diff --git a/dash_labs/plugins/archive/pages_original.py b/dash_labs/plugins/archive/pages_original.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73525c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dash_labs/plugins/archive/pages_original.py
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+from dash import callback, Output, Input, html, dcc
+import dash
+import os
+import importlib
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import json
+import flask
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isfile, join
+from textwrap import dedent
+from urllib.parse import parse_qs
+if not os.path.exists("pages"):
+ raise Exception("A folder called `pages` does not exist.")
+_ID_CONTENT = "_pages_plugin_content"
+_ID_LOCATION = "_pages_plugin_location"
+_ID_DUMMY = "_pages_plugin_dummy"
+page_container = html.Div(
+ [dcc.Location(id=_ID_LOCATION), html.Div(id=_ID_CONTENT), html.Div(id=_ID_DUMMY)]
+def register_page(
+ module,
+ path=None,
+ name=None,
+ order=None,
+ title=None,
+ description=None,
+ image=None,
+ redirect_from=None,
+ layout=None,
+ **kwargs,
+ """
+ Assigns the variables to `dash.page_registry` as an `OrderedDict`
+ (ordered by `order`).
+ `dash.page_registry` is used by `pages_plugin` to set up the layouts as
+ a multi-page Dash app. This includes the URL routing callbacks
+ (using `dcc.Location`) and the HTML templates to include title,
+ meta description, and the meta description image.
+ `dash.page_registry` can also be used by Dash developers to create the
+ page navigation links or by template authors.
+ - `module`:
+ The module path where this page's `layout` is defined. Often `__name__`.
+ - `path`:
+ URL Path, e.g. `/` or `/home-page`.
+ If not supplied, will be inferred from `module`,
+ e.g. `pages.weekly_analytics` to `/weekly-analytics`
+ - `name`:
+ The name of the link.
+ If not supplied, will be inferred from `module`,
+ e.g. `pages.weekly_analytics` to `Weekly analytics`
+ - `order`:
+ The order of the pages in `page_registry`.
+ If not supplied, then the filename is used and the page with path `/` has
+ order `0`
+ - `title`:
+ The name of the page
. That is, what appears in the browser title.
+ If not supplied, will use the supplied `name` or will be inferred by module,
+ e.g. `pages.weekly_analytics` to `Weekly analytics`
+ - `description`:
+ The .
+ If not supplied, then it will be the same as the title.
+ - `image`:
+ The meta description image used by social media platforms.
+ If not supplied, then it looks for the following images in `assets/`:
+ - A page specific image: `assets/.` is used, e.g. `assets/weekly_analytics.png`
+ - A generic app image at `assets/app.`
+ - A logo at `assets/logo.`
+ - `redirect_from`:
+ A list of paths that should redirect to this page.
+ For example: `redirect_from=['/v2', '/v3']`
+ - `layout`:
+ The layout function or component for this page.
+ If not supplied, then looks for `layout` from within the supplied `module`.
+ - `**kwargs`:
+ Arbitrary keyword arguments that can be stored
+ ***
+ `page_registry` stores the original property that was passed in under
+ `supplied_` and the coerced property under ``.
+ For example, if this was called:
+ ```
+ register_page(
+ 'pages.historical_outlook',
+ name='Our historical view',
+ custom_key='custom value'
+ )
+ ```
+ Then this will appear in `page_registry`:
+ ```
+ OrderedDict([
+ (
+ 'pages.historical_outlook',
+ dict(
+ module='pages.historical_outlook',
+ supplied_path=None,
+ path='/historical-outlook',
+ supplied_name='Our historical view',
+ name='Our historical view',
+ supplied_title=None,
+ title='Our historical view'
+ supplied_description=None,
+ description='Our historical view',
+ supplied_order=None,
+ order=1,
+ supplied_layout=None,
+ layout=,
+ custom_key='custom value'
+ )
+ ),
+ ])
+ ```
+ """
+ # - Set the order
+ # - Inferred paths
+ page = dict(
+ module=module,
+ supplied_path=path,
+ path=(path if path is not None else _filename_to_path(module)),
+ supplied_name=name,
+ name=(name if name is not None else _filename_to_name(module)),
+ )
+ page.update(
+ supplied_title=title,
+ title=(title if title is not None else page["name"]),
+ )
+ page.update(
+ supplied_description=description,
+ description=(description if description is not None else page["title"]),
+ order=order,
+ supplied_order=order,
+ supplied_layout=layout,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ page.update(
+ image=(image if image is not None else _infer_image(module)),
+ supplied_image=image,
+ )
+ page.update(redirect_from=redirect_from)
+ dash.page_registry[module] = page
+ if layout is not None:
+ # Override the layout found in the file set during `plug`
+ dash.page_registry[module]["layout"] = layout
+ # set home page order
+ order_supplied = any(p["supplied_order"] is not None for p in dash.page_registry.values())
+ for p in dash.page_registry.values():
+ p["order"] = 0 if p["path"] == "/" and not order_supplied else p["supplied_order"]
+ # sorted by order then by module name
+ page_registry_list = sorted(
+ dash.page_registry.values(),
+ key=lambda i: (str(i.get("order", i["module"])), i["module"]),
+ )
+ dash.page_registry = OrderedDict([(p["module"], p) for p in page_registry_list])
+dash.register_page = register_page
+def _infer_image(module):
+ """
+ Return:
+ - A page specific image: `assets/.` is used, e.g. `assets/weekly_analytics.png`
+ - A generic app image at `assets/app.`
+ - A logo at `assets/logo.`
+ """
+ # TODO - Make sure we don't need to use __name__?
