Kubetron is a Kubernetes secondary networks plugin allowing users to connect Pods to multiple networks created on Neutron (or other backend providing Neutron-like API). Currently supports only OVN implementation. Both overlay and physical networks are supported.
PRs and issues are welcome.
Slide deck with desired kubetron model and demo: Google Docs
Development environment provides multi-node setup of Kubernetes and ovirt-ovn-provider (minimal implementation of Neutron).
# clone repository with its submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/phoracek/kubetron
cd kubetron
# install development environment dependencies
dnf install vagrant ansible kubernetes-client python-pip
pip install -r hack/kubespray/requirements.txt
# deploy cluster with kubernetes, ovn and ovirt-provider-ovn
# remove all machines (don't if you want to go through the next step)
Check currenty implemented functionality of the plugin in development environment.
# install plugin
# check if admission and deviceplugins are running and ready
./hack/kubectl get ds --namespace kubetron
# create two networks on neutron, red and blue, both of them have a subnet assigned
# create two pods requesting networks red and blue
./hack/kubectl create -f deploy/example-kubetron-pods.yaml
# verify that networksSpec annotation was added
./hack/kubectl get pod example-kubetron-pod1 -o json | jq '.metadata.annotations'
./hack/kubectl get pod example-kubetron-pod2 -o json | jq '.metadata.annotations'
# verify that sidecar requesting resource was added
./hack/kubectl get pod example-kubetron-pod1 -o json | jq '.spec.containers[] | select(.name=="kubetron-request-sidecart")'
./hack/kubectl get pod example-kubetron-pod2 -o json | jq '.spec.containers[] | select(.name=="kubetron-request-sidecart")'
# verify that ports to all networks with a subnet are passed as arguments to sidecar
./hack/kubectl get pod example-kubetron-pod1 -o json | jq '.spec.containers[] | select(.name=="kubetron-request-sidecart") | .args'
./hack/kubectl get pod example-kubetron-pod2 -o json | jq '.spec.containers[] | select(.name=="kubetron-request-sidecart") | .args'
# verify that network ports were added
vagrant ssh master -c "curl http://localhost:9696/v2.0/ports" | jq
# check if pods are running and ready
./hack/kubectl get pod example-kubetron-pod1
./hack/kubectl get pod example-kubetron-pod2
# verify that pods obtained IP addresses from OVN DHCP server
./hack/kubectl exec -ti example-kubetron-pod1 -c example-container ip address
./hack/kubectl exec -ti example-kubetron-pod2 -c example-container ip address
# try to ping from one pod to another
./hack/kubectl exec -ti example-kubetron-pod1 -c example-container ping $BLUE_OR_RED_POD2_ADDRESS
# remove pods
./hack/kubectl delete -f deploy/example-kubetron-pods.yaml
# verify that network ports were removed
vagrant ssh master -c "curl http://localhost:9696/v2.0/ports" | jq
Some helpers for oblivious.
# refresh dependencies
dep ensure
# don't refresh, just download dependencies
dep ensure --vendor-only
# build admission binary locally
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build cmd/admission/main.go
# build deviceplugin binary locally
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build cmd/deviceplugin/main.go
# build and push admission image
docker build -f cmd/admission/Dockerfile -t phoracek/kubetron-admission:latest .
docker push phoracek/kubetron-admission:latest
# build and push deviceplugin image
docker build -f cmd/deviceplugin/Dockerfile -t phoracek/kubetron-deviceplugin:latest .
docker push phoracek/kubetron-deviceplugin:latest
# build and push sidecar image
docker build -f cmd/sidecar/Dockerfile -t phoracek/kubetron-sidecar:latest .
docker push phoracek/kubetron-sidecar:latest
- Currenty communicates with Neutron API in plaintext without any auth. Provide security configuration.
- If possible, communicate with OVN NB, not Neutron (or support both).
- Make images smaller.
- Limit security only to needed.
- Add readiness check to sidecar.