- handle external gist deletion
- fix diff not loading again
- general client side error handling
- timeout session clean up session storage, logout action
- loading and transitions
- create room
- make nav bar deal with small viewport width better
- landing page
- basic structure DONE
- images and styling
- fix vim undo action
- copy link to room button
- style scrollbar for dark mode
- authorization
- client-side routes
- api
- set up logging
- server
- client
- api-specific
- postgres
- redis
- gen-env-types
- dokku
- aws
- s3
- can I provide an interface for commit messages?
- there are some type mismatches for certain gql queries with overly generic response types
- sometimes we get an error involving setting options on the editors when we create a room
- all docs are stored in javascript memory, should move to redis for scalability
- save back to gist action has to be conditional
- need to make gistName optional
- add link gist action