This project requires getpapers
to download the paperes and ami
to search them.
search for "N95" and "mask" , output to n95
directory, keep the log and download XML and PDF
getpapers -q "(N95) AND (mask)" -o n95 -f n95/log.txt -x -p
info: Saving logs to ./n95/log.txt
info: Searching using eupmc API
info: Found 377 open access results
warn: This version of getpapers wasn't built with this version of the EuPMC api in mind
warn: getpapers EuPMCVersion: 5.3.2 vs. 6.2 reported by api
Retrieving results [==============================] 100% (eta 0.0s)
info: Done collecting results
info: Saving result metadata
info: Full EUPMC result metadata written to eupmc_results.json
info: Individual EUPMC result metadata records written
info: Extracting fulltext HTML URL list (may not be available for all articles)
info: Fulltext HTML URL list written to eupmc_fulltext_html_urls.txt
warn: Article with pmcid "PMC7087729" was not Open Access (therefore no XML)
... snipped
warn: Article with pmcid "PMC4098517" was not Open Access (therefore no XML)
info: Got XML URLs for 353 out of 377 results
info: Downloading fulltext XML files
Downloading files [====================] 100% (353/353) [34.2s elapsed, eta 0.0]
info: All downloads succeeded!
warn: Article with pmcid "PMC6755768" had no fulltext PDF url
... snipped
warn: Article with pmcid "PMC4098517" had no fulltext PDF url
info: Downloading fulltext PDF files
Downloading files [===================] 100% (329/329) [158.6s elapsed, eta 0.0]
info: All downloads succeeded!
The directory n95
is the CProject
Note each paper creates a directory (CTree
) with metadata, PDF and XML. Some PDF and/or XML are missing
because the repository doesn't have them.
You can see them in a file browser. Alternatively the tree
utility will display them as text:
├── 25411668
│ └── eupmc_result.json
├── PMC1074505
│ ├── eupmc_result.json
│ ├── fulltext.pdf
│ └── fulltext.xml
├── PMC1550819
│ ├── eupmc_result.json
│ ├── fulltext.pdf
│ └── fulltext.xml
├── PMC2532878
│ ├── eupmc_result.json
│ └── fulltext.xml
NOTE. new ami
run this from the directory you used for getpapers
(it should contain n95
We search with builtin dictionaries country
, disease
, funders
ami -p n95/ search --dictionary country disease funders
Echo input parameters There is quite a lot of debug, and we've snipped it.
Generic values (AMISearchTool)
-v to see generic values
oldstyle true
Specific values (AMISearchTool)
oldstyle true
strip numbers false
wordCountRange (20,1000000)
wordLengthRange (1,20)
dictionaryList [country, disease, funders]
dictionaryTop null
dictionarySuffix [xml]
Now the output from processing the CProject
cProject: n95
legacy cmd> word(frequencies)xpath:@count>20~w.stopwords:pmcstop.txt_stopwords.txt
legacy cmd> search(country)
legacy cmd> search(disease)
legacy cmd> search(funders)
Here the XML is being converted to HTML. About 2 per sec, Only needs to be done once.
!25411668 .PMC1074505 PMC1550819 PMC1562405 PMC1824729 PMC2040158 PMC2072829 PMC2440799 PMC2532878 PMC2600302 PMC2600382
PMC7100832 113487 [main] DEBUG org.contentmine.ami.plugins.word.WordCollectionFactory - no words found to extract
113487 [main] DEBUG org.contentmine.ami.plugins.word.WordCollectionFactory - no words found to extract
some documents are very small and some are huge, hence these diagnostics. Ignore them. Dots represent documents
large document (505) for PMC3266527 truncated to 500 sections
create data tables
We've made another dictionary for medical procedures from Wikipedia and added it to the search.
$ ami-search -p n95/ --dictionary /Users/pm286/dictionaries/medproc.xml
Generic values (AMISearchTool)
-v to see generic values
oldstyle true
Specific values (AMISearchTool)
oldstyle true
strip numbers false
wordCountRange (20,1000000)
wordLengthRange (1,20)
dictionaryList [/Users/pm286/dictionaries/medproc.xml]
dictionaryTop null
dictionarySuffix [xml]
rest snipped...
Will explain results on Wikipage
is very simple if you choose default values. Its output can be verbose and it would be useful to agree on levels and mechanism of output. Generally there are about 5-20 lines of output per CTree
pm286macbook:n95 pm286$ ami-pdf -p .
Input options
Generic values (AMIPDFTool)
-v to see generic values
oldstyle true
Specific values (AMIPDFTool)
maxpages 5
svgDirectoryName svg/
outputSVG true
imgDirectoryName pdfimages/
outputPDFImages true
parserDebug AMI_BRIEF
now iterate over the CTree
s . I'll separate them by newlines.
this next PDF doesn't exist (NEED better message).
AMIPDFTool cTree: 25411668
cTree: 25411668
>TRACE: null PDF for: 25411668
This next PDF is fairly typical.
