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test the topic changing over time with CSV format #2527

maplejia opened this issue Jun 14, 2019 · 3 comments

test the topic changing over time with CSV format #2527

maplejia opened this issue Jun 14, 2019 · 3 comments
need info Not enough information for reproduce an issue, need more info from author


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I am trying to implement gensim.models.wrappers import DtmModel to test the topic changing over time.

My testing file is Amazon review file with CSV format, which include reviews, ratings, date and title.

I am trying to replicate the page to find the topic changing over time, but fail to create time_slices. Is any one can help me? thank you very much.

Problem description

What are you trying to achieve? What is the expected result? What are you seeing instead?

Steps/code/corpus to reproduce

Include full tracebacks, logs and datasets if necessary. Please keep the examples minimal ("minimal reproducible example").


Please provide the output of:

import platform; print(platform.platform())
import sys; print("Python", sys.version)
import numpy; print("NumPy", numpy.__version__)
import scipy; print("SciPy", scipy.__version__)
import gensim; print("gensim", gensim.__version__)
from gensim.models import word2vec;print("FAST_VERSION", word2vec.FAST_VERSION)
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Problem description

I am trying to replicate the page to find the topic changing over time, but fail to create time_slices.
I am using a amazon review csv file, which include review content, date, ID and title each line.

Steps/code/corpus to reproduce

  1. import nltk
    from nltk import FreqDist'stopwords') # run this one time

[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data] C:\Users\qsu2\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Package stopwords is already up-to-date!

  1. import pandas as pd
    pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 200)
    import numpy as np
    import re
    import spacy

import gensim
from gensim import corpora

libraries for visualization

import pyLDAvis
import pyLDAvis.gensim
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

output: 2019-06-14 06:14:01,351 : DEBUG : backend module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline version unknown

  1. import pandas as pd
    df = pd.read_csv("Amazon_review.csv", encoding="ISO-8859–1")

  2. df['Content'] = df['Content'].str.replace("[^a-zA-Z#]", " ")# remove unwanted characters, numbers and symbols
    5.from nltk.corpus import stopwords
    stop_words = stopwords.words('english')

  3. function to remove stopwords

def remove_stopwords(rev):
rev_new = " ".join([i for i in rev if i not in stop_words])
return rev_new

remove short words (length < 3)

df['Content'] = df['Content'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([w for w in x.split() if len(w)>2]))

remove stopwords from the text

reviews = [remove_stopwords(r.split()) for r in df['Content']]

make entire text lowercase

reviews = [r.lower() for r in reviews]

Include full tracebacks, logs and datasets if necessary. Please keep the examples minimal ("minimal reproducible example").
7. import spacy
!python -m spacy download en
Requirement already satisfied: en_core_web_sm==2.1.0 from in c:\users\qsu2\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (2.1.0)
[+] Download and installation successful
You can now load the model via spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
symbolic link created for C:\Users\qsu2\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spacy\data\en <<===>> C:\Users\qsu2\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\en_core_web_sm
[+] Linking successful
You can now load the model via spacy.load('en')

  1. nlp = spacy.load('en', disable=['parser', 'ner'])

def lemmatization(texts, tags=['NOUN', 'ADJ']): # filter noun and adjective
output = []
for sent in texts:
doc = nlp(" ".join(sent))
output.append([token.lemma_ for token in doc if token.pos_ in tags])
return output
9. tokenized_reviews = pd.Series(reviews).apply(lambda x: x.split())


