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Sending and Receiving Messages

An AMQP message is represented by the Message type. Receiving a message from a queue returns an instance of this type. To send a Message must be created first.

Messages can also have one or more of these properties:

property name description
content_type MIME content type (MIME typing)
content_encoding MIME content encoding (MIME typing)
headers message header field table (For applications, and for header exchange routing)
delivery_mode NONPERSISTENT or PERSISTENT (For queues that implement persistence)
priority message priority, 0 to 9 (For queues that implement priorities)
correlation_id application correlation identifier (For application use, no formal behaviour)
reply_to address to reply to (For application use, no formal behaviour)
expiration message expiration specification (For application use, no formal behaviour)
message_id application message identifier (For application use, no formal behaviour)
timestamp message timestamp (For application use, no formal behaviour)
message_type message type name (For application use, no formal behaviour)
user_id creating user id (For application use, no formal behaviour)
app_id creating application id (For application use, no formal behaviour)
cluster_id reserved, must be empty (Deprecated, was old cluster-id property)

A message received from a queue can also have the following attributes:

attribute name type description
consumer_tag String Identifier for the queue consumer, valid within the current channel.
delivery_tag Int64 A tag to refer to a delivery attempt. This can be used to acknowledge/reject the message.
redelivered Bool Whether this message was delivered earlier, but was rejected ot not acknowledged.
exchange String Name of the exchange that the message was originally published to. May be empty, indicating the default exchange.
routing_key String The routing key name specified when the message was published.
remaining Int32 Number of messages remaining in the queue.
# create a message with 10 bytes of random value as data
msg =  Message(rand(UInt8, 10))

# create a persistent plain text message
data = convert(Vector{UInt8}, "hello world")
msg = Message(data, content_type="text/plain", delivery_mode=PERSISTENT)

Messages are published to an exchange, optionally specifying a routing key.

EXCG_DIRECT = "MyDirectExcg"
ROUTE1 = "routingkey1"

basic_publish(chan1, msg; exchange=EXCG_DIRECT, routing_key=ROUTE1)

To poll a queue for messages:

maybe_msg = basic_get(chan1, QUEUE1, false)

# check if we got a message
if !isnull(maybe_msg)
    msg = get(maybe_msg)

    # process msg...

    # acknowledge receipt
    basic_ack(chan1, msg.delivery_tag)

To subscribe for messages (register an asynchronous callback):

# define a callback function to process messages
function consumer(msg)
    # process msg...

    # acknowledge receipt
    basic_ack(chan1, msg.delivery_tag)

# subscribe and register the callback function
success, consumer_tag = basic_consume(chan1, QUEUE1, consumer)

@assert success
println("consumer registered with tag $consumer_tag")

# go ahead with other stuff...
# or wait for an indicator for shutdown

# unsubscribe the consumer from the queue
basic_cancel(chan1, consumer_tag)