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Adapter for SvelteKit apps that generates a standalone Node server.


Install with npm i -D @sveltejs/adapter-node, then add the adapter to your svelte.config.js:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-node';

export default {
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter()

Environment variables


By default, the server will accept connections on using port 3000. These can be customised with the PORT and HOST environment variables:

HOST= PORT=4000 node build


HTTP doesn't give SvelteKit a reliable way to know the URL that is currently being requested. The simplest way to tell SvelteKit where the app is being served is to set the ORIGIN environment variable:

ORIGIN= node build

With this, a request for the /stuff pathname will correctly resolve to Alternatively, you can specify headers that tell SvelteKit about the request protocol and host, from which it can construct the origin URL:

PROTOCOL_HEADER=x-forwarded-proto HOST_HEADER=x-forwarded-host node build

x-forwarded-proto and x-forwarded-host are de facto standard headers that forward the original protocol and host if you're using a reverse proxy (think load balancers and CDNs). You should only set these variables if your server is behind a trusted reverse proxy; otherwise, it'd be possible for clients to spoof these headers.


The RequestEvent object passed to hooks and endpoints includes an event.clientAddress property representing the client's IP address. By default this is the connecting remoteAddress. If your server is behind one or more proxies (such as a load balancer), this value will contain the innermost proxy's IP address rather than the client's, so we need to specify an ADDRESS_HEADER to read the address from:

ADDRESS_HEADER=True-Client-IP node build

Headers can easily be spoofed. As with PROTOCOL_HEADER and HOST_HEADER, you should know what you're doing before setting these.

If the ADDRESS_HEADER is X-Forwarded-For, the header value will contain a comma-separated list of IP addresses. The XFF_DEPTH environment variable should specify how many trusted proxies sit in front of your server. E.g. if there are three trusted proxies, proxy 3 will forward the addresses of the original connection and the first two proxies:

<client address>, <proxy 1 address>, <proxy 2 address>

Some guides will tell you to read the left-most address, but this leaves you vulnerable to spoofing:

<spoofed address>, <client address>, <proxy 1 address>, <proxy 2 address>

Instead, we read from the right, accounting for the number of trusted proxies. In this case, we would use XFF_DEPTH=3.

If you need to read the left-most address instead (and don't care about spoofing) — for example, to offer a geolocation service, where it's more important for the IP address to be real than trusted, you can do so by inspecting the x-forwarded-for header within your app.


The adapter can be configured with various options:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-node';

export default {
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter({
      // default options are shown
      out: 'build',
      precompress: false,
      envPrefix: ''


The directory to build the server to. It defaults to build — i.e. node build would start the server locally after it has been created.


Enables precompressing using gzip and brotli for assets and prerendered pages. It defaults to false.


If you need to change the name of the environment variables used to configure the deployment (for example, to deconflict with environment variables you don't control), you can specify a prefix:

envPrefix: 'MY_CUSTOM_';
node build

Custom server

The adapter creates two files in your build directory — index.js and handler.js. Running index.js — e.g. node build, if you use the default build directory — will start a server on the configured port.

Alternatively, you can import the handler.js file, which exports a handler suitable for use with Express, Connect or Polka (or even just the built-in http.createServer) and set up your own server:

// my-server.js
import { handler } from './build/handler.js';
import express from 'express';

const app = express();

// add a route that lives separately from the SvelteKit app
app.get('/healthcheck', (req, res) => {

// let SvelteKit handle everything else, including serving prerendered pages and static assets

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('listening on port 3000');


You will need the output directory (build by default), the project's package.json, and the production dependencies in node_modules to run the application. Production dependencies can be generated with npm ci --prod, you can also skip this step if your app doesn't have any dependencies. You can then start your app with

node build


The Changelog for this package is available on GitHub.
