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This is the list of properties when using Mapnik 2.0 (use -t mapnik-2.0 when loading mapcss file).

  • The value of properties marked with an asterisk (*) in the "Compatibility MapCSS 0.2" column need to be predictable at compile-time; if not, a warning will be issued when compiling. Features might be missing in the rendered image.

Rendering order

In contrast to the MapCSS 0.2 specification the following rendering order is used:

  1. Objects with lower layer (see below) should always be rendered first.
  2. Within a layer, first all fills are rendered, then all casings, then all strokes.
  3. Within each of those categories, objects are ordered according to z-index.
  4. If all of the above are equal, the order is undefined.


  • By default, all icons are rendered as if they are on layer 100 (defined by property 'point-layer')
  • By default, all labels with text-position!=line are rendered as if they are on layer 101 (defined by property 'point-text-layer')
  • By default, all labels with text-position=line are rendered as if they are on layer 102 (defined by property 'line-text-layer')
  • By default, all shields are rendered as if they are on layer 103 (defined by property 'shield-layer')

General properties

CSS parameter Description Default value Compatibility MapCSS 0.2
layer the highest level of ordering objects the value of tag 'layer' (or 0) see below
[style_element]-layer override layer property for a specific style_element the value of property 'layer' or the values as described under 'Rendering order' NO
z-index specify the order of objects in each layer: The objects with higher z-index are drawn on top of objects with lower z-index 0 YES
  • Property 'layer': MapCSS 0.2 does define the rendering order dependend on the layer-tag of the objects, but does not define a way to change that order from the stylesheet.

Canvas properties

CSS parameter Description Default value Compatibility MapCSS 0.2
fill-color The color of the background 0% (transparent) YES(*)
fill-image an image for the background instead of a color fill YES(*)
buffer set the buffer-size of the Map 0 no standard(*)
  • MapCSS 0.2 properties not (yet) supported: antialiasing (always fully antialiased), fill-opacity (use alpha-channel on fill-color instead)

Point properties

CSS parameter Description Default value Compatibility MapCSS 0.2
icon-image URL (absolute or relative) of an image to use as an icon, e.g. url('img/foo.svg'). Icons from Mapbox Maki project can be included via their ID, e.g. parking-garage. YES
icon-color Only for icons from Mapbox Maki project! Change color of icon to given color. #444444. no standard(*)
icon-opacity Opacity of the icon image 100% (opaque) YES(*)
icon-width Width of image. Ignored for custom images. For icons from Mapbox Maki project values 12, 18 or 24 have to be used. 24 PARTLY
icon-height Height of image. Ignored. - --
icon-rotation Rotation of the image in the current angular system. 0 NO(*)
icon-allow-overlap allow text to overlap the point image (true/false) false NO
icon-ignore-placement allow subsequent point/shield iconizers to overlap this icon (true/false) false NO
symbol-shape Display a symbol at the position of the point. Supported values: square, circle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon - NO, JOSM (*)
symbol-size Size of the symbol (px) 10 NO, JOSM (*)
symbol-stroke-width outline stroke width 1 NO, JOSM (*)
symbol-stroke-color line color #FFC800 NO, JOSM (*)
symbol-stroke-opacity line opacity 1.0 NO, JOSM (*)
symbol-fill-color fill color for the shape #0000FF NO, JOSM (*)
symbol-fill-opacity fill opacity 1.0 NO, JOSM (*)
symbol-rotation Rotation of the symbol in the current angular system. 0 NO (*)
symbol-allow-overlap allow text to overlap the point image (true/false) false NO
symbol-ignore-placement allow subsequent point/shield symbolizers to overlap this symbol (true/false) false NO

Line properties

CSS parameter Description Default value Compatibility MapCSS 0.2
color Colour of the line. YES(*)
width The line width in pixels. YES(*)
opacity How transparent the line is, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). 1 YES(*)
image The URL of an image to use for filling the line. As Mapnik 2.0 does not support SVG in LinePatterSymbolizer, it will be converted to PNG. YES
linejoin The style for line corners: 'round', 'miter' or 'bevel'. round YES
linecap The style for the end of the line: 'none' (default), 'round' or 'square' none YES
dashes An array of alternating on/off lengths YES(*)
dashes-background-color The color to use in between the dashes (optional) NO, JOSM (*)
dashes-background-opacity Opacity value for the dashes background (optional) NO, JOSM (*)
casing-color Colour of the casing (border) of a line. YES(*)
casing-width Width of the casing (border) of the line (added to 'width' of the line). 0 YES(*)
casing-opacity How transparent the casing is, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). 1 YES(*)
casing-linejoin The style for casing corners: 'round', 'miter' or 'bevel'. value of linejoin YES
casing-linecap The style for the end of the casing: 'none', 'round' or 'square' value of linecap YES
casing-dashes An array of alternating on/off lengths YES(*)
casing-dashes-background-color The color to use in between the dashes (optional) NO, JOSM (*)
casing-dashes-background-opacity Opacity value for the dashes background (optional) NO, JOSM (*)
repeat-image Repeated image along a line (actually similar to "image", but with more features and compatible to JOSM). As Mapnik 2.0 does not support SVG in LinePatterSymbolizer, it will be converted to PNG. JOSM
  • MapCSS 0.2 properties not (yet) supported: extrude, extrude-*
  • Further properties not supported: offset, casing-offset (needs Mapnik 2.2 or higher), repeat-image-offset