['bought', 'samsung', 'reviewed', 'happy', 'new', 'version', 'released', 'resist', 'buying', 'married', 'geek', 'never', 'many', 'gadgets', 'around', 'house', 'here', 'love', 'laptop', 'incredibly', 'thin', 'light', 'however', 'use', 'feels', 'big', 'keyboard', 'full', 'size', 'one', 'keyboard', 'great', 'better', 'trackpad', 'huge', 'laptop', 'size', 'improvement', 'previous', 'version', 'trackpad', 'surface', 'smooth', 'almost', 'feels', 'like', 'glass', 'makes', 'scrolling', 'breeze', 'overall', 'hardware', 'great', 'looks', 'really', 'good', 'especially', 'price', 'tag', 'expecting', 'surprises', 'software', 'since', 'old', 'latest', 'features', 'thanks', 'automatic', 'updates', 'however', 'pleasantly', 'surprised', 'speed', 'new', 'boots', 'quickly', 'pages', 'load', 'really', 'fast', 'great', 'use', 'there', 'also', 'new', 'add', 'ons', 'improvement', 'well', 'apps', 'create', 'google', 'doc', 'slide', 'spreadsheet', 'one', 'click', 'well', 'new', 'camera', 'app', 'lot', 'fun', 'hope', 'google', 'releases', 'old', 'all', 'happy', 'laptop', 'highly', 'recommend', 'great', 'features', 'usability', 'amazing', 'price', 'great', 'christmas', 'gift', 'idea']

  1. reviews_2 = lemmatization(tokenized_reviews)
    print(reviews_2[1]) # print lemmatized review


['samsung', 'happy', 'new', 'version', 'resist', 'married', 'geek', 'many', 'gadget', 'house', 'laptop', 'thin', 'light', 'big', 'keyboard', 'full', 'size', 'keyboard', 'well', 'trackpad', 'huge', 'laptop', 'size', 'improvement', 'previous', 'version', 'trackpad', 'surface', 'smooth', 'glass', 'overall', 'hardware', 'great', 'good', 'price', 'tag', 'surprise', 'software', 'old', 'late', 'feature', 'thank', 'automatic', 'update', 'surprised', 'speed', 'new', 'boot', 'load', 'great', 'use', 'new', 'on', 'improvement', 'well', 'app', 'doc', 'slide', 'spreadsheet', 'click', 'new', 'camera', 'app', 'lot', 'fun', 'hope', 'release', 'old', 'happy', 'laptop', 'great', 'feature', 'usability', 'amazing', 'price', 'great', 'christmas', 'gift', 'idea']

  1. dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(reviews_2)

output: 2019-06-14 06:15:45,260 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens: [])
2019-06-14 06:15:45,342 : INFO : built Dictionary(4778 unique tokens: ['amazed', 'app', 'background', 'bag', 'bookmark']...) from 1291 documents (total 60491 corpus positions)

  1. doc_term_matrix = [dictionary.doc2bow(rev) for rev in reviews_2]

13.LDA = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel
lda_model = LDA(corpus=doc_term_matrix, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=10, random_state=100,
chunksize=1000, passes=50)


Creating the object for LDA model using gensim library

LDA = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel

Build LDA model

lda_model = LDA(corpus=doc_term_matrix, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=7, random_state=100,

