Projects not part of the official CS 5610/6610 coursework, but inspired by topics covered in the lectures.
TODO: Thoroughly look back at lectures before lecture 25 (Volume Rendering) and find techniques worth of an X-Project
- Bump/Relief Mapping
- Research current approaches
- Read
- Based on #1, implement relief mapping
- Research current approaches
- Ambient Occlusion
- Survey approaches and determine "best" approach (or approaches) to implement
- Based on #1, implement.
- Area/Polygonal Lights
- Read/Implement Representative Area Lights
- Read/Implement Analytic Method
- "Real-Time Polygonal-Light Shading with Linearly Transformed Cosines"
- "Combining Analytic Direct Illumination and Stochastic Shadows"
- ReSTIR seems to handle it all... maybe just do this
- Soft Shadows
- Moment Shadow Mapping
- See rtr 2022-08-24
- Virtual Shadow Maps (VSM)
- What are VSMs?
- How does it relate to texture streaming and spare textures?
- Are these implementation details for VSMs?
- Based on #1/#2, implement VSMs
- Apple Metal's tech talk has a highl-level overall of the "Sparse Tiled Shadow Maps" technique
- Refractions (
- Find a glass model used by a paper or tutorial so our rendering can be easily compared/verified for "correctness"
- Render some model and apply front/back refractions with an environment map
- Use Chris Wyman (2015) Front/Back Technique:
- Additional #1: Render another model behind glass model
- Refractions Ray Traced
- Order Independent Transparency
- Re-implement/understand Apple Metal's Sample code for Order Independent Transparency
- Additional #1: Look at Moment Based Order Independent Transparency
- Alpha Testing (
- Find some foliage texture (bush, tree leaves, grass?) used by a paper tutorial so our
rendering can be easily compared/verified for "correctness".
- Try a simple single branch/leaf? (see ~/Downloads/Bush_Mediteranean)
- Render w and w/o alphaToCoverage and compare quality
- Additional #1: Apply Alpha Distribution
- Find some foliage texture (bush, tree leaves, grass?) used by a paper tutorial so our
rendering can be easily compared/verified for "correctness".
- Volume Rendering
- Render some smoke? I dunno man
- Monte Carlo Sampling
- Denoising
- Model asset
- Geometry
- Look at
- mesh shader optimizations!
- vertex quantization! (normalized integers)
- Metal 3 Ray Tracing Acceleration Structures support this now too
- Use MTLIO too?
- Look at
- Materials
- Geometry
- Testing
- DebugPath
- Increase the line width
- Optionally render each line segment with the color accumulated at that segment
- Geometry should optionally load/contain tx_coords
- Look at Model's MaterialKind (Material and NoMaterial), very similar in nature
- Delete everything RenderPipeline replaced :)
- UIRay
- Orbiting drag doesn't quite feel right
- It doesn't seem to scale exactly to the amount dragged.
- Orbiting drag doesn't quite feel right
- Move
generation and access into metal-app- Currently...
generates themetallib
- Project includes the bytes...
const LIBRARY_BYTES: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/shaders.metallib"))
- Project passes it to the
to create ametal::Library
- Project passes the library to RenderPipeline
- What if it were treated like everything else that
generates (bindings and bindings hash)? - Instead...
- Project uses
get_metal_library() -> metal::Library
from shader_bindings. - Project passes the library to RenderPipeline
- Project uses
- Unlocks...
- Remove release build checks
result - If we wrap
with our own type, we could prevent shader functions from other libraries being mixed up.
- Remove release build checks
- Currently...
- Encapsulate Shadow Mapping... somehow
- Parts
- Render Pipeline
- Depth Only
- Param: Label
- Param: Vertex Function
- Depth State
- Param: Label
- Encoding
- Setup Render Pass Descriptor / Render Command Encoder
- Set Label, Render Pipeline, Depth State
- Hand it back caller to do pre-draw and draw...
- Set Buffers, Textures, any other pre-draw commands
- Draw
- Render Pipeline
- Parts
- Implement Triple Buffering
- Currently we're committing a Metal command buffer and waiting for completion.
- This preventing the main thread from doing other work or queueing another frame to render
- Most Apple Metal samples (from Apple) do triple buffering
- All Metal resources needed for each frame are duplicated/isolated
- Semaphore caps the number of simultaneous render encodings
- Rethink Memory/Heap Allocation/Layout Strategy
- Most projects allocate the following resources:
- Model Resources
- m_model_to_world (normal_to_world can be derived from this)
- Geometry Buffers
- indices
- positions
- normals
- texture coords
- Material
- Textures
- diffuse
- specular
- ambient
- Constants
- specular shineness
- Textures
- Camera Space (previously known as World) Argument Buffer
- m_world_to_projection
- m_screen_to_world
- position_world
- Depth Texture
- Light/Shadow Caster Resources
- Shadow Map Depth Texture
- Light Space Argument Buffer
- m_world_to_projection
- Model Resources
- What belongs where?
