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Dart (Flutter) client SDK for bidirectional communication with Centrifugo and Centrifuge-based server over WebSocket


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Spinify is a Dart and Flutter library that provides an efficient client implementation for Centrifugo, a scalable real-time messaging server. This library allows you to connect your Dart or Flutter applications to Centrifugo server and Centrifuge library, enabling real-time updates, presence information, history fetching, and more.


  • Connection Management: Establish, monitor, and close connections to Centrifugo servers.
  • Subscriptions: Create, manage, and remove client-side and server-side subscriptions.
  • Event Streaming: Stream channel events for real-time updates.
  • Data Publishing: Publish messages to specific channels.
  • Asynchronous Messaging: Send custom asynchronous messages to the server.
  • Presence Management: Retrieve presence and presence statistics for channels.
  • History Retrieval: Fetch publication history for specific channels.
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC): Perform server-side method invocations.
  • Metrics: Access metrics for client performance and statistics.
  • Reconnecting: Automatically reconnect to the server in case of a connection failure.
  • Protobuf Transport: Use Protobuf codec for data serialization.
  • Custom Configuration: Configure client settings, timeouts, and transport options.
  • Error Handling: Handle errors and exceptions gracefully.
  • Logging: Log events, errors, and messages for debugging purposes.
  • Cross-Platform: Run on Dart VM, Flutter, and Web platforms.
  • Performance: Achieve high throughput and low latency for real-time messaging.
  • Headers Emulation: Emulate HTTP headers for WebSocket connections at the Web platform.


Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file and specify the version:

  spinify: ^X.Y.Z

Then fetch the package using:

flutter pub get


Simple usage of the library:

final client = Spinify();
await client.connect(url);
// ...
await client.close();

Add custom configuration:

final httpClient = io.HttpClient(
  context: io.SecurityContext(
    withTrustedRoots: true,
  )..setTrustedCertificatesBytes([/* bytes array */]),

final client = Spinify(
  config: SpinifyConfig(
    client: (name: 'app', version: '1.0.0'),
    timeout: const Duration(seconds: 15),
    serverPingDelay: const Duration(seconds: 8),
    connectionRetryInterval: (
      min: const Duration(milliseconds: 250),
      max: const Duration(seconds: 15),
    getToken: () async => '<token>',
    getPayload: () async => utf8.encode('Hello, World!'),
    codec: SpinifyProtobufCodec(),
    transportBuilder: SpinifyTransportAdapter.vm(
      compression: io.CompressionOptions.compressionDefault,
      customClient: httpClient,
      userAgent: 'Dart',
    logger: (level, event, message, context) => print('[$event] $message'),

Subscribe to a channel:

final sub = client.newSubscription('notifications:index'); => utf8.decode(;
await sub.subscribe();
await sub.publish(utf8.encode('Hello, World!'));
await sub.unsubscribe();


This benchmark measures the performance of the spinify and centrifuge-dart libraries by sending and receiving a series of messages to a Centrifugo server and tracking key performance metrics such as throughput and latency.


Windows 11 Pro 64-bit
CPU 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700K
Chrome Version 131.0.6778.86 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Docker version 27.1.1
Docker image centrifugo/centrifugo:latest
Flutter 3.24.5 • Dart 3.5.4
Package spinify v0.1.0
Package centrifuge-dart v0.14.1

The benchmark sends 10,000 messages of a certain size one after the other and measure the time. Each message is sent sequentially: the client waits for the server's response before sending the next message.

Windows (Dart VM)

Spinify Centrifuge-Dart
1 KB 5396 msg/s (6MB/s) 5433 msg/s (6MB/s)
14 KB 3216 msg/s (46MB/s) 3224 msg/s (46MB/s)
30 KB 2371 msg/s (71MB/s) 2352 msg/s (70MB/s)
60 KB 1558 msg/s (92MB/s) 1547 msg/s (91MB/s)

* Messages larger than 64 KB are not supported.

Browser (WASM and JS)

Spinify WASM Spinify JS Centrifuge-Dart JS
1 KB 3676 msg/s (4MB/s) 3590 msg/s (6MB/s) 3720 msg/s (6MB/s)
5 KB 2659 msg/s (13MB/s) 3227 msg/s (18MB/s) 3223 msg/s (18MB/s)
10 KB 1926 msg/s (19MB/s) 3031 msg/s (32MB/s) 3029 msg/s (32MB/s)
14 KB 1670 msg/s (22MB/s) 2750 msg/s (39MB/s) 2830 msg/s (40MB/s)

* After message sizes exceed 15 KB, there is a noticeable performance drop.


  • ✅ Connect to a server
  • ✅ Setting client configuration
  • ✅ Automatic reconnect with backoff algorithm
  • ✅ Client state changes
  • ✅ Protobuf transport
  • ✅ Command-reply
  • ✅ Command timeouts
  • ✅ Async pushes
  • ✅ Ping-pong
  • ✅ Connection token refresh
  • ✅ Server-side subscriptions
  • ✅ Presence information
  • ✅ Presence stats
  • ✅ History information
  • ✅ Send custom RPC commands
  • ✅ Handle disconnect advice from the server
  • ✅ Channel subscription
  • ✅ Setting subscription options
  • ✅ Automatic resubscribe with backoff algorithm
  • ✅ Subscription state changes
  • ✅ Subscription command-reply
  • ✅ Subscription token refresh
  • ✅ Handle unsubscribe advice from the server
  • ✅ Manage subscription registry
  • ✅ Publish data into a channel
  • ✅ Set observer for hooking events & errors
  • ✅ Metrics and stats
  • ✅ Package errors
  • ✅ Meta information about the library
  • ✅ Web transport via extension type
  • ✅ Benchmarks
  • ✅ Performance comparison with other libraries
  • ✅ WASM compatibility
  • ✅ Headers emulation
  • ❌ 95% test coverage
  • ❌ JSON codec support for transport
  • ❌ DevTools extension
  • ❌ Run in separate isolate
  • ❌ Middleware support
  • ❌ Batching API
  • ❌ Bidirectional WebSocket emulation
  • ❌ Optimistic subscriptions
  • ❌ Delta compression

More resources



Refer to the Changelog to get all release notes.



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The MIT License