diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index df7e13ff27..fa1dbe9672 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ # Changelog +## [5.21.0](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/compare/v5.20.1...v5.21.0) (2024-12-20) + + +### Features + +* Natively support runner pre/post job hooks ([#4263](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/issues/4263)) ([259a852](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/commit/259a852d9e1b08f18abe81c9fd80589be9cc7e64)) + + +### Bug Fixes + +* Incorrect syncer binary location in tf outputs ([#4274](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/issues/4274)) ([401a373](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/commit/401a373684a6b11acd705fe88afee19f3fa84b4c)), closes [#4137](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/issues/4137) +* **lambda:** bump @octokit/types from 13.6.1 to 13.6.2 in /lambdas in the octokit group ([#4303](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/issues/4303)) ([9f76c4c](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/commit/9f76c4c7b12814da32310153ae668a657da30458)) +* **lambda:** bump axios from 1.7.7 to 1.7.9 in /lambdas ([#4305](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/issues/4305)) ([e3cd5b4](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/commit/e3cd5b4c5c92ff1107f03f04d691ba8ed214da4d)) +* **lambda:** bump the aws group across 1 directory with 7 updates ([#4314](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/issues/4314)) ([3f9b768](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/commit/3f9b76878987773458fd2d9bb696d1f4d82d5ec2)) + ## [5.20.1](https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/compare/v5.20.0...v5.20.1) (2024-12-09) diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b4db9efb22..6bff44f97e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ Talk to the forestkeepers in the `runners-channel` on Slack. | [runner\_egress\_rules](#input\_runner\_egress\_rules) | List of egress rules for the GitHub runner instances. |
cidr_blocks = list(string)
ipv6_cidr_blocks = list(string)
prefix_list_ids = list(string)
from_port = number
protocol = string
security_groups = list(string)
self = bool
to_port = number
description = string
[| no | | [runner\_extra\_labels](#input\_runner\_extra\_labels) | Extra (custom) labels for the runners (GitHub). Separate each label by a comma. Labels checks on the webhook can be enforced by setting `enable_workflow_job_labels_check`. GitHub read-only labels should not be provided. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [runner\_group\_name](#input\_runner\_group\_name) | Name of the runner group. | `string` | `"Default"` | no | +| [runner\_hook\_job\_completed](#input\_runner\_hook\_job\_completed) | Script to be ran in the runner environment at the end of every job | `string` | `""` | no | +| [runner\_hook\_job\_started](#input\_runner\_hook\_job\_started) | Script to be ran in the runner environment at the beginning of every job | `string` | `""` | no | | [runner\_iam\_role\_managed\_policy\_arns](#input\_runner\_iam\_role\_managed\_policy\_arns) | Attach AWS or customer-managed IAM policies (by ARN) to the runner IAM role | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [runner\_log\_files](#input\_runner\_log\_files) | (optional) Replaces the module default cloudwatch log config. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/CloudWatch-Agent-Configuration-File-Details.html for details. |
"cidr_blocks": [
"description": null,
"from_port": 0,
"ipv6_cidr_blocks": [
"prefix_list_ids": null,
"protocol": "-1",
"security_groups": null,
"self": null,
"to_port": 0
list(object({| `null` | no | | [runner\_metadata\_options](#input\_runner\_metadata\_options) | Metadata options for the ec2 runner instances. By default, the module uses metadata tags for bootstrapping the runner, only disable `instance_metadata_tags` when using custom scripts for starting the runner. | `map(any)` |
log_group_name = string
prefix_log_group = bool
file_path = string
log_stream_name = string
