Audience: people who want to bring more distributed/decentralized design to the organizations
Boundaries: being part of the chat / telegram group
Safe space place to safely discuss & collaborate on dgov topics (e.g. get feedback, intracommunity projects and hiring).
- London (Jack + Phoebe, Ruth + Furtherfield)
- Paris (Philippe Honigman + Lucas, Max, Tim, Fran)
- Barcelona (Martin + Lucas)
- Lubljana (Anja)
- Madrid (Maria T Vida (Tete) forLegalBlock +David Llop for P2P Models)
- Seattle (Adam Stallard - unconfirmed)
- San Francisco (Beth Mccarthy, Starfish Network - unconfirmed)
- Prague (Josef Jelacic - unconfirmed)
- Zurich (Ozan Polat - unconfirmed)
- Amsterdam (Luuk - unconfirmed)
- Berlin (Ela, Supermarkt - unconfirmed)
- Bangkok, CL (?)
{% hint style="info" %} What are other major blockchain cities? {% endhint %}
3 times a year in the centers of community (Berlin, ...)?
Tim + help from Felix, Ela, Phoebe, Lucas, Max
Newsletter and/or newspaper
Collaborate with Aragon, DAOstack and more.
Peter + Ela, Lucas