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A formalization of the semantics for type checking and normalizing Pikelet.



At its core, Pikelet is a dependently typed lambda calculus with a stratified universe hierarchy.

Note: This document is intended for those who are interested in looking deeper into the formal foundations of Pikelet. You don't need to understand this for general use of Pikelet, so feel free to skip this document if that is easier. We will however make an effort to explain some of the notation we use here, and point to resources that might help if this piques your curiosity!


We use a combination of some BNF-style syntax definitions with natural deduction rules to define our language. This combination of notation is sometimes referred to as computer science metanotation and is, alas, a little hard to pin down as conventions vary between papers and authors. The general rules stay the same however, and once you learn to read them they are much more succinct than an actual implementation could be, and are an invaluable tool for quickly getting a high-level overview of a programming language's semantics.

TODO: Describe BNF, natural deduction rules, overbars, variable binding, etc.

Some handy links:

Where is the soundness proof?

Here we are only defining the rules of our language's type checking and evaluation. Further work needs to be done to verify that our system actually satisfies certain interesting type soundness properties, like progress, preservation, strong normalization, etc. If you would like to discuss this with us, please check out the relevant github issue!


Raw terms

\[ % Haskell-style append \newcommand\doubleplus{+\kern-1.3ex+\kern0.8ex} % Small caps \def\sc#1{\dosc#1\csod} \def\dosc#1#2\csod{{\rm #1{\small #2}}} \ \newcommand{\rule}[3]{ \dfrac{ #2 }{ #3 } & \Tiny{\text{(#1)}} } \ \DeclareMathOperator{\max}{max} \DeclareMathOperator{\field}{field} \DeclareMathOperator{\fieldty}{fieldty} \DeclareMathOperator{\fieldsubst}{fieldsubst} \DeclareMathOperator{\Match}{\sc{MATCH}} \ % Judgments \newcommand{\eval}[3]{ #1 \vdash #2 \Rightarrow #3 } \newcommand{\check}[4]{ #1 \vdash #2 \uparrow #3 \leadsto #4 } \newcommand{\infer}[4]{ #1 \vdash #2 \downarrow #3 \leadsto #4 } \newcommand{\match}[3]{ \Match(#1,#2) \Longrightarrow #3 } \newcommand{\checkpat}[5]{ #1 \vdash #2 \uparrow #3 \leadsto #4 \Longrightarrow #5 } \newcommand{\inferpat}[5]{ #1 \vdash #2 \downarrow #3 \leadsto #4 \Longrightarrow #5 } \ % Metavariables \newcommand{\rexpr}{r} % raw expressions \newcommand{\rtype}{R} % raw types \newcommand{\rpat}{s} % raw patterns \ \newcommand{\texpr}{t} % expressions \newcommand{\ttype}{T} % types \newcommand{\tpat}{p} % patterns \ \newcommand{\vexpr}{v} % value expressions \newcommand{\vtype}{V} % value types \newcommand{\wexpr}{w} % whnf expressions \newcommand{\wtype}{W} % whnf types \newcommand{\nexpr}{n} % neutral expressions \newcommand{\ntype}{N} % neutral types \ % Keywords \newcommand{\kw}[1]{ \mathsf{#1} } \ % Term and Type constructors \newcommand{\Type}{\mathsf{Type}} \newcommand{\Bool}{\mathsf{Bool}} \newcommand{\true}{\mathsf{true}} \newcommand{\false}{\mathsf{false}} \newcommand{\Arrow}[2]{ #1 \rightarrow #2 } \newcommand{\Pi}[2]{ \Arrow{(#1)}{#2} } \newcommand{\lam}[2]{ \lambda #1 . #2 } \newcommand{\app}[2]{ #1 ~ #2 } \newcommand{\ifte}[3]{ \kw{if} ~ #1 ~ \kw{then} ~ #2 ~ \kw{else} ~ #3 } \newcommand{\case}[2]{ \kw{case} ~ #1 \left\{ #2 \right\} } \newcommand{\Record}[1]{ ( #1 ) } \newcommand{\record}[1]{ \langle #1 \rangle } \newcommand{\subst}[3]{ #1 ~ [#2 \rightarrow #3] } \ \begin{array}{rrll} \rexpr,\rtype & ::= & x & \text{variables} \\ & | & \Type_i & \text{universe of types ($i \in \mathbb{N}$)} \\ & | & ? & \text{holes} \\ & | & \Bool & \text{type of booleans} \\ & | & \true | \false & \text{boolean literals} \\ & | & \rexpr : \rtype & \text{term annotated with a type} \\ & | & \Pi{x:\rtype_1}{\rtype_2} & \text{dependent function type} \\ & | & \lam{x:\rtype}{\rexpr} & \text{functions} \\ & | & \app{\rexpr_1}{\rexpr_2} & \text{function application} \\ & | & \ifte{\rexpr_1}{\rexpr_2}{\rexpr_3} & \text{if expressions} \\ & | & \case{\rexpr}{\overline{\rpat_i \rightarrow \rexpr_i}^{;}} & \text{case expressions} \\ & | & \Record{l:\rtype_1, \rtype_2} & \text{record type extension} \\ & | & \Record{} & \text{empty record type} \\ & | & \record{l=\rexpr_1, \rexpr_2} & \text{record extension} \\ & | & \record{} & \text{empty record} \\ & | & \rexpr.l & \text{record projection} \\ \\ \rpat & ::= & x & \text{binder pattern} \\ & | & \rpat : \rtype & \text{pattern annotated with a type} \\ & | & \true | \false & \text{boolean literal patterns} \\ % & | & \record{l=\rpat_1, \rpat_2} & \text{record extension pattern} \\ % & | & \record{} & \text{empty record pattern} \\ \\ \end{array} \]

