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Discord Dad Bot

Discord Twitter Follow

A Discord bot that makes dad jokes and more.

This bot was initially created for simple dad jokes but was later generalized to handle any message whenever the user's message meets some criteria.



  1. Follow the instructions in create-discord-bot.

    Don't forget to give your bot the Manage Webhooks permission!

  2. Download this bot and move the src-discord-dad-bot folder into the /src/bots folder from step 1.

  3. Open config.ts to configure your own settings:

    export const configs = [
        label: "Dad Bot",
        guildId: "258167954913361930",
        ignoreChannelIds: new Set(["649020657522180128", "258167954913361930"]),
        username: "Dad",
        avatarUrls: [
        trigger: (message: Message): boolean => {
          return /\bi(?:'| +a|)?m +(.*)/i.test(message.content);
        handleTrigger: async (
          message: Message,
          config: Config
        ): Promise<void> => {
          const matches = message.content.match(/\bi(?:'| +a|)?m +(.*)/i) || [];
          const capture = matches.slice(1).find((item) => item !== undefined);
          sendWebhook(message, config, {
            content: `${}, Hi ${capture}, I'm Dad.`,
        chance: 0.1,

    Add as many rules as you want to configure for other servers.

    • label is an optional descriptive label for the rule that is used for logging whenever the rule is triggered.
    • guildId is the server id.
    • ignoreChannelIds is a Set of text channel ids the bot ignores user messages from.
    • username is the display name of the webhook that sends the response message.
    • avatarUrls are the image urls the webhook randomly picks from to set the avatar.
    • trigger is a function the bot tests a user message against to determine whether to run handleTrigger or not.
    • handleTrigger is a function the bot runs if the channel criteria, trigger, and chance are satisfied.
    • chance is the percentage chance the bot runs handleTrigger even if it evaluates to true, use values between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

    Some useful resources:

    • regex101: build your regExp. Make sure to switch the Flavor to ECMAScript (JavaScript).
    • MDN Docs: the definitive guide to regexp.
  4. npm start to run the bot.

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