#Gazebo & Jaco/Mico arms
This package provides the basic tools to run the URDF files of Jaco and Mico arms in Gazebo. The controller of the motors are simulated using the ROS controller manager, which manages the following ROS controllers: JointPositionController and JointTrajectoryController.
The controllers above serve only as a debugging test bed for other algorithms, such as motion planning integrated with visual input, reaching for grasping etc.
The tested configuration is ROS Indigo and its corresponding Gazebo version (2.2.x) from ROS packages.
The global launcher is gazebo.launch, which has defined parameters for the arm, world file and arm pose amongst others. By default the simulator is paused, because the controllers take a little while to start. Thus, after verifying that the controllers are up and running, the play button can be pressed.
roslaunch jaco_gazebo gazebo.launch robot:=jaco_arm
roslaunch jaco_gazebo gazebo.launch robot:=jaco_arm world:=table_kinect_and_objects.world pose:="-x 0.0 -y -0.95 -z 1.01 -R 0.0 -P 0.0 -Y 0.0"
##Mico arm
roslaunch jaco_gazebo gazebo.launch robot:=mico_arm
roslaunch jaco_gazebo gazebo.launch robot:=mico_arm world:=table_kinect_and_objects.world pose:="-x 0.0 -y -0.95 -z 1.01 -R 0.0 -P 0.0 -Y 0.0"
- The grippers of Jaco and Mico do not behave like the actual grippers
- Masses and inertias are set to a default value that works well for the ros effort controllers.