lda_model = LDA(corpus=doc_term_matrix, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=10, random_state=100,
chunksize=1000, passes=50)
2019-06-14 07:33:26,336 : INFO : using symmetric alpha at 0.1
2019-06-14 07:33:26,341 : INFO : using symmetric eta at 0.1
2019-06-14 07:33:26,367 : INFO : using serial LDA version on this node
2019-06-14 07:33:26,623 : INFO : running online (multi-pass) LDA training, 10 topics, 50 passes over the supplied corpus of 1291 documents, updating model once every 1000 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1291 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
2019-06-14 07:33:26,628 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1000/1291
2019-06-14 07:33:26,631 : DEBUG : performing inference on a chunk of 1000 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:28,961 : DEBUG : 413/1000 documents converged within 50 iterations
2019-06-14 07:33:28,975 : DEBUG : updating topics
2019-06-14 07:33:28,997 : INFO : merging changes from 1000 documents into a model of 1291 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:29,052 : INFO : topic #6 (0.100): 0.013*"good" + 0.012*"chrome" + 0.012*"laptop" + 0.010*"computer" + 0.010*"thing" + 0.010*"price" + 0.009*"great" + 0.008*"love" + 0.008*"chromebook" + 0.008*"book"
2019-06-14 07:33:29,055 : INFO : topic #1 (0.100): 0.017*"chromebook" + 0.015*"use" + 0.014*"laptop" + 0.013*"samsung" + 0.010*"device" + 0.009*"keyboard" + 0.009*"battery" + 0.009*"work" + 0.008*"chrome" + 0.008*"computer"
2019-06-14 07:33:29,056 : INFO : topic #3 (0.100): 0.028*"computer" + 0.025*"chromebook" + 0.016*"laptop" + 0.015*"great" + 0.012*"good" + 0.011*"use" + 0.011*"work" + 0.010*"chrome" + 0.009*"keyboard" + 0.009*"battery"
2019-06-14 07:33:29,058 : INFO : topic #0 (0.100): 0.027*"chromebook" + 0.017*"time" + 0.016*"computer" + 0.010*"laptop" + 0.008*"use" + 0.008*"great" + 0.008*"device" + 0.008*"machine" + 0.008*"little" + 0.007*"day"
2019-06-14 07:33:29,059 : INFO : topic #8 (0.100): 0.022*"chromebook" + 0.018*"use" + 0.014*"great" + 0.014*"laptop" + 0.012*"good" + 0.012*"price" + 0.010*"keyboard" + 0.010*"computer" + 0.008*"web" + 0.007*"screen"
2019-06-14 07:33:29,061 : INFO : topic diff=5.212306, rho=1.000000
2019-06-14 07:33:29,065 : DEBUG : bound: at document #0
2019-06-14 07:33:29,933 : INFO : -8.262 per-word bound, 307.1 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 291 documents with 9145 words
2019-06-14 07:33:29,935 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1291/1291
2019-06-14 07:33:29,936 : DEBUG : performing inference on a chunk of 291 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:30,525 : DEBUG : 167/291 documents converged within 50 iterations
2019-06-14 07:33:30,527 : DEBUG : updating topics
2019-06-14 07:33:30,531 : INFO : merging changes from 291 documents into a model of 1291 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:30,536 : INFO : topic #7 (0.100): 0.018*"laptop" + 0.018*"thing" + 0.016*"great" + 0.015*"computer" + 0.013*"chromebook" + 0.011*"problem" + 0.011*"chrome" + 0.010*"time" + 0.008*"device" + 0.008*"use"
2019-06-14 07:33:30,538 : INFO : topic #4 (0.100): 0.023*"easy" + 0.015*"chromebook" + 0.014*"screen" + 0.013*"laptop" + 0.013*"computer" + 0.013*"use" + 0.010*"great" + 0.009*"size" + 0.007*"daughter" + 0.007*"work"
2019-06-14 07:33:30,540 : INFO : topic #3 (0.100): 0.029*"computer" + 0.023*"chromebook" + 0.019*"laptop" + 0.016*"great" + 0.013*"work" + 0.012*"good" + 0.012*"internet" + 0.011*"use" + 0.011*"chrome" + 0.010*"easy"
2019-06-14 07:33:30,541 : INFO : topic #8 (0.100): 0.023*"chromebook" + 0.016*"laptop" + 0.015*"use" + 0.014*"great" + 0.013*"printer" + 0.013*"good" + 0.011*"price" + 0.010*"computer" + 0.009*"keyboard" + 0.007*"video"
2019-06-14 07:33:30,542 : INFO : topic #9 (0.100): 0.020*"laptop" + 0.019*"use" + 0.018*"chromebook" + 0.016*"great" + 0.016*"computer" + 0.012*"light" + 0.012*"love" + 0.010*"work" + 0.010*"key" + 0.010*"easy"
2019-06-14 07:33:30,544 : INFO : topic diff=1.408125, rho=0.707107
2019-06-14 07:33:30,545 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 1, at document #1000/1291
2019-06-14 07:33:30,546 : DEBUG : performing inference on a chunk of 1000 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:32,312 : DEBUG : 694/1000 documents converged within 50 iterations
2019-06-14 07:33:32,314 : DEBUG : updating topics
2019-06-14 07:33:32,318 : INFO : merging changes from 1000 documents into a model of 1291 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:32,322 : INFO : topic #0 (0.100): 0.028*"chromebook" + 0.020*"time" + 0.012*"computer" + 0.009*"device" + 0.009*"machine" + 0.009*"laptop" + 0.008*"little" + 0.008*"new" + 0.008*"screen" + 0.007*"great"
