A style guide for the PlanetTerp codebase. Unless stated otherwise, assume we follow PEP 8 conventions.
Imports should be organized in blocks, according to its type, with a space between each block. The blocks are as follows, in order:
- Standard python packages
- Django packages
- Other non-local imports
- Local imports
For example:
# stdlib import block
from datetime import date
# django import block
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.template.context_processors import csrf
# other non-local import block
from crispy_forms.utils import render_crispy_form
import django_tables2 as tables
# local import block
from planetterp.settings import DATE_FORMAT
from home.models import Review, Grade
If an import line is longer than 80 characters, surround it with parenthesis and break up the import across as many lines as neccessary to keep it under 80 characters:
# 80 chars
# BAD: |
from home.forms.admin_forms import ReviewUnverifyForm, ReviewVerifyForm, ProfessorVerifyForm, ReviewRejectForm, ReviewHelpForm, ProfessorRejectForm, ProfessorDeleteForm
from home.forms.admin_forms import (ReviewUnverifyForm, ReviewVerifyForm,
ProfessorVerifyForm, ReviewRejectForm, ReviewHelpForm,
ProfessorRejectForm, ProfessorDeleteForm)
Speaking of line length: while PEP 8 recommends a line length of 80 characters, we often work with long class names and long strings as a result of using django and html. The 80 character limit should be followed where possible, but can be disregarded where reasonable.
When constructing model queries, if you can fit it on one line without going over python's character limit (80 characters), then do so:
courses = Course.objects.filter(name__icontains=search)
However, if your query is longer than 80 characters, style it in the following way.
- wrap the entire expression in paranetheses
- put
first, on its own line - put any method call (
, etc) on its own line
For example:
average_gpa = (
If any of the subexpressions get too long, the arguments can be put on their own line to save a few characters:
# before
grades = (
.annotate(course_name=Concat("course__department", "course__course_number"))
# after
grades = (
course_name=Concat("course__department", "course__course_number")
When instantiating layout objects, unless you are only passing a single parameter, always put each parameter on its own line:
HTML attributes are defined via nested dictionaries in the column definition. No matter how many key, value
pairs a dictionary has, always expand a nested dictionary onto it own line.
# Bad
attrs = {
"th": {"class": "information"},
"td": {
"class": "information",
"style": "white-space: nowrap; width: 11%;"
# Good
attrs = {
"th": {
"class": "information"
"td": {
"class": "information",
"style": "white-space: nowrap; width: 11%;"