+ page_id = module.split(".")[-1]
+ files_in_assets = []
+ if os.path.exists("assets"):
+ files_in_assets = [f for f in listdir("assets") if isfile(join("assets", f))]
+ app_file = None
+ logo_file = None
+ for fn in files_in_assets:
+ fn_without_extension = fn.split(".")[0]
+ if fn_without_extension == page_id or fn_without_extension == page_id.replace(
+ "_", "-"
+ ):
+ return fn
+ if fn_without_extension == "app":
+ app_file = fn
+ if fn_without_extension == "logo":
+ logo_file = fn
+ if app_file:
+ return app_file
+ return logo_file
+def _filename_to_name(filename):
+ return filename.split(".")[-1].replace("_", " ").capitalize()
+def _filename_to_path(filename):
+ return filename.replace("_", "-").replace(".", "/").lower().split("pages")[-1]
+def plug(app):
+ # Import the pages so that the user doesn't have to.
+ # TODO - Do validate_layout in here too
+ dash.page_registry = OrderedDict()
+ # Updated from using glob.iglob to using os.walk to ensure that the function works for Windows users
+ for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk("pages"):
+ for file in files:
+ if file.startswith("_") or not file.endswith(".py"):
+ continue
+ page_filename = os.path.join(root, file).replace("\\", "/")
+ _, _, page_filename = page_filename.partition("pages/")
+ page_filename = page_filename.replace(".py", "").replace("/", ".")
+ page_module = importlib.import_module(f"pages.{page_filename}")
+ if f"pages.{page_filename}" in dash.page_registry:
+ dash.page_registry[f"pages.{page_filename}"]["layout"] = getattr(
+ page_module, "layout"
+ )
+ @app.server.before_first_request
+ def router():
+ @callback(
+ Output(_ID_CONTENT, "children"),
+ Input(_ID_LOCATION, "pathname"),
+ Input(_ID_LOCATION, "search"),
+ prevent_initial_call=True,
+ )
+ def update(pathname, search):
+ path_id = app.strip_relative_path(pathname)
+ query_parameters = _parse_query_string(search)
+ layout = None
+ for module in dash.page_registry:
+ page = dash.page_registry[module]
+ if path_id == app.strip_relative_path(page["path"]):
+ layout = page["layout"]
+ if layout is None:
+ if "pages.not_found_404" in dash.page_registry:
+ layout = dash.page_registry["pages.not_found_404"]["layout"]
+ else:
+ layout = html.H1("404")
+ if callable(layout):
+ print("Calling...")
+ print(query_parameters)
+ return layout(**query_parameters)
+ else:
+ return layout
+ # Set validation_layout and prefix component IDs and callbacks with module name
+ for module in dash.page_registry:
+ app.validation_layout = html.Div(
+ [
+ page["layout"]() if callable(page["layout"]) else page["layout"]
+ for page in dash.page_registry.values()
+ ]
+ + [app.layout]
+ )
+ # Update the page title on page navigation
+ path_to_title = {
+ page["path"]: page["title"] for page in dash.page_registry.values()
+ }
+ path_to_description = {
+ page["path"]: page["description"] for page in dash.page_registry.values()
+ }
+ path_to_image = {
+ page["path"]: page["image"] for page in dash.page_registry.values()
+ }
+ app.clientside_callback(
+ f"""
+ function(path) {{
+ document.title = {json.dumps(path_to_title)}[path] || 'Dash'
+ }}
+ """,
+ Output(_ID_DUMMY, "children"),
+ Input(_ID_LOCATION, "pathname"),
+ )
+ # Set index HTML for the meta description and page title on page load
+ def interpolate_index(**kwargs):
+ image = path_to_image.get(flask.request.path, "")
+ if image:
+ image = app.get_asset_url(image)
+ return dedent(
+ """
+ {title}
+ {metas}
+ {favicon}
+ {css}
+ {app_entry}
+ """
+ ).format(
+ metas=kwargs["metas"],
+ description=path_to_description.get(flask.request.path, ""),
+ title=path_to_title.get(flask.request.path, "Dash"),
+ image=image,
+ favicon=kwargs["favicon"],
+ css=kwargs["css"],
+ app_entry=kwargs["app_entry"],
+ config=kwargs["config"],
+ scripts=kwargs["scripts"],
+ renderer=kwargs["renderer"],
+ )
+ app.interpolate_index = interpolate_index
+ def create_redirect_function(redirect_to):
+ def redirect():
+ return flask.redirect(redirect_to, code=301)