\[ \begin{array}{lrll} \Arrow{\rtype_1}{\rtype_2} & := & \Pi{x:\rtype_1}{\rtype_2} & \text{non-dependent function types} \\ \lam{x}{\rexpr} & := & \lam{x:?}{\rexpr} & \text{functions (without an annotation)} \\ \end{array} \]


The core term syntax skips holes, ensuring that everything is fully elaborated:

\[ \begin{array}{rrll} \texpr,\ttype & ::= & x & \text{variables} \\ & | & \Type_i & \text{universe of types ($i \in \mathbb{N}$)} \\ & | & \Bool & \text{type of booleans} \\ & | & \true | \false & \text{boolean literals} \\ & | & \texpr : \ttype & \text{term annotated with a type} \\ & | & \Pi{x:\ttype_1}{\ttype_2} & \text{dependent function type} \\ & | & \lam{x:\ttype}{\texpr} & \text{functions} \\ & | & \app{\texpr_1}{\texpr_2} & \text{function application} \\ & | & \ifte{\texpr_1}{\texpr_2}{\texpr_3} & \text{if expressions} \\ & | & \case{\texpr}{\overline{\tpat_i \rightarrow \texpr_i}^{;}} & \text{case expressions} \\ & | & \Record{l:\ttype_1, \ttype_2} & \text{record type extension} \\ & | & \Record{} & \text{empty record type} \\ & | & \record{l=\texpr_1, \texpr_2} & \text{record extension} \\ & | & \record{} & \text{empty record} \\ & | & \texpr.l & \text{record projection} \\ \\ \tpat & ::= & x & \text{binder pattern} \\ & | & \tpat : \ttype & \text{pattern annotated with a type} \\ & | & \true | \false & \text{boolean literal patterns} \\ & | & \record{l=\tpat_1, \tpat_2} & \text{record extension pattern} \\ & | & \record{} & \text{empty record pattern} \\ \\ \end{array} \]


In order to make it clear what is 'stuck' and what still needs to be evaluated, we separate our syntax into weak head normal forms (\(\wexpr\)), and neutral terms (\(\nexpr\)):

\[ \begin{array}{rrll} \vexpr,\vtype & ::= & \wexpr & \text{weak head normal forms} \\ & | & \nexpr & \text{neutral terms} \\ \\ \nexpr,\ntype & ::= & x & \text{variables} \\ & | & \app{\nexpr}{\texpr} & \text{function application} \\ & | & \ifte{\nexpr_1}{\texpr_2}{\texpr_3} & \text{if expressions} \\ & | & \case{\nexpr}{\overline{\tpat_i \rightarrow \texpr_i}^{;}} & \text{case expressions} \\ & | & \nexpr.l & \text{record projection} \\ \\ \wexpr,\wtype & ::= & \Type_i & \text{universe of types ($i \in \mathbb{N}$)} \\ & | & \Bool & \text{type of booleans} \\ & | & \true | \false & \text{boolean literals} \\ & | & \Pi{x:\vtype_1}{\vtype_2} & \text{dependent function type} \\ & | & \lam{x:\vtype}{\vexpr} & \text{functions} \\ & | & \Record{l:\vtype_1, \vtype_2} & \text{record type extension} \\ & | & \Record{} & \text{empty record type} \\ & | & \record{l=\vexpr_1, \vexpr_2} & \text{record extension} \\ & | & \record{} & \text{empty record} \\ \\ \end{array} \]


