Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim
- has 4 different modes to unclutter your screen:
- Ataraxis: good ol' zen mode
- Minimalist: disable ui components (e.g. numbers, tabline, statusline)
- Narrow: narrow a text region for better focus
- Focus: focus the current window
- customizable lua callbacks for each mode
- works out of the box
- integratons:
- Neovim >= 0.5.0
Install the plugin with your favourite package manager:
config = function()
require("true-zen").setup {
-- your config goes here
-- or just leave it empty :)
Plug 'Pocco81/true-zen.nvim'
lua << EOF
require("true-zen").setup {
-- your config goes here
-- or just leave it empty :)
true-zen comes with the following defaults:
modes = { -- configurations per mode
ataraxis = {
shade = "dark", -- if `dark` then dim the padding windows, otherwise if it's `light` it'll brighten said windows
backdrop = 0, -- percentage by which padding windows should be dimmed/brightened. Must be a number between 0 and 1. Set to 0 to keep the same background color
minimum_writing_area = { -- minimum size of main window
width = 70,
height = 44,
quit_untoggles = true, -- type :q or :qa to quit Ataraxis mode
padding = { -- padding windows
left = 52,
right = 52,
top = 0,
bottom = 0,
callbacks = { -- run functions when opening/closing Ataraxis mode
open_pre = nil,
open_pos = nil,
close_pre = nil,
close_pos = nil
minimalist = {
ignored_buf_types = { "nofile" }, -- save current options from any window except ones displaying these kinds of buffers
options = { -- options to be disabled when entering Minimalist mode
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
showtabline = 0,
signcolumn = "no",
statusline = "",
cmdheight = 1,
laststatus = 0,
showcmd = false,
showmode = false,
ruler = false,
numberwidth = 1
callbacks = { -- run functions when opening/closing Minimalist mode
open_pre = nil,
open_pos = nil,
close_pre = nil,
close_pos = nil
narrow = {
--- change the style of the fold lines. Set it to:
--- `informative`: to get nice pre-baked folds
--- `invisible`: hide them
--- function() end: pass a custom func with your fold lines. See :h foldtext
folds_style = "informative",
run_ataraxis = true, -- display narrowed text in a Ataraxis session
callbacks = { -- run functions when opening/closing Narrow mode
open_pre = nil,
open_pos = nil,
close_pre = nil,
close_pos = nil
focus = {
callbacks = { -- run functions when opening/closing Focus mode
open_pre = nil,
open_pos = nil,
close_pre = nil,
close_pos = nil
integrations = {
tmux = false, -- hide tmux status bar in (minimalist, ataraxis)
kitty = { -- increment font size in Kitty. Note: you must set `allow_remote_control socket-only` and `listen_on unix:/tmp/kitty` in your personal config (ataraxis)
enabled = false,
font = "+3"
twilight = false, -- enable twilight (ataraxis)
lualine = false -- hide nvim-lualine (ataraxis)
Additionally you may want to set up some key mappings for each true-zen mode:
local api = vim.api
api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>zn", ":TZNarrow<CR>", {})
api.nvim_set_keymap("v", "<leader>zn", ":'<,'>TZNarrow<CR>", {})
api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>zf", ":TZFocus<CR>", {})
api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>zm", ":TZMinimalist<CR>", {})
api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>za", ":TZAtaraxis<CR>", {})
-- or
local truezen = require('true-zen')
local keymap = vim.keymap
keymap.set('n', '<leader>zn', function()
local first = 0
local last = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)
truezen.narrow(first, last)
end, { noremap = true })
keymap.set('v', '<leader>zn', function()
local first = vim.fn.line('v')
local last = vim.fn.line('.')
truezen.narrow(first, last)
end, { noremap = true })
keymap.set('n', '<leader>zf', truezen.focus, { noremap = true })
keymap.set('n', '<leader>zm', truezen.minimalist, { noremap = true })
keymap.set('n', '<leader>za', truezen.ataraxis, { noremap = true })
require("true-zen.ataraxis") --[[
.toggle() - toggle on/off the mode
.running - `true` if the mode is on / `false` if the mode is off
require("true-zen.minimalist") --[[
.toggle() - toggle on/off the mode
.running - `true` if the mode is on / `false` if the mode is off
require("true-zen.narrow") --[[
.toggle(line1, line2) - toggle on/off the mode
vim.b.tz_narrowed_buffer - `true` if the mode is on / `false` if the mode is off
require("true-zen.focus") --[[
.toggle() - toggle on/off the mode
.running - `true` if the mode is on / `false` if the mode is off
Each one offers the following functions too:
.on() - turn on the mode
.off() - turn off the mode
Every mode has callbacks available in their conf:
callbacks = {
open_pre = nil,
open_pos = nil,
close_pre = nil,
close_pos = nil
If its needed to disable certain callbacks use:
- mode:
- status:
- when:
For example: Ataraxis mode uses Minimalist mode to hide some of NeoVim's UI components, so to stop Minimalist mode from running its open_pre
callback this could be set within Ataraxis' config:
callbacks = {
open_pre = function()
-- do some stuff
vim.g.tz_disable_minimalist_open_pre = true
: toggle ataraxis modeTZMinimalist
: toggle minimalist modeTZNarrow
: toggle narrow modeTZFocus
: toggle focus mode
Koy is released under the MIT license, which grants the following permissions:
- Commercial use
- Distribution
- Modification
- Private use
For more convoluted language, see the LICENSE.