- Usage
- Vertex Shader needs
- Model
- Geometry Buffers
- m_model_to_world
- Model
- Fragment Shader needs
- Model
- Material
- Camera Space
- m_screen_to_world
- position_in_world
- Light Resources
- Shadow Map Depth Texture
- m_world_to_projection
- position_in_world
- Model
- Vertex Shader needs
- How much does colocation affect performance?
- ex. All Fragment Shader needed resource are in one part a heap vs different parts of the heaps vs different heaps vs some in heaps some in non-heaps
- Usage
- Most projects allocate the following resources:
- Rethink RenderDelegate API
- proj-5 exposed how awkward it is for one Delegate to use another
- It's not easy to initialize
- Pass ownership of Device
- It's not easy to reuse/share...
- CommandQueue
- CommandBuffer
- Device
- It's not easy to initialize
- proj-5 exposed how awkward it is for one Delegate to use another
- Objective-C Exception information lost during Application initialization
- Currently, if an Objective-C Exception occurs within launchApplication, the actual exception seems to be obscured.
- Thankfully, running Xcode, will automatically debugger breakpoint at the offending location, it just lacks why.
- I've hit this a few times by making an erroneous request of a Metal API during initialization (Bad texture allocation)
- Is there something to be done?
- Should certain initialization be deferred?
- Performance: Reduce/Batch Obj-C implicit
calls- Part of the overhead with calling into Obj-C is registering an Obj-C Selector (
) before using it. - Find other places where we make repeated Obj-C calls, and cache the Obj-C Selector and reuse it.
- See example
- Watch for
updates: madsmtm/objc2#104
- Part of the overhead with calling into Obj-C is registering an Obj-C Selector (
- Write tests for Materials
- Write tests for Geometry
- Write tests for Model
- Delete hash and bindings when shader compilation (step before bindings) or bindings fails
- Currently, the following sequence causes
not to be re-created- Successfully generate bindings
- Update bindings
with a bindings-only error- Ex. Reference something only only defined in
#ifdef __METAL_VERSION__
- Ex. Reference something only only defined in
- Bindings will be messed up (only preamble)
- hash will be outdated, still the same hash after #1
- Fix bindings
by undo-ing changes of #2 - Bindings don't get regenerated because the hash is the same #1!
- Currently, the following sequence causes
- Look at Apple Developer Sample Code projects on how a scheme's executable is referenced in a non-absolute path way
- Currently
shows for Run and Profile schemes.
- Currently
- Implement Reverse-Z + Infinity Z for better depth precision (ex. fix Z-fighting)
- Currently, I think I'm seeing Z-fighting on the Yoda model, zooming out slightly, and noting the flicker in Yoda's eye
- Setup a z-fighting example rendering to verify the benefit
- Add Fresnel Effect
- Allow Camera to freely move and rotate
- I suspect many calculations were simplified knowing the camera is ALWAYS looking the world coordinate origin
- Ex. mirror transformation: calculating the vector to reflect
- What is affected?
- How much more complicated do to they become?
- How well do I maths?
- Let's find out.
- I suspect many calculations were simplified knowing the camera is ALWAYS looking the world coordinate origin
- Bring back a moveable light?
- Moment Shadow Mapping
- Implementation example:
- Look into methods of more realistically blurring the shadows based on distance
- Review Real-Time Polygonal-Light Shading with Linearly Transformed Cosines
- Review Combining Analytic Direct Illumination and Stochastic Shadows
- Review GPU Gems 2, Chapter 14. Perspective Shadow Maps: Care and Feeding
- Implement Parallax Occlusion Mapping
- Implement using Mesh Shaders
- Could saving a metal file, auto restart a running application (based on the crate directory)?
- Would make fiddling shaders alot faster, but maybe it's not any faster than doing it in xcode shader debugger?
- Make a script for generating the project gifs
for i in $(ls *.mov); do ffmpeg -i $i -filter_complex "[0:v] fps=30,scale=512:-1,split [a][b];[a] palettegen [p];[b][p] paletteuse" $i.gif; done
- Generate instruction type counts (ex. how many branch instructions?)
- Consider creating a ShaderToy-esque crate that allows you to quickly create a metal-app with just a Fragment Shader
- As such, assumes the following configuration...
- Application/Window setup
- Window Resize maintenance
- Resize depth attachment texture
- Single Render Pipeline
- Color Attachment
- Depth Attachment
- Fragment shader
- Function name of
- Bound buffers
- Mouse
- Coordinate
- Button states
- Time
- Viewport/Screen Size (pixels)
- Mouse
- Function name of
- Render
- One draw call (triangle strip that's a quad fits the screen exactly)
- Question: Would it be better to allow specifying more than just a Fragment shader?
- Geometry (vertices)
- Vertex shader
- This should simplify...
- Applying Perspective Projection
- Remove the need to Ray Marching
- Which one is worse/harder?
- Ray Marching and SDF
- Vertices, Vertex Shader, Draw call
- Maybe there's a Vertices/Draw call simplification? Just provide vertices and assume a draw call with triangle primitive and vertex count.
- Which one is worse/harder?
- This should simplify...