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC1074505
cTree: PMC1074505
max pages: 5 0 // read 5 pages at a time
pages include: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. // page numbers for computer geeks (start at 0) BUG: Must change this
[1]0 [main] WARN org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font - Using fallback font Helvetica-Bold for Helvetica-Narrow-Bold
0 [main] WARN org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font - Using fallback font Helvetica-Bold for Helvetica-Narrow-Bold
40 [main] WARN org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font - Using fallback font Helvetica for Helvetica-Narrow
40 [main] WARN org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font - Using fallback font Helvetica for Helvetica-Narrow
// these WARNings come from PDF Box. WEe need to switch them off
[2][3][4][5] 5 // pages 2,3,4,5 // sorry this is human-counting
pages include: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. // more pages
[6][7][8][9][10]end: // end of processing after 10 pages
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC1550819
cTree: PMC1550819
max pages: 5 0
pages include: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[1][2][.0]xArray ooo(69). // ooo is a debug, ignore it
[3][.0]xArray ooo(67)
[4][5] img img 5 // img means we have found and saved an image
pages include: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC2040158
cTree: PMC2040158
max pages: 5 0
pages include: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[1][.0][2][3][4][5][.0][.1] img img img 5 /// [.0][.1] means write image [0] image[1]
pages include: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[6][7][8][9]xArray ooo(6)
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC7081171
cTree: PMC7081171
max pages: 5 0
pages include: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC7081861
cTree: PMC7081861
max pages: 5 0
pages include: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[1][2][3][4][5][.0][.1][.2][.3][.4][.5][.6]Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
at java.util.regex.Pattern.newSingle(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.atom(
We've run out of memory. BUG.
we managed to process 290 papers:
pm286macbook:n95 pm286$ ls -ld */pdfimages/ |wc
294 2646 20580
We can run the rest...
pm286macbook:n95 pm286$ ami-pdf -p .
Generic values (AMIPDFTool)
-v to see generic values
oldstyle true
Specific values (AMIPDFTool)
maxpages 5
svgDirectoryName svg/
outputSVG true
imgDirectoryName pdfimages/
outputPDFImages true
parserDebug AMI_BRIEF
AMIPDFTool cTree: 25411668
cTree: 25411668
>TRACE: null PDF for: 25411668
it now skips the CTree
s we have already done ...
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC1074505
cTree: PMC1074505
make skipped AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC1550819
cTree: PMC1550819
make skipped AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC1562405
cTree: PMC1562405
now we pick up on the unprocessed CTree
cTree: PMC7080064
make skipped AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC7081171
cTree: PMC7081171
make skipped AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC7081861
cTree: PMC7081861
max pages: 5 0
pages include: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[1][2][3][4][5][.0][.1][.2][.3][.4][.5][.6]large SVG: (341939) PageSerial [page=4, subPage=null]
img img img img img img img 5
pages include: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC7100231
cTree: PMC7100231
max pages: 5 0
pages include: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[1][.0]tokenList>1000: 1909
tokenList>1000: 1556
[.1][.2][.3][.4][.5][.6][.7][.8]tokenList>1000: 5328
pp: 690 [.9][.10][.11][.12][.13][.14][.15][.16][.17][.18]tokenList>1000: 5129
pp: 751 [.19]tokenList>1000: 4608
pp: 684 [.20][.21][.22]tokenList>1000: 3160
[2][3]tokenList>1000: 1909
tokenList>1000: 1556
tokenList>1000: 2682
tokenList>1000: 2539
tokenList>1000: 2278
tokenList>1000: 3160
img img img img img img img img img img img img img img img img img img img img img img img end:
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC7100244
cTree: PMC7100244
>TRACE: null PDF for: PMC7100244
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC7100528
cTree: PMC7100528
>TRACE: null PDF for: PMC7100528
AMIPDFTool cTree: PMC7100832
cTree: PMC7100832
>TRACE: null PDF for: PMC7100832
Here's a typical CTree
after ami-pdf
has created both pdfimages/
and svg/
Note that these directories have been added to the existing CTree
- you can see i can become
quite big.
── PMC1550819
│ ├── eupmc_result.json
│ ├── fulltext.pdf
│ ├── fulltext.xml
│ ├── pdfimages
│ │ ├── image.2.1.57_298.107_403.png
│ │ └── image.3.1.57_298.108_387.png
│ ├── results
│ │ ├── search
│ │ │ ├── country
│ │ │ │ └── results.xml
│ │ │ ├── disease
│ │ │ │ └── results.xml
│ │ │ └── funders
│ │ │ └── results.xml
│ │ └── word
│ │ └── frequencies
│ │ ├── results.html
│ │ └── results.xml
│ ├── scholarly.html
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── search.disease.count.xml
│ ├── search.disease.snippets.xml
│ ├── search.funders.count.xml
│ ├── search.funders.snippets.xml
│ ├── svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.0.svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.1.svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.2.svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.3.svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.4.svg
│ │ └── fulltext-page.5.svg
│ ├── word.frequencies.count.xml
│ └── word.frequencies.snippets.xml
│ ├── pdfimages
│ │ ├── image.2.1.57_298.107_403.png
│ │ └── image.3.1.57_298.108_387.png
Each image is extracted into PNG files . The name is made up of
counts from 1.. for images in each page. Somwetimes this gets up to several
hundred. The x/y coordinates allow us to reposition the bitmap precisely later.
│ ├── svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.0.svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.1.svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.2.svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.3.svg
│ │ ├── fulltext-page.4.svg
│ │ └── fulltext-page.5.svg
These SVG documents contain all the characters and all the vector graohics, organized as pages. We can analyze them later.