+ return redirect
+ # Set redirects
+ for module in dash.page_registry:
+ page = dash.page_registry[module]
+ if page["redirect_from"] and len(page["redirect_from"]):
+ for redirect in page["redirect_from"]:
+ # TODO - Use pathname prefix
+ app.server.add_url_rule(
+ redirect, redirect, create_redirect_function(page["path"])
+ )
+def _parse_query_string(search):
+ if search and len(search) > 0 and search[0] == "?":
+ search = search[1:]
+ else:
+ return {}
+ parsed_qs = {}
+ for (k, v) in parse_qs(search).items():
+ first = v[0] # ignore multiple values
+ try:
+ first = json.loads(first)
+ except:
+ pass
+ parsed_qs[k] = first
+ return parsed_qs
diff --git a/dash_labs/plugins/pages.py b/dash_labs/plugins/pages.py
index 73525c7..797112f 100644
--- a/dash_labs/plugins/pages.py
+++ b/dash_labs/plugins/pages.py
@@ -1,302 +1,642 @@
-from dash import callback, Output, Input, html, dcc
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# page_registry
+RUXI (Dec 28, 2021) :
+ 1.0.1-patch
+ Motivation for the re-write is to enable interactive
+ dev work not at the package root. This was addressed
+ by using absolute paths instead of relative paths
+ when appropriate, and adding more options for users
+ to set the path configuration
+ ---------------------
+ InstallPluginToModule
+ ---------------------
+ attaches plug-in methods either
+ (i) directly to module (dash) - (original behaviour),
+ or
+ (ii) add namespace to module with methods - (new behaviour)
+ i.e.
+ example 1:
+ InstallPluginToModule(dash, namespace = 'pages') -(creates)->
+ dash.pages
+ |_ .register_pages
+ |_ {registry}
+ example 2:
+ InstallPluginToModule(dash, namespace = None) -(creates)->
+ dash
+ |_ .register_pages
+ |_ {registry}
+ rationale:
+ easier to make namespace changes using a factory.
+ ----------------------------------------------
+ PageRegistryRecord & inject_record_to_registry
+ ----------------------------------------------
+ refactored `register_page`
+ the task of creating registry records and
+ injecting the data to the registry is decoupled
+ for portability
+ `PageRegistryRecord` is the dataclass schema
+ `inject_record_to_registry` is a decorator
+ ----------------
+ AutoRegisterPage
+ ----------------
+ The auto-import function from `plug` was split off to
+ `AutoRegisterPage`, added option to configure PAGES_PATH
+ -----------
+ other notes
+ -----------
+ _match_case_filename_image_table
+ requires py3.10 since it uses the new pattern matching syntax
+ (did it for learning purposes)
+Modified pages_plugin.py by AnnMarieW (plotly, dash-labs):
+ - https://github.com/plotly/dash-labs/blob/main/dash_labs/plugins/pages.py
+ - https://github.com/plotly/dash-multi-page-app-plugin
+# require for PageRegistry
+from pathlib import Path
+import warnings
+from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field, make_dataclass
+from typing import Any, Callable
+from types import ModuleType
+import importlib
+from types import SimpleNamespace
+import functools
+import sys
+# require for plugin
import dash
+from dash import callback, Output, Input, html, dcc
import os
-import importlib
-from collections import OrderedDict
+# require for plug
import json
import flask
-from os import listdir
-from os.path import isfile, join
from textwrap import dedent
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
-if not os.path.exists("pages"):
- raise Exception("A folder called `pages` does not exist.")
-_ID_CONTENT = "_pages_plugin_content"
-_ID_LOCATION = "_pages_plugin_location"
-_ID_DUMMY = "_pages_plugin_dummy"
-page_container = html.Div(
- [dcc.Location(id=_ID_LOCATION), html.Div(id=_ID_CONTENT), html.Div(id=_ID_DUMMY)]
-def register_page(
- module,
- path=None,
- name=None,
- order=None,
- title=None,
- description=None,
- image=None,
- redirect_from=None,
- layout=None,
- **kwargs,
+# use stdout instead of ic for debugging
+ from icecream import ic
+except ImportError: # Graceful fallback if IceCream isn't installed.
