- Auto Deploy using Grunt
- needs project structure as an NPM package?
- creep path-finding with custom cache
- creep.Memory saves path
- determine new path in every tick
- compare new path cost vs. saved path cost => choose cheaper path for move
- minCost for custom logic ~20 or something?! (avoid clogging)
- taskManager.finishTask clears creep.Memory path(?)
- new task: pick-up resources from ground (decayed creeps => tombstones or raw resources after tombstone expires, deliberately dropped resources)
- maybe 2 tasks: random resources (force pick-up) & resources from "around" sources
- think about how to involve in task priority list
- separate logic could also determine the nearest creep for force pick-up
- needs free capacity
- ground resource could be > free capacity ==> multiple creeps need force pick-up
- new role: miner
- mining resources and dropping them on the ground for others to pick up
- potentially: remove harvester or at least don't use it anymore
- potentially new role: transporter
- no WORK body-parts, only CARRY and MOVE
- transporting dropped resources to storage units (spawn, extensions, towers, etc)
- build "Links"
- RCL 8: build Observer