{| no | diff --git a/examples/multi-runner/templates/runner-configs/linux-arm64.yaml b/examples/multi-runner/templates/runner-configs/linux-arm64.yaml index 7cfe859242..34817cc36c 100644 --- a/examples/multi-runner/templates/runner-configs/linux-arm64.yaml +++ b/examples/multi-runner/templates/runner-configs/linux-arm64.yaml @@ -18,3 +18,7 @@ runner_config: runners_maximum_count: 1 delay_webhook_event: 0 scale_down_schedule_expression: cron(* * * * ? *) + runner_hook_job_started: | + echo "Running pre job hook as \$(whoami)" + runner_hook_job_completed: | + echo "Running post job hook as \$(whoami)" diff --git a/examples/multi-runner/templates/user-data.sh b/examples/multi-runner/templates/user-data.sh index 752a0de0e3..2d9a605362 100644 --- a/examples/multi-runner/templates/user-data.sh +++ b/examples/multi-runner/templates/user-data.sh @@ -81,4 +81,18 @@ ${post_install} cd /opt/actions-runner +%{ if hook_job_started != "" } +cat > /opt/actions-runner/hook_job_started.sh << EOF +${hook_job_started} +EOF +echo ACTIONS_RUNNER_HOOK_JOB_STARTED=/opt/actions-runner/hook_job_started.sh | tee -a /opt/actions-runner/.env +%{ endif } + +%{ if hook_job_completed != "" } +cat > /opt/actions-runner/hook_job_completed.sh << EOF +${hook_job_completed} +EOF +echo ACTIONS_RUNNER_HOOK_JOB_COMPLETED=/opt/actions-runner/hook_job_completed.sh | tee -a /opt/actions-runner/.env +%{ endif } + ${start_runner} diff --git a/main.tf b/main.tf index 259d603b68..3f3c9808b4 100644 --- a/main.tf +++ b/main.tf @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ module "runners" { lambda_runtime = var.lambda_runtime lambda_architecture = var.lambda_architecture lambda_zip = var.runners_lambda_zip - lambda_scale_up_memory_size = coalesce(var.runners_scale_up_Lambda_memory_size, var.runners_scale_up_lambda_memory_size) + lambda_scale_up_memory_size = var.runners_scale_up_lambda_memory_size lambda_scale_down_memory_size = var.runners_scale_down_lambda_memory_size lambda_timeout_scale_up = var.runners_scale_up_lambda_timeout lambda_timeout_scale_down = var.runners_scale_down_lambda_timeout @@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ module "runners" { userdata_content = var.userdata_content userdata_pre_install = var.userdata_pre_install userdata_post_install = var.userdata_post_install + runner_hook_job_started = var.runner_hook_job_started + runner_hook_job_completed = var.runner_hook_job_completed key_name = var.key_name runner_ec2_tags = var.runner_ec2_tags diff --git a/modules/multi-runner/README.md b/modules/multi-runner/README.md index a1be05889d..6fbbc868f7 100644 --- a/modules/multi-runner/README.md +++ b/modules/multi-runner/README.md @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ module "multi-runner" { | [matcher\_config\_parameter\_store\_tier](#input\_matcher\_config\_parameter\_store\_tier) | The tier of the parameter store for the matcher configuration. Valid values are `Standard`, and `Advanced`. | `string` | `"Standard"` | no | | [metrics](#input\_metrics) | Configuration for metrics created by the module, by default metrics are disabled to avoid additional costs. When metrics are enable all metrics are created unless explicit configured otherwise. |
"http_endpoint": "enabled",
"http_put_response_hop_limit": 1,
"http_tokens": "required",
"instance_metadata_tags": "enabled"
object({| `{}` | no | | [metrics\_namespace](#input\_metrics\_namespace) | The namespace for the metrics created by the module. Merics will only be created if explicit enabled. | `string` | `null` | no | -| [multi\_runner\_config](#input\_multi\_runner\_config) | multi\_runner\_config = {
enable = optional(bool, false)
namespace = optional(string, "GitHub Runners")
metric = optional(object({
enable_github_app_rate_limit = optional(bool, true)
enable_job_retry = optional(bool, true)
enable_spot_termination_warning = optional(bool, true)
}), {})
map(object({| n/a | yes | +| [multi\_runner\_config](#input\_multi\_runner\_config) | multi\_runner\_config = {
runner_config = object({
runner_os = string
runner_architecture = string
runner_metadata_options = optional(map(any), {
instance_metadata_tags = "enabled"
http_endpoint = "enabled"
http_tokens = "required"
http_put_response_hop_limit = 1
ami_filter = optional(map(list(string)), { state = ["available"] })
ami_owners = optional(list(string), ["amazon"])
ami_id_ssm_parameter_name = optional(string, null)
ami_kms_key_arn = optional(string, "")
create_service_linked_role_spot = optional(bool, false)
credit_specification = optional(string, null)