+ ic = print
+# create a namespace plugin target
+dash.pages = SimpleNamespace(__name__="pages")
+PLUGIN_INSTALLATION_TARGET = dash # variable name
+PLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME = "page_registry"
+PLUGIN_NAMESPACE = None #"pages" # NONE
+PAGES_PATH = Path(Path(__file__).parent, 'pages')
+_ID_CONTENT = '_pages_plugin_content'
+_ID_LOCATION = '_pages_plugin_location'
+_ID_DUMMY = '_pages_plugin_dummy'
+page_container = html.Div([
+ dcc.Location(id=_ID_LOCATION),
+ html.Div(id=_ID_CONTENT),
+ html.Div(id=_ID_DUMMY)
+# docorator to inject records
+# generated from dataclass
+# to a registry (dash.page_registry)
+def inject_record_to_registry(
+ target: ModuleType ,
+ registry_attr: str = 'registry',
+ verbose = False
+ ):
+ """Decorator to inject records generated from dataclass to a target.registry
+ parameters
+ ----------
+ function (docorated):
+ dataclass with ._key and .__dict__ attributes
+ Produces key-pair record from dict(._key:.__dict__)
+ target (object):
+ injection target which holds the registry attribute
+ registry_attr (str):
+ name of the registry attribute to be appended to the injection target
+ verbose (bool, default: False): ics debugging statements
- Assigns the variables to `dash.page_registry` as an `OrderedDict`
- (ordered by `order`).
- `dash.page_registry` is used by `pages_plugin` to set up the layouts as
+ # inside the decorator factory
+ registry_name = f"""{target.__name__}.{registry_attr}"""
+ def create_registry(target, registry_attr: str):
+ """assigns OrderDict as . """
+ if not hasattr(target, registry_attr):
+ setattr(target, registry_attr, OrderedDict())
+ if verbose:
+ ic(f'registry create: {registry_name}')
+ def decorator_inject_record(function):
+ @functools.wraps(function)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+ output = function(*args, **kw)
+ # prepare record
+ key = output._key
+ value = output.__dict__
+ record = {key:value}
+ # creates registry
+ create_registry(target, registry_attr)
+ # inject record
+ getattr(target, registry_attr)[key] = value
+ ic(f'{key=} record injected to {registry_name}')
+ return output # redundantly return dataclass after injecting
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator_inject_record
+# dataclass to register page
+# to get layout and metadata
+ registry_attr = PLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME,
+ verbose = True)
+class PageRegistryRecord:
+ """
+ PageRegistryRecord is used by `pages_plugin` to set up the layouts as
a multi-page Dash app. This includes the URL routing callbacks
(using `dcc.Location`) and the HTML templates to include title,
meta description, and the meta description image.
- `dash.page_registry` can also be used by Dash developers to create the
- page navigation links or by template authors.
- - `module`:
- The module path where this page's `layout` is defined. Often `__name__`.
- - `path`:
- URL Path, e.g. `/` or `/home-page`.
- If not supplied, will be inferred from `module`,
- e.g. `pages.weekly_analytics` to `/weekly-analytics`
- - `name`:
- The name of the link.
- If not supplied, will be inferred from `module`,
- e.g. `pages.weekly_analytics` to `Weekly analytics`
- - `order`:
- The order of the pages in `page_registry`.
- If not supplied, then the filename is used and the page with path `/` has
- order `0`
- - `title`:
- The name of the page . That is, what appears in the browser title.
- If not supplied, will use the supplied `name` or will be inferred by module,
- e.g. `pages.weekly_analytics` to `Weekly analytics`
- - `description`:
- The .
- If not supplied, then it will be the same as the title.
- - `image`:
- The meta description image used by social media platforms.
- If not supplied, then it looks for the following images in `assets/`:
- - A page specific image: `assets/.` is used, e.g. `assets/weekly_analytics.png`
- - A generic app image at `assets/app.`
- - A logo at `assets/logo.`
- - `redirect_from`:
- A list of paths that should redirect to this page.
- For example: `redirect_from=['/v2', '/v3']`
- - `layout`:
- The layout function or component for this page.
- If not supplied, then looks for `layout` from within the supplied `module`.
- - `**kwargs`:
- Arbitrary keyword arguments that can be stored
- ***
- `page_registry` stores the original property that was passed in under
- `supplied_` and the coerced property under ``.
