This page provides a list of recipes to solve a particular problem you have. This list will expand from the questions the Roassal community receive. If you wish to have a new how-to, just ask your question in the #Roassal channel on the Pharo discord server.
You have a class C
and you wish to create a visualization that appears when you inspect an object instance of C
. You need to define two methods:
C>>gtInspectorViewIn: composite
<gtInspectorPresentationOrder: -10>
composite Roassal
title: 'View';
initializeCanvas: [ self visualize ]
| canvas |
canvas := RSCanvas new.
"build your visualization here"
^ canvas
Note that the method visualize
should return a Roassal canvas. The method gtInspectorViewIn:
has an arbitrary name. You can choose any name, but it must receive an argument, which we typically name composite
Assuming you have a set of values:
values := #(40 23 12 15 63).
You can visualize the value contained in values
c := RSChart new.
c addPlot: (RSLinePlot new y: values).
c addDecoration: (RSVerticalTick new).
c addDecoration: (RSHorizontalTick new).
A chart appears when you evaluate the script.
Consider the following code:
canvas := RSCanvas new.
counter := 0.
canvas add: (label := RSLabel new text: counter).
canvas newAnimation repeat
duration: 1.5 seconds;
when: RSAnimationLoopEvent do: [ :evt|
label text: (counter := counter + 1) ].
The block provided to the message when:do:
can contains any arbitrary code. The example shows that the visualization can be changed from the block.
Roassal offers the class RSSVGPath
, which is a shape. You can use it as:
svgPath := 'M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z'.
c := RSCanvas new.
svg := RSSVGPath new color: Color blue; svgPath: svgPath.
c add: svg.
c @ RSCanvasController.