There are 2 main ways of having OpenLDAP configured :
- One using a single conf file (on debian/ubuntu systems, located in /etc/ldap/sldapd.conf)
- A new one which tends to store the configuration into a specific LDAP branch (name cn=config), and composed of several files located generally into /etc/ldap/slapd.d).
We document here the second case (slapd.d-style configuration).
sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils
You will need to provide the LDAP administrator password. Choose a strong one.
Before creating the LDAP tree, you should have a look at the users and groups we'll be adding.
The file georchestra-bootstrap.ldif creates the database and an administrator account (cn=admin,dc=georchestra,dc=org
) with a password set by default to secret
. You should change it.
wget --no-check-certificate -O /tmp/bootstrap.ldif
sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/bootstrap.ldif
... where YY.MM stands for the georchestra version you're using (eg: 14.12).
If successful, the above command should display: adding new entry "olcDatabase=hdb,cn=config"
To create the root DN, use the georchestra-root.ldif file:
wget --no-check-certificate -O /tmp/root.ldif
ldapadd -D"cn=admin,dc=georchestra,dc=org" -W -f /tmp/root.ldif
This will ask the password for the cn=admin,dc=georchestra,dc=org
dn, which was set with the previous command.
The georchestra.ldif file creates the default geOrchestra users & groups:
wget --no-check-certificate -O /tmp/georchestra.ldif
ldapadd -D"cn=admin,dc=georchestra,dc=org" -W -f /tmp/georchestra.ldif
This will also ask the password for the cn=admin,dc=georchestra,dc=org
Note that you are free to customize the users (entries under the "users" OrganizationUnit) to fit your needs, provided you keep the required geoserver_privileged_user
The optional "memberof" overlay is great to check if a user is a member of a given group. Use the georchestra-memberof.ldif file to add the module and configure the overlay.
wget --no-check-certificate -O /tmp/memberof.ldif
sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/memberof.ldif
Caution: by default, we're adding the overlay to the {1}hdb,cn=config
database. You may have to customize this if your setup is different (having a look at the /etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config/
To manage the directory, there are (at least) 3 options:
- from the command line, use ldapvi (install with
sudo apt-get install ldapvi
ldapvi --host localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=georchestra,dc=org" -w "secret" -b "dc=georchestra,dc=org"
- Apache Directory Studio, a powerful desktop client.
- our own ldapadmin web application, available at
to members of theMOD_LDAPADMIN
group, is probably the easiest one.