2019-06-14 07:33:32,324 : INFO : topic #3 (0.100): 0.031*"computer" + 0.024*"chromebook" + 0.019*"laptop" + 0.015*"great" + 0.012*"use" + 0.012*"good" + 0.011*"work" + 0.011*"chrome" + 0.011*"internet" + 0.010*"thing"
2019-06-14 07:33:32,326 : INFO : topic #2 (0.100): 0.034*"chromebook" + 0.015*"computer" + 0.014*"screen" + 0.013*"laptop" + 0.008*"app" + 0.008*"web" + 0.008*"use" + 0.008*"samsung" + 0.007*"time" + 0.007*"little"
2019-06-14 07:33:32,327 : INFO : topic #4 (0.100): 0.019*"easy" + 0.015*"chromebook" + 0.015*"screen" + 0.012*"laptop" + 0.011*"size" + 0.011*"use" + 0.011*"computer" + 0.009*"great" + 0.009*"light" + 0.009*"month"
2019-06-14 07:33:32,329 : INFO : topic #7 (0.100): 0.018*"thing" + 0.017*"laptop" + 0.014*"computer" + 0.014*"great" + 0.012*"chromebook" + 0.012*"chrome" + 0.011*"problem" + 0.010*"device" + 0.010*"time" + 0.010*"issue"
2019-06-14 07:33:32,330 : INFO : topic diff=0.850735, rho=0.551234
2019-06-14 07:33:32,334 : DEBUG : bound: at document #0
2019-06-14 07:33:32,947 : INFO : -7.668 per-word bound, 203.4 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 291 documents with 9145 words
2019-06-14 07:33:32,948 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 1, at document #1291/1291
2019-06-14 07:33:32,950 : DEBUG : performing inference on a chunk of 291 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:33,315 : DEBUG : 262/291 documents converged within 50 iterations
2019-06-14 07:33:33,317 : DEBUG : updating topics
2019-06-14 07:33:33,321 : INFO : merging changes from 291 documents into a model of 1291 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:33,325 : INFO : topic #8 (0.100): 0.023*"chromebook" + 0.018*"printer" + 0.016*"laptop" + 0.015*"great" + 0.014*"use" + 0.014*"good" + 0.012*"price" + 0.009*"computer" + 0.009*"keyboard" + 0.009*"video"
2019-06-14 07:33:33,327 : INFO : topic #1 (0.100): 0.024*"chromebook" + 0.024*"samsung" + 0.014*"use" + 0.012*"product" + 0.011*"laptop" + 0.011*"battery" + 0.010*"acer" + 0.010*"work" + 0.009*"screen" + 0.009*"keyboard"
2019-06-14 07:33:33,329 : INFO : topic #0 (0.100): 0.028*"chromebook" + 0.021*"time" + 0.009*"new" + 0.009*"laptop" + 0.009*"computer" + 0.009*"machine" + 0.009*"device" + 0.008*"great" + 0.008*"little" + 0.008*"window"
2019-06-14 07:33:33,331 : INFO : topic #3 (0.100): 0.031*"computer" + 0.022*"chromebook" + 0.020*"laptop" + 0.015*"great" + 0.012*"work" + 0.012*"use" + 0.012*"internet" + 0.011*"good" + 0.011*"chrome" + 0.011*"thing"
2019-06-14 07:33:33,332 : INFO : topic #7 (0.100): 0.019*"thing" + 0.017*"laptop" + 0.016*"great" + 0.013*"power" + 0.012*"problem" + 0.012*"computer" + 0.012*"chrome" + 0.010*"chromebook" + 0.009*"time" + 0.008*"issue"
2019-06-14 07:33:33,333 : INFO : topic diff=0.732475, rho=0.551234
2019-06-14 07:33:33,335 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 2, at document #1000/1291
2019-06-14 07:33:33,336 : DEBUG : performing inference on a chunk of 1000 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:34,974 : DEBUG : 803/1000 documents converged within 50 iterations
2019-06-14 07:33:34,976 : DEBUG : updating topics
2019-06-14 07:33:34,980 : INFO : merging changes from 1000 documents into a model of 1291 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:34,984 : INFO : topic #4 (0.100): 0.023*"easy" + 0.015*"screen" + 0.014*"size" + 0.012*"repair" + 0.010*"daughter" + 0.010*"month" + 0.010*"laptop" + 0.010*"use" + 0.010*"chromebook" + 0.009*"great"
2019-06-14 07:33:34,986 : INFO : topic #9 (0.100): 0.023*"use" + 0.022*"laptop" + 0.018*"great" + 0.015*"computer" + 0.015*"chromebook" + 0.015*"key" + 0.015*"light" + 0.014*"love" + 0.013*"easy" + 0.012*"keyboard"
2019-06-14 07:33:34,987 : INFO : topic #2 (0.100): 0.035*"chromebook" + 0.016*"screen" + 0.012*"computer" + 0.012*"laptop" + 0.008*"samsung" + 0.008*"problem" + 0.008*"app" + 0.008*"little" + 0.008*"machine" + 0.007*"video"
2019-06-14 07:33:34,989 : INFO : topic #0 (0.100): 0.027*"chromebook" + 0.021*"time" + 0.010*"machine" + 0.010*"new" + 0.009*"device" + 0.009*"computer" + 0.008*"little" + 0.008*"window" + 0.008*"laptop" + 0.008*"system"
2019-06-14 07:33:34,991 : INFO : topic #1 (0.100): 0.024*"chromebook" + 0.021*"samsung" + 0.013*"use" + 0.011*"device" + 0.011*"battery" + 0.010*"chrome" + 0.010*"product" + 0.010*"laptop" + 0.010*"keyboard" + 0.010*"screen"
2019-06-14 07:33:34,992 : INFO : topic diff=0.545615, rho=0.482748
2019-06-14 07:33:34,996 : DEBUG : bound: at document #0
2019-06-14 07:33:35,532 : INFO : -7.344 per-word bound, 162.5 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 291 documents with 9145 words
2019-06-14 07:33:35,534 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 2, at document #1291/1291
2019-06-14 07:33:35,535 : DEBUG : performing inference on a chunk of 291 documents
2019-06-14 07:33:35,849 : DEBUG : 279/291 documents converged within 50 iterations