- For example, if this was called:
- ```
- register_page(
- 'pages.historical_outlook',
- name='Our historical view',
- custom_key='custom value'
- )
- ```
- Then this will appear in `page_registry`:
- ```
- OrderedDict([
- (
- 'pages.historical_outlook',
- dict(
- module='pages.historical_outlook',
- supplied_path=None,
- path='/historical-outlook',
- supplied_name='Our historical view',
- name='Our historical view',
- supplied_title=None,
- title='Our historical view'
- supplied_description=None,
- description='Our historical view',
- supplied_order=None,
- order=1,
- supplied_layout=None,
- layout=,
- custom_key='custom value'
- )
- ),
- ])
- ```
+ package layout assumptions
+ --------------------------
+ src/ (optional)
+ package/
+ pages_plugin.py
+ app.py
+ assets/ (must be at same level as pages)
+ app.png
+ logo.png
+ home-page.jpg
- """
- # - Set the order
- # - Inferred paths
- page = dict(
- module=module,
- supplied_path=path,
- path=(path if path is not None else _filename_to_path(module)),
- supplied_name=name,
- name=(name if name is not None else _filename_to_name(module)),
- )
- page.update(
- supplied_title=title,
- title=(title if title is not None else page["name"]),
- )
- page.update(
- supplied_description=description,
- description=(description if description is not None else page["title"]),
- order=order,
- supplied_order=order,
- supplied_layout=layout,
- **kwargs,
- )
- page.update(
- image=(image if image is not None else _infer_image(module)),
- supplied_image=image,
- )
- page.update(redirect_from=redirect_from)
- dash.page_registry[module] = page
- if layout is not None:
- # Override the layout found in the file set during `plug`
- dash.page_registry[module]["layout"] = layout
- # set home page order
- order_supplied = any(p["supplied_order"] is not None for p in dash.page_registry.values())
- for p in dash.page_registry.values():
- p["order"] = 0 if p["path"] == "/" and not order_supplied else p["supplied_order"]
- # sorted by order then by module name
- page_registry_list = sorted(
- dash.page_registry.values(),
- key=lambda i: (str(i.get("order", i["module"])), i["module"]),
- )
- dash.page_registry = OrderedDict([(p["module"], p) for p in page_registry_list])
-dash.register_page = register_page
-def _infer_image(module):
- """
- Return:
- - A page specific image: `assets/.` is used, e.g. `assets/weekly_analytics.png`
- - A generic app image at `assets/app.`
- - A logo at `assets/logo.`
- """
- # TODO - Make sure we don't need to use __name__?
- page_id = module.split(".")[-1]
- files_in_assets = []
- if os.path.exists("assets"):
- files_in_assets = [f for f in listdir("assets") if isfile(join("assets", f))]
- app_file = None
- logo_file = None
- for fn in files_in_assets:
- fn_without_extension = fn.split(".")[0]
- if fn_without_extension == page_id or fn_without_extension == page_id.replace(
- "_", "-"
- ):
- return fn
+ pages/
+ home-page.py
- if fn_without_extension == "app":
- app_file = fn
+ Parameters
+ ----------
- if fn_without_extension == "logo":
- logo_file = fn
+ module (str): module.__name__
+ The module path where this page's `layout` is defined.
+ User supplies __name__ when registering page
- if app_file:
- return app_file
+ USAGE: __name__
+ SYNTAX: ".pages."
- return logo_file
+ path (str, optional): URL path
+ Format: `/` or `/home-page` relative to package root
+ If not supplied, will be inferred from `module`.
+ e.g. `pages.weekly_analytics` to `/weekly-analytics`
+ name (str, optional): name of link
+ If not supplied, will be inferred from `module`,
+ e.g. `pages.weekly_analytics` to `Weekly analytics`
-def _filename_to_name(filename):
- return filename.split(".")[-1].replace("_", " ").capitalize()
+ order: (int, optional): order of the pages
+ layout (str, optional):
+ The Dash.layout function or component for this page.
+ If not supplied, will scan for "layout" attribute in the module page
-def _filename_to_path(filename):
- return filename.replace("_", "-").replace(".", "/").lower().split("pages")[-1]
+ image (str, optional. default: None): meta description of image
+ If not supplied, will be inferred from `module`
+ by pattern matching in directory `assets` directory
+ matches:
+ page image: assets/..
+ app image: assets/app.
+ logo: assets/logo.
+ eg. assets/home_page.png
+ title (str, optional): Name of page that appears is browser
+ If not supplied, will be inferred from `module`,
+ e.g. `pages.weekly_analytics` to `Weekly analytics`
+ description (str, optional. defaults: None):
+ The .
+ redirect_from (list, optional):
+ A list of paths that should redirect to this page.
