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NetBox DNS

The NetBox DNS plugin enables NetBox to manage operational DNS data such as name servers, zones, records and views, as well as registration data for domains. It can automate tasks like creating PTR records, generating zone serial numbers, NS and SOA records, as well as validate names and values values for resource records to ensure zone data is consistent, up-to-date and compliant with to the relevant RFCs.


NetBox DNS is designed to be the 'DNS Source of Truth' analogous to NetBox being the 'Network Source of Truth'.

The plugin stores information about DNS name servers, DNS views and zones, and DNS records, making it a data source for automatic provisioning of DNS instances. Registration information about DNS registrars and registratiob contacts for DNS domains can also be stored and associated with zones.

The main focus of the plugin is to ensure the quality of the data stored in it. To achieve this, there are many validation and automation mechanisms in place:

  • Validation of record names and values
  • Automatic maintenance of PTR records for IPv6 and IPv4 address records
  • Automatic generation of SOA records, optionally including the serial number of the zone data
  • Validation of changs to the SOA SERIAL number, whether they are done automatically or manually
  • Validation of record types such as CNAME and singletons, to ensure DNS zone validity
  • Support for RFC 2317 delegation of PTR zones for IPv4 subnets longer than 24 bits
  • Automatic creation of address records and the corresponding pointer records for IPAM IP addresses (IPAM DNSsync)

Other main features include:

  • Support for BIND views, providing lightweight namespaces for zones
  • Support for IDN, including the validation of punycode names
  • Full support for the NetBox REST and GraphQL APIs
  • Support for all major NetBox features such as global search, tenancy, change logs, tagging, journaling etc.
  • Templating for zones and records enables faster creations of zones with given boilerplate object relations, such as name servers, tags, tenants or registration information, or records like standard SPF or MX records that are the same for a subset of zones.


In the same way as NetBox is not a network management application, NetBox DNS does not provide any functionality to manage specific name servers or DNS service providers or to generate input such as configuration and zone files for them. The focus is on the completeness and integrity of the data needed to run DNS zones, not on the peculiarities of a plethora of servers and services that actually use the data. This functionality is left to specialized integration tools, or in many cases it can be easily implemented using Ansible or similar tools based on NetBox DNS data. Example code for some simple use cases is provided.

For integration with a large number of DNS server implementations integration tools like octodns-netbox-dns are available.

Installation and Configuration

The installation of plugins in general is described in the NetBox documentation.


The installation of NetBox DNS requires a Python interpreter and a working NetBox deployment. The following versions are currently supported:

  • NetBox 4.0.0 or higher
  • Python 3.10 or higher


NetBox DNS is compatible with the following NetBox versions.

NetBox Version NetBox DNS Version Comment
3.0.x - 3.4.x - No support
3.5.x 0.22.x or earlier Only NetBox DNS 0.22.x is supported
3.6.x 0.22.x or earlier Only NetBox DNS 0.22.x is supported
3.7.x 0.22.x or earlier Only NetBox DNS 0.22.x is supported
4.0.x 1.0.x or later Only the latest release of 1.0.x or 1.1.x is supported. 1.0.x has IPAM Coupling, 1.1.x IPAM DNSsync
4.1.x 1.0.x or later Only the latest release of 1.0.x or 1.1.x is supported. 1.0.x has IPAM Coupling, 1.1.x IPAM DNSsync

For earlier version of NetBox, please use the old version of the PyPI module netbox-dns. Please be aware that this version is no longer supported and will not receive any further updates. We therefore strongly recommend that you move to at least NetBox 3.5 and use the latest supported version of NetBox DNS.

NetBox Branching Compatibility

As a result of some issues with NetBox Branching still under investigation, NetBox DNS is currently not compatible with the new NetBox Branching plugin.

This affects multiple aspects of the branching functionality, and currently (netboxlabs-branching-plugin version 0.4.0) there is no workaround. Do not try to use NetBox Branching together with NetBox DNS until these issues are resolved.

This warning will be updated as soon as the situation is resolved.

Installation of NetBox DNS

NetBox DNS is available as a PyPi module and can be installed using pip:

$ source /opt/netbox/venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install netbox-plugin-dns

This will install NetBox DNS and all prerequisites within the NetBox virtual environment.