As we type check terms, we'll be passing over bindings like lambdas and pi types. Contexts allow us to keep track of the bound parameters, even though we don't know the exact values these will eventually take during normalization.

\[ \begin{array}{rrll} \Gamma,\Delta & ::= & \varnothing & \text{the empty context} \\ & | & \Gamma,x:\vtype & \text{context extended with a type claim} \\ & | & \Gamma,x=\texpr & \text{context extended with a definition} \\ \end{array} \]


We take a bidirectional approach to type checking, splitting it into two phases: type checking and type inference. This makes the flow of information through the type checker clear and relatively easy to reason about. Normalization happens after inference, and before types are fed back in to be used during type checking.

With that in mind, the next sections will describe the following judgments:

name notation inputs outputs
normalization \(\eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr }{ \vexpr }\) \(\Gamma\), \(\rexpr\) \(\vexpr\)
type checking \(\check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr }{ \vtype }{ \texpr }\) \(\Gamma\), \(\rexpr\), \(\vtype\) \(\texpr\)
type inference \(\infer{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr }{ \vtype }{ \texpr }\) \(\Gamma\), \(\rexpr\) \(\vtype\), \(\texpr\)
pattern matching \(\match{ \wexpr }{ \tpat }{ \theta }\) \(\wexpr\), \(\tpat\) \(\theta\)
type checking of patterns \(\checkpat{ \Gamma }{ \rpat }{ \vtype }{ \tpat }{ \Delta }\) \(\Gamma\), \(\rpat\), \(\vtype\) \(\tpat\), \(\Delta\)
type inference of patterns \(\inferpat{ \Gamma }{ \rpat }{ \vtype }{ \tpat }{ \Delta }\) \(\Gamma\), \(\rpat\), \(\vtype\), \(\tpat\), \(\Delta\)

Normalization stands on its own, but both checking and inference are mutually dependent on each other. Care has been taken to design the judgments so that they are syntax-directed, meaning that an algorithm can be clearly derived from them.

Here is a rough overview of how Pikelet terms are checked:

                (from parser)
     +---------- raw::Term -----------+
     |                                |
     v                                v
Type Inference <- - - - - - -> Type checking
     |                                ^
     |                                |
 core::Term                      core::Value
     |                                |
     +-------> Normalization ---------+
 (to compiler)

TODO: Use SVG for this diagram


Elaboration is the process of filling in missing information that the programmer omitted in the original code, generally based on the results of type inference.

In Pikelet's judgements the elaborated terms are denoted after the diamond: \(\rhd\). At the moment not much is added - only the missing type annotations on function parameters. In the future this could be extended filling in type class instances and implicit arguments.


Here we describe how we normalize elaborated terms under the assumptions in the context.