+ example: `redirect_from=['/v2', '/v3']`
+ Properties
+ ----------
+ _filepath (str): absolute filepath to registered module page
+ taken from .pages..__file__
+ format: /path/to/package/pages/module.py
+ _assetpath (str): expected directory of media assets
+ format: /path/to/package/assets
+ _key (str): copy of .module
+ """
+ module: str
+ urlpath: str = field(default = None)
+ name: str = field(default = None)
+ order: int = field(default = None)
+ layout: str = field(default=None)
+ image: str = field(default = None)
+ title: str = field(default = None)
+ description: str = field(default = None)
+ redirect_from: list = field(default = None)
+ _filepath: str = field(init=False)
+ _module_instance: Any = field(init=False)
+ _assetpath: str = field(init=False)
+ _assetmodule: str = field(init=False)
+ verbose: bool = True
+ @property
+ def _key(self):
+ """copy of .module, used for injection"""
+ return self.module
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ module = self.module
+ if self.urlpath is None:
+ self.urlpath = self._infer_urlpath(module)
+ if self.name is None:
+ self.name = self._infer_name(module)
+ if self.title is None:
+ self.title = self.name
+ if self.layout is None:
+ self.layout = self._infer_layout(module)
+ # define absolute paths based on script location
+ # makes assumptions on package layout
+ instance = self._import_module(module)
+ self._module_instance = instance
+ self._filepath = instance.__file__
+ self._assetpath = self._infer_asset_path(instance.__file__)
+ self._assetmodule = self._infer_asset_module(module)
+ if self.image is None:
+ self.image = self._infer_image(self._assetpath, module)
+ # key. used later for injection
+ @staticmethod
+ def _infer_urlpath(filename):
+ return '/' + filename.split('.')[-1].replace('_', '-').lower()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _infer_name(filename):
+ return filename.split('.')[-1].replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _import_module(module):
+ return importlib.import_module(module)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _infer_layout(module):
+ module_instance = importlib.import_module(module)
+ layout = module_instance.layout
+ # is layout a function?
+ if isinstance(layout, Callable):
+ ic(f'layout is function in {module_instance}')
+ return layout()
+ return layout
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_parent_dir_by_pattern_match(filename, pattern = 'pages', replace = "assets"):
+ """tranverse filepath from child to root until pattern found
+ then keep parent folder with optional replacement of pattern
+ """
+ parts = Path(filename).parts
+ store_values = []
+ keep_content = False
+ for x in parts[::-1]:
+ if keep_content:
+ store_values.append(x)
+ if x == 'pages':
+ keep_content = True
+ store_values.append('assets')
+ new_parts = tuple(store_values[::-1])
+ return Path(*new_parts)
+ @classmethod
+ def _infer_asset_path(cls, filepath):
+ func = cls.parse_parent_dir_by_pattern_match
+ new_path = func(filepath, pattern = 'pages', replace = "assets")
+ return new_path.__str__()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _match_case_filename_image_table(filepath, page_pattern, verbose=False):
+ """checks for pattern in filename
+ cases:
+ page: .
+ app: app.
+ logo: logo.
+ Any ext, case-insensitive, "-" and "_" insensitive
+ """
+ source = Path(filepath).stem.lower().replace("-","_")
+ page = SimpleNamespace(pattern = page_pattern)
+ if verbose:
+ ic(filepath)
+ ic(f"{page.pattern=}")
+ match source:
+ case page.pattern:
+ if verbose:
+ ic(f"page image found, {page.pattern=}")
+ return dict(page=filepath.name)
+ case "app":
+ if verbose:
+ ic('app image found')
+ return dict(app=filepath.name)
+ case "logo":
+ if verbose:
+ ic('logo image found')
+ return dict(logo=filepath.name)
+ case _:
+ if verbose:
+ ic("none found")
+ return {}
+ @classmethod
+ def _infer_image(cls, assetpath, module, return_dict=False):
+ """
+ looks for media in assetpath (/path/to/package/media)
+ Return:
+ (str): either,
+ - PAGE :specific image: `assets/.` is used,
+ e.g. `assets/weekly_analytics.png`
+ - APP. : generic app image at `assets/app.`
+ - LOGO
+ In that priority order.
+ - A page specific image: `assets/.` is used,
+ e.g. `assets/weekly_analytics.png`
+ - A generic app image at `assets/app.`
+ - A logo at `assets/logo.`
+ """
+ match_case_table = cls._match_case_filename_image_table
+ files_in_assets = list(Path(assetpath).glob("*"))
+ page_pattern = module.split('.')[-1].lower().replace("-","_")
+ results = {}
+ for filename in files_in_assets:
+ outcome = match_case_table(filename, page_pattern)
+ results.update(**outcome)
+ # return all image results
+ if return_dict:
+ return results
+ # return image based on priority
+ priority = ['page', 'app', 'logo']
+ for key in priority:
+ if key in results.keys():
+ return results[key]
+ return None
+ @classmethod
+ def _infer_asset_module(cls, module):
+ func = cls.parse_parent_dir_by_pattern_match
+ new_path = func(module.replace(".","/"), pattern = 'pages', replace = "assets")
+ new_path = new_path.__str__().replace("/",".")
+ return new_path
+def is_plugin_installed(
+ PLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME = "registry",
+ verbose=False,
+ raise_except=False
+ ):
+ """check if target has all pages plugin methods"""
+ target = PLUGIN_TARGET
+ else:
+ ic('check if target has expected methods...')
