20190823, V0.9.16
- Disabled automatic capitalization and correction for "Username" input of the Login dialog
- Added display of active button (last button pressed) for ButtonsDevice (feature can be turned off)
- Fixed minimum height for presence devices, PR #28, thanks @atus
20190415, V0.9.15
- Added format and units options for uptime displayFormat
- Added support for formatting of user defined enum value labels
- Added support for rendering the labels of Shutter device buttons with xUpLabel und xDownLabel values
- Fixed wrong width with modern browser on first load, issue pimatic/#1119, thanks @akicker
20190325, V0.9.14
- Added unit Bps and bps as si-prefixes with human-format
- Added support for formatting Euro currency values
- Added xAttributeOption displayFormat filter for attribute values including formatters for uptime, fixed, and localeString