\[ \boxed{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr }{ \vexpr } } \\[2em] \begin{array}{cl} \rule{E-ANN}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr }{ \vexpr } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr:\ttype }{ \vexpr } } \\[2em] \rule{E-TYPE}{}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \Type_i }{ \Type_i } } \\[2em] \rule{E-BOOL}{}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \Bool }{ \Bool } } \\[2em] \rule{E-TRUE}{}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \true }{ \true } } \\[2em] \rule{E-FALSE}{}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \false }{ \false } } \\[2em] \rule{E-VAR}{ x=\texpr \notin \Gamma }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ x }{ x } } \\[2em] \rule{E-VAR-DEF}{ x=\texpr \in \Gamma \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr }{ \vexpr } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ x }{ \vexpr } } \\[2em] \rule{E-PI}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype_1 }{ \vtype_1 } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype_2 }{ \vtype_2 } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \Pi{x:\ttype_1}{\ttype_2} }{ \Pi{x:\vtype_1}{\vtype_2} } } \\[2em] \rule{E-LAM}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype }{ \vtype } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr }{ \vexpr } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \lam{x:\ttype}{\texpr} }{ \lam{x:\vtype}{\vexpr} } } \\[2em] \rule{E-APP}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr_1 }{ \lam{x:\vtype_1}{\vexpr_1} } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \subst{\vexpr_1}{x}{\texpr_2} }{ \vexpr_3 } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \app{\texpr_1}{\texpr_2} }{ \vexpr_3 } } \\[2em] \rule{E-IF}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \nexpr }{ \nexpr' } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ifte{\nexpr}{\texpr_1}{\texpr_2} }{ \ifte{\nexpr'}{\texpr_1}{\texpr_2} } } \\[2em] \rule{E-IF-TRUE}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \nexpr }{ \true } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr_1 }{ \vexpr_1 } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ifte{\nexpr}{\texpr_1}{\texpr_2} }{ \vexpr_1 } } \\[2em] \rule{E-IF-FALSE}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \nexpr }{ \false } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr_2 }{ \vexpr_2 } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ifte{\nexpr}{\texpr_1}{\texpr_2} }{ \vexpr_2 } } \\[2em] \rule{E-CASE}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \nexpr }{ \nexpr' } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \case{\nexpr}{\overline{\tpat_i \rightarrow \texpr_i}^{;}} } { \case{\nexpr'}{\overline{\tpat_i \rightarrow \texpr_i}^{;}} } } \\[2em] \rule{E-CASE-MATCH}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \nexpr }{ \wexpr } \qquad \match{ \wexpr }{ \tpat_i }{ \theta } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr_i ~ \theta }{ \vexpr_i } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \case{\nexpr}{\overline{\tpat_i \rightarrow \texpr_i}^{;}} }{ \vexpr_i } } \\[2em] \rule{E-RECORD-TYPE}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype_1 }{ \vtype_1 } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype_2 }{ \vtype_2 } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \Record{l:\ttype_1, \ttype_2} }{ \Record{l:\vtype_1, \vtype_2} } } \\[2em] \rule{E-RECORD}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr_1 }{ \vexpr_1 } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr_2 }{ \vexpr_2 } }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \record{l=\texpr_1, \texpr_2} }{ \record{l=\vexpr_1, \vexpr_2} } } \\[2em] \rule{E-EMPTY-RECORD-TYPE}{}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \Record{} }{ \Record{} } } \\[2em] \rule{E-EMPTY-RECORD}{}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \record{} }{ \record{} } } \\[2em] \rule{E-PROJ}{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr_1 }{ \vexpr_1 } \qquad \vexpr_2 = \field(l, \vexpr_1) }{ \eval{ \Gamma }{ \texpr_1.l }{ \vexpr_2 } } \\[2em] \end{array} \]

We define \(\field(-,-)\) like so:

\[ \begin{array}{lrll} \field(l_1, \record{l_2 = \vexpr_1, \vexpr_2}) & = & \vexpr_1 & \text{if} ~ l_1 \equiv l_2 \\ \field(l_1, \record{l_2 = \vexpr_1, \vexpr_2}) & = & \field(l_1, \vexpr_2) \\ \end{array} \]

Type checking

This judgement checks that the given term has the expected type and returns its elaborated form.

\[ \boxed{ \check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr }{ \vtype }{ \texpr } } \\[2em] \begin{array}{cl} \rule{C-LAM}{ \infer{ \Gamma,x:\vtype_1 }{ \rexpr }{ \ttype_2 }{ \texpr } }{ \check{ \Gamma }{ \lam{x}{\rexpr} }{ \Pi{x:\vtype_1}{\vtype_2} }{ \lam{x:\vtype_1}{\texpr} } } \\[2em] \rule{C-IF}{ \check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr_1 }{ \Bool }{ \texpr_1 } \qquad \check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr_2 }{ \vtype }{ \texpr_2 } \qquad \check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr_3 }{ \vtype }{ \texpr_3 } }{ \check{ \Gamma }{ \ifte{\rexpr_1}{\rexpr_2}{\rexpr_3} }{ \vtype }{ \ifte{\texpr_1}{\texpr_2}{\texpr_3} } } \\[2em] \rule{C-CASE}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr }{ \vtype_1 }{ \texpr } \qquad \overline{ % TODO: impl pattern checks ~ \check{ \Gamma }{ \rpat_i }{ \vtype_1 }{ \tpat_i } \Rightarrow \Delta \qquad \check{ \Gamma \sim \Delta }{ \rexpr_i }{ \vtype_2 }{ \texpr_i } ~ } }{ \check{ \Gamma }{ \case{\rexpr}{\overline{\rpat_i \rightarrow \rexpr_i}^{;}} }{ \vtype_2 } { \case{\texpr}{\overline{\tpat_i \rightarrow \texpr_i}^{;}} } } \\[2em] \rule{C-RECORD}{ l_1 \equiv l_2 \qquad \check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr_1 }{ \vtype_1 }{ \texpr_1 } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \subst{\vtype_2}{l_1}{\texpr_1} }{ \vtype_3 } \qquad \check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr_2 }{ \vtype_3 }{ \texpr_2 } }{ \check{ \Gamma }{ \record{l_1=\rexpr_1, \rexpr_2} }{ \Record{l_2:\vtype_1, \vtype_2} }{ \record{l_1=\texpr_1, \texpr_2} } } \\[2em] \rule{C-CONV}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr }{ \vtype_2 }{ \texpr } \qquad \vtype_1 \equiv_{\alpha} \vtype_2 }{ \check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr }{ \vtype_1 }{ \texpr } } \\[2em] \end{array} \]

