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List of objects

porres edited this page May 14, 2017 · 9 revisions

list of objects from cyclone 0.3 beta 1

!- reverse minus
!-~ signal reverse minus
!/ reverse division
!/~ reverse signal division
!=~ signal not equals
%~ signal modulo
+=~ signal accumulator
<=~ signal less than or equal to
<~ signal less than
==~ signal equal to
>=~ signal greater than or equal to
>~ signal greater than
accum accumulate to a value
acos arc cosine function
acos~ signal arc cosine function
acosh hyperbolic arc cosine function
acosh~ signal hyperbolic ard cosine function
active report window activity
allpass~ allpass filter
anal number pairs histogram
append append messages to the input
asin arc sine function
asin~ signal arc sine function
asinh arc sine function
asinh~ signal arc sine function
atan~ signal arc tangent function
atan2~ signal two arguments arc tangent function
atanh hyperbolic arc tangent function
atanh~ signal hyperbolic arc tangent function
atodb linear amplitude to dBFS conversion
atodb~ signal linear amplitude to dBFS conversion
average~ multi-mode signal moving average
avg~ signal absolute average
bangbang output a bang from many outlets
biquad~ biquad filter
bitand~ signal bitwise-AND
bitnot~ signal bitwise-NOT
bitor~ signal bitwise-OR
bitsafe~ replace nan/inf signals with 0
bitshift~ signal bit-shifting
bitxor~ signal bitwise-XOR
bondo sync a group of messages
borax repor note on/off info
bucket pass numbers from outlet to outlet
buddy sync arriving messages
buffer~ audio buffer
buffir~ convolve with a buffer
capture store data as text
capture~ store samples into text
cartopol cartesian to polar conversion
cartopol~ signal cartesian to polar conversion
cascade~ cascade a series of biquad filters
change~ detect signal change & direction
click~ generate impulse from a bang
clip constrain values to a given range
clip~ constrain a signal to a given range
coll store/edit message collections
comb~ comb filter
comment comment box
cosh hyperbolic cosine function
cosh~ signal hyperbolic cosine function
cosx~ signal cosine function (radian input)
count~ counter at the sample rate
counter counts over a range
cross~ crossover filter
curve~ curved ramp generator
cycle round-robin messages to outlets
cycle~ wavetable oscillator
dbtoa dBFS to linear amplitude conversion
dbtoa~ signal dBFS to linear amplitude conversion
decide randomly output 0 or 1
decode send 0/1 to a specific outlet
degrade~ signal quality reducer
delay~ delay a signal
delta~ difference between samples
deltaclip~ limit amplitude change between samples
downsamp~ downsample a signal
drunk random drunk walk
edge~ report zero/non-zero transitions for signals
equals~ alias of ==~
filtercoeff~ generate biquad coefficients
flush flush hanging note-ons
forward send remote messages
frameaccum~ FFT frame accumulation
framedelta~ FFT frame deviation
freqshift~ frequency shifter
fromsymbol convert symbols to anything
funbuff store pairs of integers
funnel tag data based on inlet
gate route input message to an outlet
gate~ route input signal to an outlet
grab grabs the output of another object
greaterthan~ alias of >~
greaterthaneq~ alias of >=~
hilbert~ hilbert transformer
histo create a histogram of numbers
index~ non-interpolating array reader
iter split messages sequentially
join join items into a list
kink~ phase distorter
lessthan~ alias of <~
lessthaneq~ alias of <=~
line~ linear ramp generator
linedrive exponential scaler for [line~]
listfunnel index and output list elements
loadmess send messages at loading a patch
lookup~ transfer function lookup table
lores~ lowpass resonant filter
match output a matching input
matrix~ signal routing/mixing matrix
maximum get maximum of two or more values
maximum~ signal maximum of two values
mean moving mean average
midiflush flush hanging note-ons on raw MIDI data
midiformat format MIDI messages
midiparse retrieve MIDI messages
minimum get minimum of two or more values
minimum~ signal mainimum of two values
minmax~ minimum/maximum values of a signal
modulo~ alias of %~
mousefilter filter data when pressing the mouse button
mousestate retrieve mouse data
mstosamps~ milliseconds to samples time conversion
mtr multi-track data recorder
next detect separation of messages
notequals~ alias of !=~
number~ signal generator/monitor
offer store number pairs once
onebang gate a bang with a bang
onepole~ one pole lowpass filter
overdrive~ analog overdrive simulation
pak output a list when any element changes
past check if input increased past a threshold
peak output numbers greater than the previous
peakamp~ Signal's peak amplitude
peek~ read/write to arrays/buffer~
phaseshift~ 2nd order allpass filter
phasewrap~ wrap between π & -π
pink~ pink noise
play~ array/buffer~ player
plusequals~ alias of +=~
poke~ write to an array/buffer~
poltocar polar to cartesian conversion
poltocar~ signal polar to cartesian conversion
pong range limiter (fold, wrap & clip)
pong~ signal range limiter (fold, wrap & clip)
pow~ signal power function
prepend prepend messages to the input
prob probability matrix
pv private (local) variables
rampsmooth~ smooth signals linearly
rand~ interpolated bandlimited noise
rdiv alias of !/
rdiv~ alias of !/~
record~ record signals to arrays/buffer~
rect~ bandlimited pulse oscillator
reson~ bandpass resonant filter
rminus alias of !-
rminus~ alias of !-~
round round floats/lists
round~ round signals
sah~ sample and hold
sampstoms~ samples to milliseconds time conversion
saw~ bandlimited sawtooth oscillator
scale map numbers to an output range
scale~ map signals to an output range
scope~ oscilloscope display
selector~ route a signal inlet to the outlet
seq MIDI sequencer
sinh hyperbolic sine function
sinh~ signal hyperbolic sine function
sinx~ signal sine function (radian input)
slide~ smooth signals logarithmically
snapshot~ convert a signal to floats
speedlim limit the speed of messages
spell convert input to ASCII values
spike~ report zero to non-zero transition intervals
split split numbers according to a range
spray distribute values to outlets
sprintf message formatter
substitute substitute elements in messages
sustain sustain pedal emulator
svf~ state variable filter
switch route a control inlet to the outlet
table store/edit an array
tanh hyperbolic tangent function
tanh~ signal hyperbolic tangent function
tanx~ signal tangent function (radian input)
teeth~ teeth comb filter
thresh combine data received close together
thresh~ detect signals above a threshold
togedge report zero/non-zero transitions
tosymbol convert anything to a symbol
train~ pulse-train generator and metronome
trapezoid~ trapezoidal wavetable
tri~ bandlimited triangular oscillator
triangle~ variable duty triangular wavetable
trough output numbers smaller than the previous
trunc~ truncate signal values
universal send messages to all objects of the same type
unjoin break a list into separate messages
urn unrepeated random numbers
uzi bang loop/counter
vectral~ smooth/filter FFT frames
wave~ wavetable reader
xbendin retrieve pitch bend messages
xbendin2 retrieve pitch bend messages
xbendout send pitch bend messages
xbendout2 send pitch bend messages
xnotein retrieve note on/off velocity
xnoteout send note on/off velocity
zerox~ detect zero crossings
zl list processor
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