Adding NetBox DNS to the local NetBox requirements

To ensure that NetBox DNS is updated when a NetBox update is performed, include it in the local requirements file for NetBox:

echo netbox-plugin-dns >> /opt/netbox/local_requirements.txt

If the local requirements file does not exist, this command will create it.

This will guarantee that NetBox DNS will be updated every time the update script provided with NetBox is executed.

Enabling the Plugin

In, add netbox_dns to the PLUGINS list:


Running the Django database migration procedure

NetBox DNS requires some tables for its data models within the NetBox database to be present. Execute the following command to create and update these tables:

/opt/netbox/netbox/ migrate

Restarting NetBox

Restart the WSGI service and the request queue worker to load the new plugin:

systemctl restart netbox netbox-rq

Now NetBox DNS should show up under "Plugins" at the bottom of the left-hand side of the NetBox web GUI.

Reindexing Global Search

In order for existing NetBox DNS objects to appear in the global search after the initial installation or some upgrades of NetBox DNS, the search indices need to be rebuilt. This can be done with the command

/opt/netbox/netbox/ reindex netbox_dns

This can be done at any time, especially when items that should show up in the global search do not.

Upgrading NetBox DNS from netbox-dns to netbox-plugin-dns

The current Python module for NetBox DNS is named netbox-plugin-dns. Until March 2023, the module providing the NetBox DNS plugin was named netbox-dns, and this PyPI module can unfortunately still be installed. It has not received any updates since the switch to netbox-plugin-dns was necessary, is no longer supported and does not work with NetBox versions 3.5.0 and higher.

netbox-dns versions less than 0.16.0

If the old netbox-dns module is installed on the system, please ensure that it is upgraded to the latest version before running the migration.

/opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade netbox-dns
/opt/netbox/netbox/ migrate

This will install the latest version 0.17.0 of the plugin and perform the necessary database migrations that are required for the migration to netbox-plugin-dns. Then proceed as described in the next section.

netbox-dns version 0.16.0 and higher

If the version of netbox-dns is at least 0.16.0, the system can be directly migrated to netbox-plugin-dns. It is vital that the old plugin is removed before the new one is installed, otherwise NetBox will fail to start.

/opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 -m pip remove netbox-dns
/opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 -m pip install netbox-plugin-dns
/opt/netbox/netbox/ migrate

NetBox 3 support

NetBox 3.5.0 up to NetBox 3.7.x are not supported by the latest version of NetBox DNS. In order to install NetBox DNS on NetBox 3 systems, please install the latest version of netbox-plugin-dns 0.22:

/opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 -m pip install 'netbox-plugin-dns<0.23'
/opt/netbox/netbox/ migrate

Object types

Currently NetBox DNS can manage eight different object types: Views, Name Servers, Zone Templates, Zones, Record Templates, Records, Registration Contacts and Registrars.


Views are a concept that allows the DNS namespace to be partitioned into groups of zones that are isolated from each other. They are mainly used in split horizon DNS setups, for example in cases where there is a different DNS resolution requirement for external and internal clients, where external clients do not get the same set of names, or see different IP addresses than internal clients in case of NAT setups. Other scenarios are possible as well.

Each zone is associated with a view. There is a default view, initially named _default_, which is assigned automatically to all zones that don't specify an explicit view. The default view can be renamed at the discretion of the user, provided the view name is unique. Other views can be added as needed. If there is only the default view, no special action is required.

  • Zone names do not need to be unique, provided the zones with identical names are not in the same view
  • When a PTR record is created for an A or AAAA record, the record is created within a reverse zone that is in the same view

Views only affect zones (and consequently records within them), not name servers.

Views that have zones associated with them cannot be deleted, as this would result in a high risk of major data loss. If a view is to be deleted, move all zones from the view to a different one or remove the view from the zones and delete it afterwards. The default view cannot be deleted in any case, just renamed. To delete the default view, designate a different view to be the default view and then delete the former default view.

When a zone is moved from one view to a different one, NetBox DNS checks for conflicting zone names and PTR records and refuses to perform the action. In this case, manual intervention is required.

A view detail view:

View Detail

If the view is used by any zones, there is an additional tab listing the zones that use the view.