In C-CONV we flip the direction of the type checker, comparing the type of the expected term for alpha equivalence with the inferred term. Note that we could alternatively check for subtyping instead of alpha equivalence. This could be useful for implementing a cumulative universe hierarchy.

Type inference

Here we define a judgement that synthesizes a type from the given term and returns its elaborated form.

\[ \boxed{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr }{ \vtype }{ \texpr } } \\[2em] \begin{array}{cl} \rule{I-ANN}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rtype }{ \Type_i }{ \ttype } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype }{ \vtype } \qquad \check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr }{ \vtype }{ \texpr } }{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr:\rtype }{ \Type_{i+1} }{ \texpr:\ttype } } \\[2em] \rule{I-TYPE}{}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \Type_i }{ \Type_{i+1} }{ \Type_i } } \\[2em] \rule{I-BOOL}{}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \Bool }{ \Type_0 }{ \Bool } } \\[2em] \rule{I-TRUE}{}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \true }{ \Bool }{ \true } } \\[2em] \rule{I-FALSE}{}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \false }{ \Bool }{ \false } } \\[2em] \rule{I-VAR}{ x:\vtype \in \Gamma }{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ x }{ \vtype }{ x } } \\[2em] \rule{I-PI}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rtype_1 }{ \Type_i }{ \ttype_1 } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype_1 }{ \vtype_1 } \qquad \check{ \Gamma, x:\vtype_1 }{ \rtype_2 }{ \Type_j }{ \ttype_2 } }{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \Pi{x:\rtype_1}{\rtype_2} }{ \Type_{\max(i,j)} }{ \Pi{x:\ttype_1}{\ttype_2} } } \\[2em] \rule{I-LAM}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rtype }{ \Type_i }{ \ttype } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype }{ \vtype_1 } \qquad \check{ \Gamma, x:\vtype_1 }{ \rexpr}{ \vtype_2 }{ \texpr } }{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \lam{x:\rtype}{\rexpr} }{ \Pi{x:\vtype_1}{\vtype_2} }{ \lam{x:\ttype}{\texpr} } } \\[2em] \rule{I-APP}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr_1 }{ \Pi{x:\vtype_1}{\vtype_2} }{ \texpr_1 } \qquad \check{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr_2 }{ \vtype_1 }{ \texpr_2 } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \subst{\vtype_2}{x}{\texpr_2} }{ \vtype_3 } }{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \app{\rexpr_1}{\rexpr_2} }{ \vtype_3 }{ \app{\texpr_1}{\texpr_2} } } \\[2em] \rule{I-RECORD-TYPE}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rtype_1 }{ \Type_i }{ \ttype_1 } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype_1 }{ \vtype_1 } \qquad \infer{ \Gamma, x:\vtype_1 }{ \rtype_2 }{ \Type_j }{ \ttype_2 } }{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \Record{l:\rtype_1, \rtype_2} }{ \Type_{\max(i,j)} }{ \Record{l:\ttype_1, \ttype_2} } } \\[2em] \rule{I-EMPTY-RECORD-TYPE}{}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \Record{} }{ \Type_0 }{ \Record{} } } \\[2em] \rule{I-EMPTY-RECORD}{}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \record{} }{ \Record{} }{ \record{} } } \\[2em] \rule{I-PROJ}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr }{ \vtype_1 }{ \texpr } \qquad \vtype_2 = \fieldty(l, \vtype_1) \qquad \theta = \fieldsubst(\texpr, l, \vtype_1) }{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rexpr.l }{ \vtype_2 ~ \theta }{ \texpr.l } } \\[2em] \end{array} \]

