Execute this code: npm install minimist
git clone
cd geojson-tools/
npm link
Many times we have a .geojson file, but we want to make some changes, here you find:
Delete tags -->
tool deletetags <file>
We will obtain
Change a tag value --> string to integer(
)tool changevalue <file>
We will obtain
Change .geojson to .poly --> the geojson file should be a polygon
tool poly <file.geojson> > file.poly
Polygon Area - m2-km2-ha --> the geojson file should be a polygon
tool area <file.geojson> >
Distance moved
tool distancemoved input.geojson > output.geojson
Add coordinates --> add the coordinates of the points into the geojson as a new attributes
tool addcoord input.geojson > output.geojson
Replace string --> replace some caracteres into an attribute (for a specific project).
tool replacestr input.geojson > output.geojson
Count POI's and tiles --> convert an attribute in array, then it obtains a report per each POI and number of tiles inside the file (for a specific project).
tool countpoitile input.geojson
Delete decimals --> convert a decimal attribute into an integer.
tool deletedecimal input.geojson > output.geojson