delay_webhook_event = optional(number, 30)
disable_runner_autoupdate = optional(bool, false)
ebs_optimized = optional(bool, false)
enable_ephemeral_runners = optional(bool, false)
enable_job_queued_check = optional(bool, null)
enable_on_demand_failover_for_errors = optional(list(string), [])
enable_organization_runners = optional(bool, false)
enable_runner_binaries_syncer = optional(bool, true)
enable_ssm_on_runners = optional(bool, false)
enable_userdata = optional(bool, true)
instance_allocation_strategy = optional(string, "lowest-price")
instance_max_spot_price = optional(string, null)
instance_target_capacity_type = optional(string, "spot")
instance_types = list(string)
job_queue_retention_in_seconds = optional(number, 86400)
minimum_running_time_in_minutes = optional(number, null)
pool_runner_owner = optional(string, null)
runner_as_root = optional(bool, false)
runner_boot_time_in_minutes = optional(number, 5)
runner_disable_default_labels = optional(bool, false)
runner_extra_labels = optional(list(string), [])
runner_group_name = optional(string, "Default")
runner_name_prefix = optional(string, "")
runner_run_as = optional(string, "ec2-user")
runners_maximum_count = number
runner_additional_security_group_ids = optional(list(string), [])
scale_down_schedule_expression = optional(string, "cron(*/5 * * * ? *)")
scale_up_reserved_concurrent_executions = optional(number, 1)
userdata_template = optional(string, null)
userdata_content = optional(string, null)
enable_jit_config = optional(bool, null)
enable_runner_detailed_monitoring = optional(bool, false)
enable_cloudwatch_agent = optional(bool, true)
cloudwatch_config = optional(string, null)
userdata_pre_install = optional(string, "")
userdata_post_install = optional(string, "")
runner_ec2_tags = optional(map(string), {})
runner_iam_role_managed_policy_arns = optional(list(string), [])
vpc_id = optional(string, null)
subnet_ids = optional(list(string), null)
idle_config = optional(list(object({
cron = string
timeZone = string
idleCount = number
evictionStrategy = optional(string, "oldest_first")
})), [])
runner_log_files = optional(list(object({
log_group_name = string
prefix_log_group = bool
file_path = string
log_stream_name = string
})), null)
block_device_mappings = optional(list(object({
delete_on_termination = optional(bool, true)
device_name = optional(string, "/dev/xvda")
encrypted = optional(bool, true)
iops = optional(number)
kms_key_id = optional(string)
snapshot_id = optional(string)
throughput = optional(number)
volume_size = number
volume_type = optional(string, "gp3")
})), [{
volume_size = 30
pool_config = optional(list(object({
schedule_expression = string
schedule_expression_timezone = optional(string)
size = number
})), [])
job_retry = optional(object({
enable = optional(bool, false)
delay_in_seconds = optional(number, 300)
delay_backoff = optional(number, 2)
lambda_memory_size = optional(number, 256)
lambda_timeout = optional(number, 30)
max_attempts = optional(number, 1)
}), {})
matcherConfig = object({
labelMatchers = list(list(string))
exactMatch = optional(bool, false)
priority = optional(number, 999)
redrive_build_queue = optional(object({
enabled = bool
maxReceiveCount = number
}), {
enabled = false
maxReceiveCount = null
map(object({| n/a | yes | | [pool\_lambda\_reserved\_concurrent\_executions](#input\_pool\_lambda\_reserved\_concurrent\_executions) | Amount of reserved concurrent executions for the scale-up lambda function. A value of 0 disables lambda from being triggered and -1 removes any concurrency limitations. | `number` | `1` | no | | [pool\_lambda\_timeout](#input\_pool\_lambda\_timeout) | Time out for the pool lambda in seconds. | `number` | `60` | no | | [prefix](#input\_prefix) | The prefix used for naming resources | `string` | `"github-actions"` | no | diff --git a/modules/multi-runner/runners.tf b/modules/multi-runner/runners.tf index 02df61a47b..52f268a167 100644 --- a/modules/multi-runner/runners.tf +++ b/modules/multi-runner/runners.tf @@ -86,13 +86,15 @@ module "runners" { role_path = var.role_path role_permissions_boundary = var.role_permissions_boundary - enable_userdata = each.value.runner_config.enable_userdata - userdata_template = each.value.runner_config.userdata_template - userdata_content = each.value.runner_config.userdata_content - userdata_pre_install = each.value.runner_config.userdata_pre_install - userdata_post_install = each.value.runner_config.userdata_post_install - key_name = var.key_name - runner_ec2_tags = each.value.runner_config.runner_ec2_tags + enable_userdata = each.value.runner_config.enable_userdata + userdata_template = each.value.runner_config.userdata_template + userdata_content = each.value.runner_config.userdata_content + userdata_pre_install = each.value.runner_config.userdata_pre_install + userdata_post_install = each.value.runner_config.userdata_post_install + runner_hook_job_started = each.value.runner_config.runner_hook_job_started + runner_hook_job_completed = each.value.runner_config.runner_hook_job_completed + key_name = var.key_name + runner_ec2_tags = each.value.runner_config.runner_ec2_tags create_service_linked_role_spot = each.value.runner_config.create_service_linked_role_spot diff --git a/modules/multi-runner/variables.tf b/modules/multi-runner/variables.tf index 8185fe95ae..b92a4c435f 100644 --- a/modules/multi-runner/variables.tf +++ b/modules/multi-runner/variables.tf @@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ variable "multi_runner_config" { cloudwatch_config = optional(string, null) userdata_pre_install = optional(string, "") userdata_post_install = optional(string, "") + runner_hook_job_started = optional(string, "") + runner_hook_job_completed = optional(string, "") runner_ec2_tags = optional(map(string), {}) runner_iam_role_managed_policy_arns = optional(list(string), []) vpc_id = optional(string, null) @@ -179,6 +181,8 @@ variable "multi_runner_config" { cloudwatch_config: "(optional) Replaces the module default cloudwatch log config. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/CloudWatch-Agent-Configuration-File-Details.html for details." userdata_pre_install: "Script to be ran before the GitHub Actions runner is installed on the EC2 instances" userdata_post_install: "Script to be ran after the GitHub Actions runner is installed on the EC2 instances" + runner_hook_job_started: "Script to be ran in the runner environment at the beginning of every job" + runner_hook_job_completed: "Script to be ran in the runner environment at the end of every job" runner_ec2_tags: "Map of tags that will be added to the launch template instance tag specifications." runner_iam_role_managed_policy_arns: "Attach AWS or customer-managed IAM policies (by ARN) to the runner IAM role" vpc_id: "The VPC for security groups of the action runners. If not set uses the value of `var.vpc_id`." diff --git a/modules/runners/README.md b/modules/runners/README.md index df16693009..0603796472 100644 --- a/modules/runners/README.md +++ b/modules/runners/README.md @@ -203,6 +203,8 @@ yarn run dist | [runner\_disable\_default\_labels](#input\_runner\_disable\_default\_labels) | Disable default labels for the runners (os, architecture and `self-hosted`). If enabled, the runner will only have the extra labels provided in `runner_extra_labels`. | `bool` | `false` | no | | [runner\_ec2\_tags](#input\_runner\_ec2\_tags) | Map of tags that will be added to the launch template instance tag specifications. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no | | [runner\_group\_name](#input\_runner\_group\_name) | Name of the runner group. | `string` | `"Default"` | no | +| [runner\_hook\_job\_completed](#input\_runner\_hook\_job\_completed) | Script to be ran in the runner environment at the end of every job | `string` | `""` | no | +| [runner\_hook\_job\_started](#input\_runner\_hook\_job\_started) | Script to be ran in the runner environment at the beginning of every job | `string` | `""` | no | | [runner\_iam\_role\_managed\_policy\_arns](#input\_runner\_iam\_role\_managed\_policy\_arns) | Attach AWS or customer-managed IAM policies (by ARN) to the runner IAM role | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [runner\_labels](#input\_runner\_labels) | All the labels for the runners (GitHub) including the default one's(e.g: self-hosted, linux, x64, label1, label2). Separate each label by a comma | `list(string)` | n/a | yes | | [runner\_log\_files](#input\_runner\_log\_files) | (optional) List of logfiles to send to CloudWatch, will only be used if `enable_cloudwatch_agent` is set to true. Object description: `log_group_name`: Name of the log group, `prefix_log_group`: If true, the log group name will be prefixed with `/github-self-hosted-runners/
