- Support Jackson annotations in order to define data types and database field names
- toMap Entity method is never required anymore.
- handler GET document not found error
- Improve Readme
- upgrade com.google.cloud:google-cloud-firestore to 1.0.6
- Add trace logging
- Avoid noise timeout log error.
- Init API methods:
- Insert: Insert create a Document with an auto-generate ID
- Empty: Empty create a document for a given collection, and return an an auto-generate ID.
- Upsert: If the document does not exist, it will be created. If the document does exist, its contents will be overwritten with the newly provided data.
- Get: Get will retrieve a Document by ID for a given collection name.
- Query Builder: Query builder allow you to develop your own query with where statement.
- Run Query: get will retrieve a List of Documents by a given query.
- Add Query Listener: You can listen to a document changes
- Update: Update full document (overwrite).
- Delete: To delete a document, use the delete method.