+ ic(target)
+ expected_methods = ['register_page', PLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME]
+ results = []
+ for method in expected_methods:
+ if raise_except:
+ assert ic(hasattr(target, method))
+ _, outcome = ic(method, hasattr(target, method))
+ results.append(outcome)
+ SUCCESS_INSTALL = all(results)
+class InstallPluginToModule:
+ """InstallPluginToModule
+ Instantiate to inject plugin to target module's namespace
+ ----------
+ parameters
+ ----------
+ PLUGIN_TARGET (SimpleNamespace or module):
+ Supply a module or SimpleNamespace to install plugin
+ PLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME (str, default = 'registry'):
+ where the records go
+ PLUGIN_NAMESPACE (str or None, default = 'pages')
+ adds attribute to target
+ if none, directly adds plugin methods to target
+ example 1:
+ InstallPluginToModule(dash, namespace = 'pages') -(creates)->
+ dash.pages
+ |_ .register_pages
+ |_ {registry}
+ example 2:
+ InstallPluginToModule(dash, namespace = None) -(creates)->
+ dash
+ |_ .register_pages
+ |_ {registry}
+ """
+ _is_plugin_installed = is_plugin_installed
+ register_page = PageRegistryRecord
+ _plugin = None
+ _logs = None
+ def __init__(self,
+ PLUGIN_TARGET: ModuleType,
+ PLUGIN_NAMESPACE: str or None = "pages",
+ PLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME = "registry",
+ verbose = False
+ ):
+ # assignments
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ # do stuff
+ self._logs, self._plugin = self.install_plugin()
+ self.is_plugin_installed()
+ @classmethod
+ def plugin_class_factory(cls, namespace, registry_name):
+ """factory for plugin object"""
+ if namespace is None:
+ namespace = 'plugin_methods'
+ make_class_pages_plugin = \
+ make_dataclass(namespace,[registry_name, "register_page"])
+ kwargs = {
+ registry_name: OrderedDict(),
+ "register_page": cls.register_page
+ }
+ ic('creating plugin class')
+ return ic(make_class_pages_plugin(**kwargs))
+ @classmethod
+ def _attach_plugin_to_target(cls, target, namespace, registry_name, verbose):
+ plugin = cls.plugin_class_factory(namespace, registry_name)
+ logs = []
+ if namespace is not None:
+ _, log = (setattr(target, namespace, plugin),
+ ic(f"{target.__name__}.{namespace} attached with {plugin}"))
+ return log, plugin
+ # no namespace
+ for method, value in plugin.__dict__.items():
+ _, log = (setattr(target, method, value),
+ ic(f".{method} added to {target.__name__}"))
+ logs.append(log)
+ return logs, plugin
+ def install_plugin(self):
+ return self._attach_plugin_to_target(
+ target = self.PLUGIN_TARGET,
+ namespace = self.PLUGIN_NAMESPACE,
+ registry_name = self.PLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME,
+ verbose = self.verbose)
+ def is_plugin_installed(self):
+ ic('post-install check...')
+ return is_plugin_installed(
+ verbose = self.verbose,
+ raise_except = False)
+ @property
+ def plugin(self):
+ if self._plugin is None:
+ namespace, registry_name = self.PLUGIN_NAMESPACE, self.PLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME
+ self._plugin = self.plugin_class_factory(
+ namespace,
+ registry_name)
+ return self._plugin
+ namespace = PLUGIN_NAMESPACE,
+ registry_name = PLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME,
+ ):
+ """get instance of pages registry
+ example:
+ dash..
+ """
+ if namespace is None:
+ return getattr(target, registry_name)
+ container = getattr(target, namespace)
+ return getattr(container, registry_name)
def plug(app):
- # Import the pages so that the user doesn't have to.
- # TODO - Do validate_layout in here too
- dash.page_registry = OrderedDict()
- # Updated from using glob.iglob to using os.walk to ensure that the function works for Windows users
- for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk("pages"):
- for file in files:
- if file.startswith("_") or not file.endswith(".py"):
- continue
- page_filename = os.path.join(root, file).replace("\\", "/")
- _, _, page_filename = page_filename.partition("pages/")
- page_filename = page_filename.replace(".py", "").replace("/", ".")
- page_module = importlib.import_module(f"pages.{page_filename}")
- if f"pages.{page_filename}" in dash.page_registry:
- dash.page_registry[f"pages.{page_filename}"]["layout"] = getattr(
- page_module, "layout"
- )
def router():
- Output(_ID_CONTENT, "children"),
- Input(_ID_LOCATION, "pathname"),
- Input(_ID_LOCATION, "search"),
- prevent_initial_call=True,
+ Output(_ID_CONTENT, 'children'),
+ Input(_ID_LOCATION, 'pathname'),
+ Input(_ID_LOCATION, 'search'),
+ prevent_initial_call=True
def update(pathname, search):
path_id = app.strip_relative_path(pathname)
query_parameters = _parse_query_string(search)
layout = None
- for module in dash.page_registry:
- page = dash.page_registry[module]
- if path_id == app.strip_relative_path(page["path"]):
- layout = page["layout"]
+ for module in REGISTRY_CONTAINER:
+ page = REGISTRY_CONTAINER[module]
+ if path_id == app.strip_relative_path(page['path']):
+ layout = page['layout']
if layout is None:
- if "pages.not_found_404" in dash.page_registry:
- layout = dash.page_registry["pages.not_found_404"]["layout"]
+ if 'pages.not_found_404' in REGISTRY_CONTAINER:
+ layout = REGISTRY_CONTAINER['pages.not_found_404']['layout']
- layout = html.H1("404")
+ layout = html.H1('404')
if callable(layout):
- print("Calling...")
