A Discord Bot program that notifies you when you start a voice chat.
docker 20.10.17
Discord 0.0.273
git clone git@github.com:pigeon-sable/vc_manager.git
git clone https://github.com/pigeon-sable/vc_manager.git
cd vc_manager
Do not enclose in single quotes("'").
cp .env_example .env
vim .env
If you want to run it in a local environment, you can do so with the following command.
python src/vc_manager.py
Alternatively, a container can be used to run it. To execute, the following command is used. The docker repository is at the following URL. https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/mozsecurity/vc_manager/general
docker pull mozsecurity/vc_manager:latest
docker run -d --env-file .env mozsecurity/vc_manager:latest