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150 lines (123 loc) · 9.19 KB

File metadata and controls

150 lines (123 loc) · 9.19 KB



  • 本地目录下设置账号AK/SK,目前支持七牛云和阿里云
  • 列举指定域名及日期下所有日志URL
  • 并发下载指定域名及日期下所有日志URL
  • 并发下载指定本地文件中的URL
  • 列举账号下所有域名



  • 支持下载阿里云日志
  • 支持指定日期以小时为单位(qlogfetch只能以天为单位)
  • 支持指定本地文件下载URL


  • 本地安装 java 环境(版本号:1.8及以上)
  • Releases 中下载最新版本jar包
  • 命令行下执行 java -jar qlogfetch2.jar,根据提示操作,同时可以根据操作系统编写脚本(见下文Examples),将命令简化为 qlogfetch2 或 qlf2


Name Desription Qiniu Aliyun
reg Set access key and secret key [and source]
info Show access key and secret key and source
listlog List all log urls of domains from date to date Link Link
downlog Donwload all log urls of domains from date to date to destination directory Link Link
downlist Download all urls of sourcefile to destination directory
domains List all of domains under this account Link Link


Qlogfetch2 version1.0.0

Supported commands:
      help      show this message
       reg      set access key and secret key [and source]
      info      show access key and secret key and source
   listlog      list all log urls of domains from date to date
   downlog      donwload all log urls of domains from date to date to destination directory
  downlist      download all urls of sourcefile to destination directory
   domains      list all of domains under this account


Usage: qlogfetch2 downlog -date <Date> -domains <Domains> -dest <DestDir> [-overwrite] [-worker <Worker>] [-retry <Retry>] [-d]
        Donwload all log urls of domains from date to date to destination directory

          - You should use "-date" to specify a datetime or a datetime closed range used by ":"
            A datetime format must be "yyyy-MM-dd" or "yyyy-MM-dd-HH"
            A datetime closed range format must be "datetime:datetime"
          - You should use "-domains" to specify a domain or a few of domains split by ";"
            A character of domain must be in range of [0-9], [A-Z], [a-z] or [.-]
          - You should use "-dest" to specify a directory for download folder
            The directory will be created if not exist
          - You can use "-overwrite" to set whether or not overwrite a file if file exists
            The default value of "-overwrite" is false
          - You can use "-worker" to set concurrency level
            The concurrency level must be in range of [1, 300] and default value of "-worker" is 1
          - You can use "-retry" to set how many retry times if a http request is failed
            The retry times must be in range of [0, 10] and default value of "-retry" is 3
          - You can use "-d" to print debug log

          - qlogfetch2 downlog -date "2020-01-01" -domains ";" -dest "./logfolder"
          - qlogfetch2 downlog -date "2020-01-01-00" -domains "" -dest "./logfolder" -worker 10
          - qlogfetch2 downlog -date "2020-01-01-00:2020-01-02-23" -domains "" -dest "./logfoler" -worker 50 -overwrite -retry 5


Windows下,编写一个 qlf2.bat 文件,内容如下,将文件目录加入环境变量


@echo off
java -jar <absolute_path>/qlogfetch2.jar %*

MAC/Linux下,编写一个 qlf2 文件,内容如下,执行 chmod +x qlf2,将文件目录加入环境变量

java -jar <absolute_path>/qlogfetch2.jar $*


qlf2 reg -ak AccessKey -sk SecretKey

2020-12-15 02:35:25.167 [main] c.p.e.ExecuteReg[23] - Write account info to .qlogfetch2\account.json


qlf2 reg -ak AccessKey -sk SecretKey -source aliyun

2020-12-15 02:35:25.167 [main] c.p.e.ExecuteReg[23] - Write account info to .qlogfetch2\account.json


qlf2 downlog -date 2020-12-03-03:2020-12-05-20 -domains -dest ./log -worker 10 -overwrite

2020-12-15 02:35:28.167 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[24] - Start to list log urls of domain
2020-12-15 02:35:29.415 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[38] - Finished listing log urls of domain
2020-12-15 02:35:29.416 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[57] - Start to download urls
2020-12-15 02:35:30.656 [pool-1-thread-3] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLogAbstract[92] - Success to download url
SSAccessKeyId=LTAIviCc6zy8x3xa&Signature=K5jdu0nmKERNwAAIM0sZbAx%2FaBw%3D size 1.46 MB
2020-12-15 02:35:30.795 [pool-1-thread-6] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLogAbstract[92] - Success to download url
SSAccessKeyId=LTAIviCc6zy8x3xa&Signature=Q1I24EyzIrQQhXn%2F6P2A7V%2F3%2BJ8%3D size 2.09 MB
2020-12-15 02:35:45.908 [pool-1-thread-3] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLogAbstract[92] - Success to download url
SSAccessKeyId=LTAIviCc6zy8x3xa&Signature=EAgULWgdDinjcB3SmqY0t1DjZD8%3D size 2.44 MB
2020-12-15 02:35:45.931 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[62] - Finished downloading urls
2020-12-15 02:35:45.932 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[63] - TotalSize: 172.29 MB
2020-12-15 02:35:45.932 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[64] - TotalTimeCost: 16.51 second
2020-12-15 02:35:45.932 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[65] - AverageSpeed: 10.44 MB/s
2020-12-15 02:35:45.932 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[66] - SuccessNumber: 65
2020-12-15 02:35:45.933 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[67] - FailedNumber: 0


qlf2 downlist -src C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\urls.txt -dest log -worker 10 -overwrite

2020-12-15 10:24:13.700 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[43] - Start to read urls from C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\urls.txt
2020-12-15 10:24:13.703 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[51] - Finished reading urls from C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\urls.txt
2020-12-15 10:24:13.725 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[57] - Start to download urls
2020-12-15 10:24:15.146 [pool-1-thread-1] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLogAbstract[92] - Success to download url size 940.51 KB
2020-12-15 10:27:06.907 [pool-1-thread-9] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLogAbstract[92] - Success to download url size 15.31 MB
2020-12-15 10:27:07.204 [pool-1-thread-6] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLogAbstract[92] - Success to download url size 14.91 MB
2020-12-15 10:27:07.338 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[62] - Finished downloading urls
2020-12-15 10:27:07.338 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[63] - TotalSize: 474.72 MB
2020-12-15 10:27:07.339 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[64] - TotalTimeCost: 45.7 second
2020-12-15 10:27:07.339 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[65] - AverageSpeed: 10.39 MB/s
2020-12-15 10:27:07.339 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[66] - SuccessNumber: 31
2020-12-15 10:27:07.340 [main] c.p.e.d.ExecuteDownLog[67] - FailedNumber: 0


目前还未支持 -failed-list 功能,控制台的日志会同时打印一份到本地目录的 .log.txt 文件中,可以手动过滤日志文件,提取出下载失败的urls,放到新文件中,再用 qlogfetch2 downlist 功能下载


由于是日志下载,单次请求的码率会比较大,我进行过测试,一般设置 10 - 50 就够了(看客户端带宽),再往上走可能会出现 Read time out 或 服务端5XX,甚至 Out Of Memory(见 issue1) 的情况,如果是码率比较小的接口(比如 listbucket),可以设置大很多(比如100-300),这个时候主要瓶颈在 qps,但日志下载不适用