View DetailZones

Additonally there is another tab showing the change log for the view.

View DetailZonesChangeLog


The following Django permissions are applicable to View objects:

Permission Action
netbox_dns.add_view Create new view objects
netbox_dns.change_view Edit view information
netbox_dns.delete_view Delete a view object
netbox_dns.view_view View view information

To use tags, the extras.view_tag permission is required as well.


The following fields are defined for views:

Field Required Explanation
Name Yes The name of the view
Default View Yes The view is the default view. This flag is set for exactly one view, setting it for a different view removes it from the former default view
Description No A short textual description of the view
IPAM Prefixes No A list of IPAM prefixes to link to the view for IPAM DNSsync. If prefixes are assigned to a view, IPAM DNSsync will try to find a a matching zone in the view if an IP Address has a DNS name assigned to it, and create an address record for that DNS name in the longest matching zone.
IP Address Filter No A set of filter criteria for IP Address objects that determine whether or not IPAM DNSsync should create address records for it. If the field is empty, all IP Addresses will be considered for address record creation, otherwise only IP addresses matching the criteria will get address records. The syntax is the same as for object permissions in NetBox.
Tags No NetBox tags assigned to the view. Tags can be used to categorise views by arbitrary criteria such as Production/Test/Development systems
Tenant No The tenant the view is assined to

Name servers

Name server objects correspond to name servers in the DNS infrastructure and are basically fully qualified domain names (FQDN) of hosts running name server instances.

A Name Server object is required for a zone's MNAME field in the SOA record, defining the primary server for the zone data, and for NS records inside each zone, defining the name servers that are serving as data sources for a zone's authoritative information. The primary name server is not necessarily one of the authoritative name servers.

Without any name servers in the system, zones cannot be defined as a name server object is strictly required for the SOA MNAME field. Therefore, at least one name server must be defined before adding zones or records to NetBox DNS.

Optionally, name servers can be tagged using standard NetBox tags. Tags must be defined in NetBox before they can be assigned to any object.

Name servers that are in use by zones for their SOA MNAME field cannot be deleted.


The following Django permissions are applicable to Name Server objects:

Permission Action
netbox_dns.add_nameserver Create new name server objects
netbox_dns.change_nameserver Edit name server information
netbox_dns.delete_nameserver Delete a name server object
netbox_dns.view_nameserver View name server information

To use tags, the extras.view_tag permission is required as well.


For name servers the following fields are defined:

Field Required Explanation
Name Yes The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the name server
Description No A short textual description of the name server
Tags No NetBox tags assigned to the name server. Tags can be used to categorise name servers by arbitrary criteria such as Production/Test/Development systems
Tenant No The tenant the name server is assined to

A name server detail view:

Name Server Detail

If the name server is used as an authoritative name server for any zones, there is an additional tab listing the zones that use it.

View DetailZones

Similarly, if the name server is listed as the primary nameserver for zones in their SOA MNAME field, there is another tab listing those zones.

View DetailZonesChangeLog

As with views, another tab lists the change log entries for the name server.


Zone objects correspond to DNS zones to be served. Each zone contains resource records (RRs) of various types and zone-specific configuration information that affects how the zone data is propagated and cached.


The following Django permissions are applicable to Name Server objects:

Permission Action
netbox_dns.add_zone Create new zone objects
netbox_dns.change_zone Edit zone information
netbox_dns.delete_zone Delete a zone object
netbox_dns.view_zone View zone information

To use tags, the extras.view_tag permission is required as well.

Generic Fields

The following fields are defined for every zone object:

Field Required Default Explanation
Name Yes The name of the zone. This is an FQDN that represents the DNS domain containing host names to be resolved or one of the special zones or, which are reserved for the resolution of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses by the DNS infrastructure
View No The name of the view the zone is associated with. If the view is not the default view, the zone name is also prefixed with the view name in brackets to make zones easier to distinguish in lists.
Status Yes Active The zone's status. By default, selectable values are "Active", "Dynamic", "Reserved", "Deprecated" or "Parked". All zone status except "Active" and "Dynamic" are considered inactive by default, which has implications for the records in a zone as well as for PTR records in reverse zones that are automatically generated for address records in the zone. Both the list of statuses for Zone objects and the statuses considered active can be modified. See Customizing zone status choices
Nameservers No see Default Settings The list of authoritative name servers for the zone
Default TTL Yes see Default Settings The default TTL for all records in the zone if none is specified
Description No A short textual description of the zone
Tags No NetBox tags assigned to the zone. Tags can be used to categorise zones by arbitrary criteria
Tenant No The tenant the zone is assigned to
Zones without name servers

While the "Nameservers" list for a zone is not strictly required, zones without any name server records cannot be loaded by DNS servers. The detail view of a zone without any name servers displays an error message to inform users of this fact.