We define \(\fieldty(-,-)\) and \(\fieldsubst(-,-,-)\) like so:

\[ \begin{array}{lrll} \fieldty(l_1, \Record{l_2 : \vtype_1, \vtype_2}) & = & \vtype_1 & \text{if} ~ l_1 \equiv l_2 \\ \fieldty(l_1, \Record{l_2 : \vtype_1, \vtype_2}) & = & \fieldty(l_1, \vtype_2) \\ \\[2em] \end{array} \]

In order to ensure that we maintain maintain the proper paths to variables when we project on them, we define \(\fieldsubst(-,-,-)\) as:

\[ \begin{array}{lrll} \fieldsubst(\texpr, l_1, \Record{l_2 : \vtype_1, \vtype_2}) & = & [] & \text{if} ~ l_1 \equiv l_2 \\ \fieldsubst(\texpr, l_1, \Record{l_2 : \vtype_1, \vtype_2}) & = & \fieldsubst(\texpr, l_1, \vtype_2) \doubleplus [ l_2 \rightarrow \texpr.l_2 ] \\ \\[2em] \end{array} \]

Pattern matching

This judement takes an expression \(\wexpr\) in weak head normal form, and a pattern \(\tpat\) and returns a substitution \(\theta\) with the matched bindings.

\[ \boxed{ \match{ \wexpr }{ \tpat }{ \theta } } \\[2em] \begin{array}{cl} \rule{M-VAR}{}{ \match{ \wexpr }{ x }{ [x \rightarrow \wexpr] } } \\[2em] \rule{M-TRUE}{}{ \match{ \true }{ \true }{ [] } } \\[2em] \rule{M-FALSE}{}{ \match{ \false }{ \false }{ [] } } \\[2em] % TODO: % \rule{M-RECORD}{ % \match{ \wexpr_1 }{ \tpat_1 }{ \theta_1 } % \qquad % \match{ \wexpr_2 }{ \tpat_2 }{ \theta_2 } % }{ % \match{ \record{l=\wexpr_1, \wexpr_2} }{ \record{l=\tpat_1, \tpat_2} }{ \theta_1 \doubleplus \theta_2 } % } % \\[2em] % \rule{M-EMPTY-RECORD}{}{ % \match{ \record{} }{ \record{} }{ [] } % } % \\[2em] \end{array} \]

Type checking of patterns

\[ \boxed{ \checkpat{ \Gamma }{ \rpat }{ \vtype }{ \tpat }{ \Delta } } \\[2em] \begin{array}{cl} \rule{CP-BINDER}{}{ \checkpat{ \Gamma }{ x }{ \vtype }{ x }{ x : \vtype } } \\[2em] \rule{CP-CONV}{ \inferpat{ \Gamma }{ \rpat }{ \vtype_2 }{ \tpat }{ \Delta } \qquad \vtype_1 \equiv_{\alpha} \vtype_2 }{ \checkpat{ \Gamma }{ \rpat }{ \vtype_1 }{ \tpat }{ \Delta } } \\[2em] \end{array} \]

Type inference of patterns

\[ \boxed{ \inferpat{ \Gamma }{ \rpat }{ \vtype }{ \tpat }{ \Delta } } \\[2em] \begin{array}{cl} \rule{IP-ANN}{ \infer{ \Gamma }{ \rtype }{ \Type_i }{ \ttype } \qquad \eval{ \Gamma }{ \ttype }{ \vtype } \qquad \checkpat{ \Gamma }{ \rpat }{ \vtype }{ \rpat }{ \Delta } }{ \inferpat{ \Gamma }{ \rpat : \rtype }{ \rtype }{ \rpat : \rtype }{ \Delta } } \\[2em] \rule{IP-TRUE}{}{ \inferpat{ \Gamma }{ \true }{ \Bool }{ \true }{ \varnothing } } \\[2em] \rule{IP-FALSE}{}{ \inferpat{ \Gamma }{ \false }{ \Bool }{ \false }{ \varnothing } } \\[2em] \end{array} \]