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My research interests include:
- technology and social change
- political identity and social movements
- bureaucracy
- ethnography
- computational social science
- new media and youth
- gender and sexuality
- politics of knowledge
Selected Articles
Moore, Ryan C., Ross Dahlke, Peter L. Forberg, Jeffrey T. Hancock. 2024. “The Private Life of QAnon: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Americans’ Exposure to QAnon Content on the Web.” Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction{:target="_blank"} 8(CSCW2).
Forberg, Peter and Kristen Schilt. 2023. “What is Ethnographic about Digital Ethnography? A Sociological Perspective.” Frontiers in Sociology{:target="_blank"} 8.
Forberg, Peter L. 2022. “Critical Design as Theory, Experiment, and Data: A Sociologically-Informed Approach to Visualizing Networks of Loss.” Digital Humanities Quarterly{:target="_blank"} 16(3).
Forberg, Peter L. 2022. “‘No Cult Tells You to Think for Yourself’: Discursive Ideology and the Limits of Rationality in Conspiracy Theory QAnon.” American Behavioral Scientist{:target="_blank"} 67(5).
Forberg, Peter L. 2022. “From the Fringe to the Fore: An Algorithmic Ethnography of the Far-right Conspiracy Theory Group QAnon.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography{:target="_blank"} 51(3):291-317.
Public Sociology
Forberg, Peter. 2021. “My Time with the Anons: Making My Digital Self with Conspiracy Theorists.” Ethnographic Marginalia: Methodological Appendix.{:target="_blank"}
Moore, Ryan C., Ross Dahlke, Peter L. Forberg, Jeffrey T. Hancock. 2024. “QAnon and the 2020 Election: Who Went Down the Rabbit Hole?” Association for Computing Machinery on Human-Computer Interaction{:target="_blank"}.