer-wide: 456px !default;
$layout-drawer-width: $layout-drawer-narrow !default;
$layout-drawer-narrow: 240px !default;
$layout-drawer-wide: 456px !default;
$layout-drawer-width: 280px !default;
Then we rebuild the CSS (ignore the error about babel not registering):
Finally - we copy the resulting CSS build into our project:
cp dist/material.min.css ../px-docs-spike/static/css/material.min.css