Zone Name Server Error

This will make zone data exported from NetBox DNS unusable unless name servers are added before trying to load that zone.

Zones with unresolved name servers

Similarly, if a zone has nameservers defined, the name servers have domain names within a zone managed by NetBox DNS, and the name of the name server cannot be resolved within that zone, a warning message will be displayed in the zone detail view for every name server affected.

Zone Name Server Warning

This will result in the secondary name servers being unable to be notified of zone updates, although the zone data itself is generally valid.

SOA fields

Zone specific data is maintained in the zone's "Start of Authority" (SOA) record. That record contains the following fields in the specified order:

SOA Field Explanation
TTL The time to live for the SOA record.
MNAME The FQDN of the primary name server for the zone
RNAME The mailbox of the person responsible for the zone. Note that the "@" in the e-mail address used here has to be replaced by a dot ".".
SERIAL An unsigned 32 bit number indicating the current state of the zone on the primary name server
REFRESH A 32 bit time interval in seconds that indicates the interval after which the zone should be refreshed from the upstream name server
RETRY A 32 bit time interval in seconds that indicates how long a name server should wait before retrying a failed refresh attempt
EXPIRE A 32 bit time interval in seconds that indicates the duration after which a zone that cannot be refreshed is no longer authoritative
MINIMUM A 32 bit time interval in seconds that is to be used as the default time to live (TTL) for records served from the zone. Note that this affects both positive and negative (NXRRSET) lookups

The zone's SOA record is assembled from these fields by concatenating them and putting them in parentheses. NetBox DNS automatically creates the SOA record from the information entered in the fields above.

All SOA fields are required. Default settings can be configured in the Django configuration file, see Zone Default Settings.

Domain Registration Fields

For zones that are registered as public DNS domains, there is a third set of fields available that reflects the domain's registration data.

Field Required Explanation
Registry No The registry used to register the domain
Registry Domain ID No The domain ID assigned by the registry on registration
Registrant No The owner of the domain
Administrative Contact No The administrative contact for the domain
Technical Contact No The technical contact for the domain
Billing Contact No The billing contact for the domain

All fields are optional.

If there is registration information for a zone, the zone's detail view contains an additional 'Registration' tab showing that information.

Automatic SOA SERIAL generation

SOA SERIAL fields are crucial for the propagation of zone data from primary name servers to secondaries, as the process involves checking the zone's serial number on the secondary against the serial number on the primary and only performing the update when the primary has a higher serial number or the interval specified in the SOA EXPIRE field has passed.

This is particularly relevant when PTR records are automatically created from A and AAAA records and an update to a forward zone thus can result in one or several reverse zones being updated in the background as well.

For that reason, NetBox DNS offers the option of automatically creating SOA serial numbers when zones or records within them change. This is controlled by the Generate SOA Serial checkbox in the zone create and edit views. If that check box is ticked, the serial number of the zone is calculated as maximum of the Unix epoch times (seconds since January 1st, 1970 00:00 UTC) of the last change to any records and the zone itself.

If the checkbox is not selected, the SERIAL field is mandatory and the user is responsible for keeping track of zone changes. NetBox DNS will not touch the serial number of that zone in any case.

A zone in detail view:

Zone Detail

If there are records in the zone, a second tab shows a list of these records.

Zone DetailRecords

Another tab displays all managed records in the zone. Since at the very least there is the SOA record, this tab is always visible. Note that managed records cannot be edited, so there are no 'edit' and 'delete' buttons for records in the managed records tab.

