Testing framework and E2E tests are written in Go using Ginkgo and Gomega frameworks to cover Podman Desktop functionality.
It also uses Goax as an abstration library to interact with Podman Desktop and any other UX element using OS native accessibility API.
Podman test definition can be found at e2e test folder. From there it is expected any podman-desktop component will have its own file and will define all the functionality to be tested.
As an example for podman-extension we describe the funcionality to install podman through its podman desktop extension:
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("podman-extension [extension-podman]", func() {
ginkgo.It("can be installed", func() {
err := podmanExtension.InstallPodman(PDHandler.AXApp, TestContext.UserPassword)
Previous snipped showcase how the actions available within Podman Desktop are executed by an application handler. The application handler is implemented at podman desktop handler and it is expected each extension functionality will be also included as an specific extension at extensions folder.
Goax framework is used to interact with application itself. The framework works by getting an application from the X session of the Operating System and get all refereces to accessible elements contained in it.
For the application handler the application is open and then it is loaded as an accessible application with that reference we can interact which any accessible element on it. Al possible functions we can invoke on the application then:
Reload: If an element is clicked on the application and it change the elements on it, we need to reload it to get the new references for the new visual elements.
Exists: Check if an elemet exists on the application by its name and type.
Click: Allows to click on an element from the application based in its name and type.
ClickWithOrder: Same as Click, but in case multiple elements we can define which of them by its order.
SetValue: Allows to set a value on an element (i.e fill a textbox) from the application based in its name and type.
SetValueWithOrder: Same as SetValue, but in case multiple elements we can define which of them by its order.
SetValueOnFocus: If some element on the application has the focus and is an editable element, this funcion allows to set a value on it. (Only supported for darwin platform)