  1. lda_model.print_topics()

'0.024*"chromebook" + 0.021*"time" + 0.013*"new" + 0.011*"machine" + 0.011*"window" + 0.010*"system" + 0.010*"processor" + 0.010*"month" + 0.009*"review" + 0.008*"thing"'),
'0.033*"chromebook" + 0.025*"samsung" + 0.017*"screen" + 0.014*"device" + 0.013*"keyboard" + 0.012*"use" + 0.012*"battery" + 0.011*"chrome" + 0.010*"product" + 0.010*"acer"'),
'0.034*"chromebook" + 0.023*"screen" + 0.017*"computer" + 0.010*"little" + 0.010*"samsung" + 0.009*"case" + 0.009*"problem" + 0.008*"new" + 0.008*"shell" + 0.007*"lot"'),
'0.029*"computer" + 0.022*"chromebook" + 0.021*"laptop" + 0.014*"great" + 0.013*"use" + 0.012*"thing" + 0.012*"web" + 0.011*"internet" + 0.011*"app" + 0.011*"chrome"'),
'0.056*"repair" + 0.018*"screen" + 0.018*"daughter" + 0.017*"warranty" + 0.014*"customer" + 0.009*"company" + 0.009*"month" + 0.008*"money" + 0.008*"easy" + 0.008*"service"'),
'0.021*"time" + 0.015*"file" + 0.014*"work" + 0.013*"chromebook" + 0.011*"laptop" + 0.009*"note" + 0.009*"drive" + 0.009*"great" + 0.007*"everything" + 0.007*"student"'),
'0.015*"system" + 0.015*"real" + 0.012*"verizon" + 0.007*"glitch" + 0.007*"operating" + 0.006*"notebook" + 0.005*"datum" + 0.005*"part" + 0.005*"net" + 0.005*"straight"'),
'0.022*"power" + 0.020*"problem" + 0.019*"network" + 0.015*"supply" + 0.013*"laptop" + 0.013*"month" + 0.012*"thing" + 0.012*"issue" + 0.011*"support" + 0.011*"chrome"'),
'0.029*"printer" + 0.027*"chromebook" + 0.018*"video" + 0.014*"cloud" + 0.013*"amazon" + 0.012*"good" + 0.012*"skype" + 0.012*"use" + 0.010*"laptop" + 0.010*"work"'),
'0.035*"great" + 0.030*"laptop" + 0.030*"easy" + 0.027*"light" + 0.025*"use" + 0.020*"love" + 0.016*"good" + 0.015*"screen" + 0.015*"key" + 0.014*"small"')]