- print(query_parameters)
+ ic('Calling...')
+ ic(query_parameters)
return layout(**query_parameters)
return layout
# Set validation_layout and prefix component IDs and callbacks with module name
- for module in dash.page_registry:
- app.validation_layout = html.Div(
- [
- page["layout"]() if callable(page["layout"]) else page["layout"]
- for page in dash.page_registry.values()
- ]
- + [app.layout]
- )
+ for module in REGISTRY_CONTAINER:
+ app.validation_layout = html.Div([
+ page['layout']() if callable(page['layout']) else page['layout']
+ for page in REGISTRY_CONTAINER.values()
+ ] + [app.layout])
# Update the page title on page navigation
path_to_title = {
- page["path"]: page["title"] for page in dash.page_registry.values()
+ page['path']: page['title']
+ for page in REGISTRY_CONTAINER.values()
path_to_description = {
- page["path"]: page["description"] for page in dash.page_registry.values()
+ page['path']: page['description']
+ for page in REGISTRY_CONTAINER.values()
path_to_image = {
- page["path"]: page["image"] for page in dash.page_registry.values()
+ page['path']: page['image']
+ for page in REGISTRY_CONTAINER.values()
@@ -305,18 +645,19 @@ def update(pathname, search):
document.title = {json.dumps(path_to_title)}[path] || 'Dash'
- Output(_ID_DUMMY, "children"),
- Input(_ID_LOCATION, "pathname"),
+ Output(_ID_DUMMY, 'children'),
+ Input(_ID_LOCATION, 'pathname')
# Set index HTML for the meta description and page title on page load
def interpolate_index(**kwargs):
- image = path_to_image.get(flask.request.path, "")
- if image:
+ image = path_to_image.get(flask.request.path, '')
+ if '/' not in image:
image = app.get_asset_url(image)
return dedent(
- """
+ '''
@@ -333,7 +674,7 @@ def interpolate_index(**kwargs):
@@ -349,41 +690,42 @@ def interpolate_index(**kwargs):
- """
+ '''
- metas=kwargs["metas"],
- description=path_to_description.get(flask.request.path, ""),
- title=path_to_title.get(flask.request.path, "Dash"),
+ metas=kwargs['metas'],
+ description=path_to_description.get(flask.request.path, ''),
+ title=path_to_title.get(flask.request.path, 'Dash'),
- favicon=kwargs["favicon"],
- css=kwargs["css"],
- app_entry=kwargs["app_entry"],
- config=kwargs["config"],
- scripts=kwargs["scripts"],
- renderer=kwargs["renderer"],
- )
+ favicon=kwargs['favicon'],
+ css=kwargs['css'],
+ app_entry=kwargs['app_entry'],
+ config=kwargs['config'],
+ scripts=kwargs['scripts'],
+ renderer=kwargs['renderer']
+ )
app.interpolate_index = interpolate_index
def create_redirect_function(redirect_to):
def redirect():
return flask.redirect(redirect_to, code=301)
return redirect
# Set redirects
- for module in dash.page_registry:
- page = dash.page_registry[module]
- if page["redirect_from"] and len(page["redirect_from"]):
- for redirect in page["redirect_from"]:
+ for module in REGISTRY_CONTAINER:
+ page = REGISTRY_CONTAINER[module]
+ if page['redirect_from'] and len(page['redirect_from']):
+ for redirect in page['redirect_from']:
# TODO - Use pathname prefix
- redirect, redirect, create_redirect_function(page["path"])
+ redirect,
+ redirect,
+ create_redirect_function(page['path'])
def _parse_query_string(search):
- if search and len(search) > 0 and search[0] == "?":
+ if search and len(search) > 0 and search[0] == '?':
search = search[1:]
return {}
@@ -398,3 +740,88 @@ def _parse_query_string(search):
parsed_qs[k] = first
return parsed_qs
+# scans /pages and auto-import
+class AutoRegisterPage:
+ """Automatically register layouts to dash from module pages
+ tranverses /pages folder for .py to import to sys.modules
+ the imported scripts must have ```dash.register_page(__name__)``` line
+ parameters
+ ----------
+ pages_dir (str): path/to/pages
+ /pages contains