Area properties

CSS parameter Description Default value Compatibility MapCSS 0.2
fill-color Colour in which to fill the area. YES(*)
fill-opacity How transparent the fill is, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque) 1 YES(*)
fill-image The URL of an image to use for filling the area. As Mapnik 2.0 does not support SVG in LinePatterSymbolizer, it will be converted to PNG. YES

Label properties

CSS parameter Description Default value Compatibility MapCSS 0.2
max-width The maximum width of a text label for a point, after which it should wrap onto the next line. YES(*)
text-offset The vertical offset from the centre of the way or point. By default relative to an icon/symbol (see text-anchor-vertical) 0 YES(*)
text-anchor-vertical vertical text label placement relative to icon/symbol, possible values (below, above) below NO, JOSM (*)
text-anchor-horizontal Position of label relative to point position (left, middle, right) middle NO, JOSM (*)
text-position Whether the text follows the path of the way ('line') or is centred on the area ('center') center; line for lines YES
font-family Name of the font to use default (see 'Fonts' below) DejaVu Sans YES(*)
font-weight 'bold' or 'normal' normal YES
font-style 'italic' or 'normal' normal YES
font-size Size of the text 12 YES(*)
text-color Colour of text #000000 YES(*)
text-halo-color The colour (hex or CSS) of the 'halo' or 'pull-out' used to make the text stand out from features underneath it. #ffffff YES(*)
text-halo-radius The radius of the halo 0 YES(*)
text A tag from which text for label will be read, or (if quoted or an eval-statement) the text for the label. If value is 'auto', one of the following tags will be used: "name:" + LANG, "name", "int_name", "ref", "operator", "brand" and "addr:housenumber". YES
text-spacing Space between repeated labels. If spacing is 0 only one label is placed. 0 no standard(*)
text-transform 'none', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize' none YES
text-opacity How transparent the text is, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque) 1 YES(*)
wrap-character Use this character instead of a space to wrap long names " " no standard(*)
character-spacing Additional horizontal spacing between characters. 0 no standard(*)
text-allow-overlap Allow labels to overlap other labels (true/false) false no standard
  • MapCSS 0.2 properties not (yet) supported: font-variant, text-decoration


CSS parameter Description Default value Compatibility MapCSS 0.2
shield-placement Whether the shields follows the path of the way ('line') or is centred on the area ('point') 'line' for lines, 'point' for other features no standard(*)
shield-font-family Name of the font to use value of font-family no standard(*)
shield-font-weight 'bold' or 'normal' value of font-weight no standard(*)
shield-font-style 'italic' or 'normal' value of font-style no standard(*)
shield-font-size Size of the text value of font-size no standard(*)
shield-text-color Colour of text #000000 no standard(*)
shield-text-halo-color The colour (hex or CSS) of the 'halo' or 'pull-out' used to make the text stand out from features underneath it. #ffffff no standard(*)
shield-text-halo-radius The radius of the halo 0 no standard(*)
shield-text A tag from which text for label will be read, or (if quoted or an eval-statement) the text for the label. If value is 'auto', one of the following tags will be used: "name", "int_name", "ref", "operator", "brand" and "addr:housenumber". YES
shield-spacing Space between repeated shields. If spacing is 0 only one label is placed 196 no standard(*)
shield-opacity How transparent the shield is, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque) 1 YES(*)
shield-image The URL (absolute or relative) of an image to use as a background for text. YES
shield-text-transform 'none', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize' value of text-transform no standard
  • MapCSS 0.2 properties not (yet) supported: shield-color, shield-frame-color, shield-frame-width, shield-casing-color, shield-casing-width, shield-shape.
  • Currently a shield-image is mandatory.


There's a fontset for each font-family / font-weight / font-style combination, defined in default-template.mapnik. There's a default fallback to unifont too (which might change in the future). The name of the fontsets is "font-family - font-weight - font-style", e.g. "DejaVu Serif Condensed - bold - italic".

Also all possible font-families are defined in default.mapcss in the @values font-family clause.