15.from gensim.test.utils import common_corpus, common_dictionary
from gensim.models.wrappers import DtmModel
path_to_dtm_binary = "C:/Users/qsu2/DTM/dtm-win64.exe"

16 . model = DtmModel(
path_to_dtm_binary, corpus=doc_term_matrix, id2word=dictionary,
time_slices= [1] * len(doc_term_matrix)

OSError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
1 model = DtmModel(
2 path_to_dtm_binary, corpus=doc_term_matrix, id2word=dictionary,
----> 3 time_slices= [1] * len(doc_term_matrix)
4 )

~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\gensim\models\wrappers\ in init(self, dtm_path, corpus, time_slices, mode, model, num_topics, id2word, prefix, lda_sequence_min_iter, lda_sequence_max_iter, lda_max_em_iter, alpha, top_chain_var, rng_seed, initialize_lda)
163 if corpus is not None:
--> 164 self.train(corpus, time_slices, mode, model)
166 def fout_liklihoods(self):

~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\gensim\models\wrappers\ in train(self, corpus, time_slices, mode, model)
367 check_output(args=cmd, stderr=PIPE)
--> 369 self.em_steps = np.loadtxt(self.fem_steps())
370 self.init_ss = np.loadtxt(self.flda_ss())

~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\ in loadtxt(fname, dtype, comments, delimiter, converters, skiprows, usecols, unpack, ndmin, encoding, max_rows)
960 fname = os_fspath(fname)
961 if _is_string_like(fname):
--> 962 fh =, 'rt', encoding=encoding)
963 fencoding = getattr(fh, 'encoding', 'latin1')
964 fh = iter(fh)

~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\ in open(path, mode, destpath, encoding, newline)
265 ds = DataSource(destpath)
--> 266 return, mode, encoding=encoding, newline=newline)

~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\ in open(self, path, mode, encoding, newline)
622 encoding=encoding, newline=newline)
623 else:
--> 624 raise IOError("%s not found." % path)

OSError: C:\Users\qsu2\AppData\Local\Temp\f909e7_train_out/em_log.dat not found.

if change 16 as:
model = DtmModel(
path_to_dtm_binary, corpus=doc_term_matrix, id2word=dictionary,
time_slices= [300, 300, 300, 391] ### total have 1291 reviews
topics = model.show_topic(topicid=1, time=1, num_words=10)

[(0.4989328070379685, 'hour'),
(0.36703322592000454, 'want'),
(2.806406345101065e-05, 'sharper'),
(2.806406345101065e-05, 'tekkie'),
(2.806406345101065e-05, 'suitcase'),
(2.806406345101065e-05, 'stunning'),
(2.806406345101065e-05, 'sticking'),
(2.806406345101065e-05, 'staying'),
(2.806406345101065e-05, 'stapler'),
(2.806406345101065e-05, 'thingy')]

it seems working after take long time.

But need help on how to see topic change over time(like day, month and year)

python 3.6.6 Win10

Please provide the output of:

import platform; print(platform.platform())
import sys; print("Python", sys.version)
import numpy; print("NumPy", numpy.version)
import scipy; print("SciPy", scipy.version)
import gensim; print("gensim", gensim.version)
from gensim.models import word2vec;print("FAST_VERSION", word2vec.FAST_VERSION)

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mpenkov commented Jun 21, 2019

Please edit your comment and fix the markdown formatting. It's a bit difficult to see what you're trying to do because the formatting is so messed up.

@mpenkov mpenkov added the need info Not enough information for reproduce an issue, need more info from author label Jun 21, 2019
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mpenkov commented Sep 28, 2019

Closing due to inactivity.

@mpenkov mpenkov closed this as completed Sep 28, 2019
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need info Not enough information for reproduce an issue, need more info from author
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2 participants