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Releases: pgcentralfoundation/pgrx


19 Jul 22:48
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This is pgx v0.0.7. The version was bumped from v0.0.3 so that the various dependency crates and the cargo-pgx subcommand can track with the same version numbers going forward.

This release brings lots of new features to cargo-pgx, some bugfixes around SPI support, inclusion of Postgres' FDW APIs, and more documenation.

Please make sure to update your Cargo.toml pgx dependency versions to 0.0.7!

What's New?

  • Significant reworking of the cargo-pgx subcommand.

    • execute cargo install cargo-pgx again to upgrade it to v0.0.7.
    • contains many new command such as 'init', 'run', 'package', 'start/stop/status'. See its README for details, screenshots, and a link to an instructional video
    • Regardless of if this is your first time using pgx, you now need to run cargo pgx init at least once
    • Our hope is that these cargo-pgx changes bring major QoL improvements. If you see anything else it needs, please create an issue.
  • include Postgres' Foreign Data Wrapper API headers in the pgx::pg_sys module


  • fix use-after-free bugs with SPI when returning &str or PgBox<T> values

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