##The post context
Whenever you're viewing a single blog post, you're in the post
context. The post context is not set on static pages, which uses the page context instead.
The URL used to render a single post is configuration in the Phanbook dashboard. The default is /blog/:id/:slug
. Phanbook has also options for date-based permalinks but we will commit coming soon
The post context always uses the single.volt
template. This template is required in all Phanbook themes. At present there is no support for custom post templates as there is for pages.
The post
context provides access to the post object which match the route. Take look example below:
{{ post.id }} //get ID
{{ post.title }} or we get use {{post.getTitle()}}
Also, if you want to use array to instead object just convert for it post.toArray()
and using
{{ post['id']}}
{{ post['title']}}
id - the incremental ID of the page
title - the title of your post page (title helper)
excerpt - a short preview of your page content (excerpt helper)
content - the content of the page (content helper)
url - the web address for the static page (url helper)
thumbnail - the cover image thumbnail with the page (image helper)
editedAt - date and time when the page was last updated (date helper)
createdAt - date and time when the page was created (date helper)
tags - a list of tags associated with the page (see tags for details)
usersId - the user id of post page
type - the type posts such as the blog, page, hackernews, etc
numberViews - the users viewing this post page
numberReply - the users replies on this post
sticked - the sticked for this post default is "N"
Also post have relationship with some object, for example to get information user:
is object of model Users so that you can gets any properties this model here. Also you can try this for tagpost.tag
Note: post.status have some type below:
'publish' - A published post or page
'pending' - post is pending review
'draft' - a post in draft status
'future' - a post to publish in the future
'private' - not visible to users who are not logged in
'trash' - post is in trash bin.
Tobe update
{# Check post have exist #}
{% if post is defined %}
<div class="inner-container media-padded">
<h1 class="h2">{{ post.getTitle() }}</h1>
<div class="author-container">
<a href="/@{{post.user.getUsername()}}">
<h2 class="author-name">by <a href="">{{ post.user.getInforUser() }}</a></h2>
<div class="date">on {{ date("M j/y \a\t h:i", post.getCreatedAt()) }}</div>
{% endif %}