runner_config = object({
runner_os = string
runner_architecture = string
runner_metadata_options = optional(map(any), {
instance_metadata_tags = "enabled"
http_endpoint = "enabled"
http_tokens = "required"
http_put_response_hop_limit = 1
ami_filter = optional(map(list(string)), { state = ["available"] })
ami_owners = optional(list(string), ["amazon"])
ami_id_ssm_parameter_name = optional(string, null)
ami_kms_key_arn = optional(string, "")
create_service_linked_role_spot = optional(bool, false)
credit_specification = optional(string, null)
delay_webhook_event = optional(number, 30)
disable_runner_autoupdate = optional(bool, false)
ebs_optimized = optional(bool, false)
enable_ephemeral_runners = optional(bool, false)
enable_job_queued_check = optional(bool, null)
enable_on_demand_failover_for_errors = optional(list(string), [])
enable_organization_runners = optional(bool, false)
enable_runner_binaries_syncer = optional(bool, true)
enable_ssm_on_runners = optional(bool, false)
enable_userdata = optional(bool, true)
instance_allocation_strategy = optional(string, "lowest-price")
instance_max_spot_price = optional(string, null)
instance_target_capacity_type = optional(string, "spot")
instance_types = list(string)
job_queue_retention_in_seconds = optional(number, 86400)
minimum_running_time_in_minutes = optional(number, null)
pool_runner_owner = optional(string, null)
runner_as_root = optional(bool, false)
runner_boot_time_in_minutes = optional(number, 5)
runner_disable_default_labels = optional(bool, false)
runner_extra_labels = optional(list(string), [])
runner_group_name = optional(string, "Default")
runner_name_prefix = optional(string, "")
runner_run_as = optional(string, "ec2-user")
runners_maximum_count = number
runner_additional_security_group_ids = optional(list(string), [])
scale_down_schedule_expression = optional(string, "cron(*/5 * * * ? *)")
scale_up_reserved_concurrent_executions = optional(number, 1)
userdata_template = optional(string, null)
userdata_content = optional(string, null)
enable_jit_config = optional(bool, null)
enable_runner_detailed_monitoring = optional(bool, false)
enable_cloudwatch_agent = optional(bool, true)
cloudwatch_config = optional(string, null)
userdata_pre_install = optional(string, "")
userdata_post_install = optional(string, "")
runner_hook_job_started = optional(string, "")
runner_hook_job_completed = optional(string, "")
runner_ec2_tags = optional(map(string), {})
runner_iam_role_managed_policy_arns = optional(list(string), [])
vpc_id = optional(string, null)
subnet_ids = optional(list(string), null)
idle_config = optional(list(object({
cron = string
timeZone = string
idleCount = number
evictionStrategy = optional(string, "oldest_first")
})), [])
runner_log_files = optional(list(object({
log_group_name = string
prefix_log_group = bool
file_path = string
log_stream_name = string
})), null)
block_device_mappings = optional(list(object({
delete_on_termination = optional(bool, true)
device_name = optional(string, "/dev/xvda")
encrypted = optional(bool, true)
iops = optional(number)
kms_key_id = optional(string)
snapshot_id = optional(string)
throughput = optional(number)
volume_size = number
volume_type = optional(string, "gp3")
})), [{
volume_size = 30
pool_config = optional(list(object({
schedule_expression = string
schedule_expression_timezone = optional(string)
size = number
})), [])
job_retry = optional(object({
enable = optional(bool, false)
delay_in_seconds = optional(number, 300)
delay_backoff = optional(number, 2)
lambda_memory_size = optional(number, 256)
lambda_timeout = optional(number, 30)
max_attempts = optional(number, 1)
}), {})
matcherConfig = object({
labelMatchers = list(list(string))
exactMatch = optional(bool, false)
priority = optional(number, 999)
fifo = optional(bool, false)
redrive_build_queue = optional(object({
enabled = bool
maxReceiveCount = number
}), {
enabled = false
maxReceiveCount = null
list(object({| `null` | no | diff --git a/modules/runners/main.tf b/modules/runners/main.tf index 625ebd4ed0..051d6713cd 100644 --- a/modules/runners/main.tf +++ b/modules/runners/main.tf @@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ locals { S3_LOCATION_RUNNER_DISTRIBUTION = local.s3_location_runner_distribution RUNNER_ARCHITECTURE = var.runner_architecture }) - post_install = var.userdata_post_install + post_install = var.userdata_post_install + hook_job_started = var.runner_hook_job_started + hook_job_completed = var.runner_hook_job_completed start_runner = templatefile(local.userdata_start_runner[var.runner_os], { metadata_tags = var.metadata_options != null ? var.metadata_options.instance_metadata_tags : "enabled" }) diff --git a/modules/runners/templates/user-data.sh b/modules/runners/templates/user-data.sh index 68edb79b0a..321cbc4e02 100644 --- a/modules/runners/templates/user-data.sh +++ b/modules/runners/templates/user-data.sh @@ -62,4 +62,20 @@ ${install_runner} ${post_install} +# Register runner job hooks +# Ref: https://github.com/actions/runner/blob/main/docs/adrs/1751-runner-job-hooks.md +%{ if hook_job_started != "" } +cat > /opt/actions-runner/hook_job_started.sh << EOF +${hook_job_started} +EOF +echo ACTIONS_RUNNER_HOOK_JOB_STARTED=/opt/actions-runner/hook_job_started.sh | tee -a /opt/actions-runner/.env +%{ endif } + +%{ if hook_job_completed != "" } +cat > /opt/actions-runner/hook_job_completed.sh << EOF +${hook_job_completed} +EOF +echo ACTIONS_RUNNER_HOOK_JOB_COMPLETED=/opt/actions-runner/hook_job_completed.sh | tee -a /opt/actions-runner/.env +%{ endif } + ${start_runner} diff --git a/modules/runners/variables.tf b/modules/runners/variables.tf index d39601cfce..4d55a479b5 100644 --- a/modules/runners/variables.tf +++ b/modules/runners/variables.tf @@ -172,6 +172,18 @@ variable "userdata_post_install" { default = "" } +variable "runner_hook_job_started" { + description = "Script to be ran in the runner environment at the beginning of every job" + type = string + default = "" +} + +variable "runner_hook_job_completed" { + description = "Script to be ran in the runner environment at the end of every job" + type = string + default = "" +} + variable "sqs_build_queue" { description = "SQS queue to consume accepted build events." type = object({ diff --git a/outputs.tf b/outputs.tf index 16235280af..699867ec2e 100644 --- a/outputs.tf +++ b/outputs.tf @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ output "binaries_syncer" { lambda = module.runner_binaries[0].lambda lambda_log_group = module.runner_binaries[0].lambda_log_group lambda_role = module.runner_binaries[0].lambda_role - location = "s3://${module.runner_binaries[0].bucket.id}/module.runner_binaries[0].bucket.key" + location = "s3://${module.runner_binaries[0].bucket.id}/${module.runner_binaries[0].runner_distribution_object_key}" bucket = module.runner_binaries[0].bucket } : null } diff --git a/variables.deprecated.tf b/variables.deprecated.tf index c26c614510..115d190314 100644 --- a/variables.deprecated.tf +++ b/variables.deprecated.tf @@ -21,14 +21,6 @@ variable "enable_event_rule_binaries_syncer" { } } - -# tflint-ignore: terraform_naming_convention -variable "runners_scale_up_Lambda_memory_size" { - description = "Memory size limit in MB for scale-up lambda." - type = number - default = null -} - # tflint-ignore: terraform_unused_declarations variable "enable_metrics_control_plane" { description = "(Experimental) Enable or disable the metrics for the module. Feature can change or renamed without a major release." diff --git a/variables.tf b/variables.tf index 36b67a20a0..7d1868e81a 100644 --- a/variables.tf +++ b/variables.tf @@ -280,6 +280,18 @@ variable "userdata_post_install" { description = "Script to be ran after the GitHub Actions runner is installed on the EC2 instances" } +variable "runner_hook_job_started" { + type = string + default = "" + description = "Script to be ran in the runner environment at the beginning of every job" +} + +variable "runner_hook_job_completed" { + type = string + default = "" + description = "Script to be ran in the runner environment at the end of every job" +} + variable "idle_config" { description = "List of time periods, defined as a cron expression, to keep a minimum amount of runners active instead of scaling down to 0. By defining this list you can ensure that in time periods that match the cron expression within 5 seconds a runner is kept idle." type = list(object({
log_group_name = string
prefix_log_group = bool
file_path = string
log_stream_name = string