Zone DetailManagedRecords

Zone Default settings

The default settings for the Zone can be configured in the plugin configuration of NetBox. The following settings are available:

Setting Variable Factory Default
Nameservers zone_nameservers
Default TTL zone_default_ttl 86400
SOA MNAME zone_soa_mname
SOA RNAME zone_soa_rname
SOA SERIAL zone_soa_serial 1
SOA REFRESH zone_soa_refresh 43200
SOA RETRY zone_soa_retry 7200
SOA EXPIRE zone_soa_expire 2419200
SOA MINIMUM zone_soa_minimum 3600

The settings can be set or overridden in the file /opt/netbox/netbox/netbox/ by defining new values in PLUGINS_CONFIG as follows:

    'netbox_dns': {
        'zone_nameservers': ['', ''],
        'zone_soa_mname': '',
        'zone_soa_rname': '',

The default value for 'Generate SOA Serial' (soa_serial_auto) is True and cannot be modified via the zone default settings. The default setting for SOA SERIAL (soa_serial) is only applied if the automatic generation of SOA serial numbers is disabled. The list of default nameservers is only observed when new zones are created or imported via the GUI, not when Zone objects are created using scripts.

After changing the configuration, NetBox must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Information in the Zone detail view

The detail view for zones can provide additional information tabs about zones, depending on whether there are any objects to display:

Tab name Description
Records Provides a list of all (non-managed) records in the zone.
Managed Records Provides a list of all managed records in the zone.
Delegation Records If there are any delegation records (NS, DS or glue address records) for child zones in the zone, this tab lists them.
Parent Delegation Records This tab lists delegation records for the zone, i.e. delegation records that are located in one of the ancestor zones that apply to the zone. Usually delegation takes place in the direct parent, but there may be exceptions - the tab lists all levels of delegation records for the zone.
Child Zones If the zone has immediate child zones, they are listed here. Note that zones that are hierarchically below the zone but not immediate clients they are not listed to avoid confusion.


Record objects correspond to resource records (RR) that within zones. NetBox DNS differentiates between records maintained by the user and so-called 'managed records', which are created by NetBox DNS itself and cannot be edited manually. Currently there are three types of managed records:

  • SOA records are created from the SOA data for a zone
  • NS records are created from the name servers assigned to a zone
  • PTR records are created in reverse zones (zones ending or from address records in other zones.

There is exactly one SOA record per zone, so SOA records cannot be created manually at all. NS and PTR records do not have that kind of restriction and can be created and maintained manually if they have not been created by NetBox ('managed records'), although that should also be required in special cases.


The following Django permissions are applicable to NameServer objects:

Permission Action
netbox_dns.add_record Create new record objects
netbox_dns.change_record Edit record information
netbox_dns.delete_record Delete a record object
netbox_dns.view_record View record information

To use tags, the extras.view_tag permission is required as well.


For records the following fields are defined:

Field Required Explanation
Zone Yes The zone in which the record is to be defined
Type Yes The type of the resource record. This can be one of a list of record types derived from RFC 1035, Section 3.3, e.g. A or AAAA
Disable PTR Yes A checkbox indicating whether a PTR record should be generated for an A or AAAA record automatically if there is a zone suitable for the PTR in NetBox DNS
Name Yes The name of the record, e.g. the simple host name for A and AAAA records
Value Yes The value of the record, e.g. the IPv4 or IPv6 addreess
Status No The status of a record. Pre-defined choices are "Active" (which is the default) and "Inactive". Both the list of statuses for Record objects and the statuses considered active can be modified. See Customizing record status choices
TTL No The time to live for the record. If empty, the zone's SOA MINIMUM value or an explicitly defined zone default TTL value ($TTL in the master zone file) will be used. See RFC 2308, Section 4
Description No A short textual description of the record
Tags No NetBox tags assigned to the name server. Tags can be used to categorise name servers by arbitrary criteria such as Production/Test/Development systems
Active N/A This field is not an input field, but it is created from the zone and record status. A record is marked inactive when either the zone that contains it or the record itself is not in an active status. No PTR records are created for inactive A or AAAA records

Automatic generation of PTR records

NetBox DNS can automatically generate and maintain the corresponding PTR records for the address record types A and AAAA. To achieve this, the following conditions must be met:

  • The corresponding or zone must be present in NetBox DNS
  • The "Disable PTR" field must not be set to False (default is True)
  • The address record and the zone containing it are in an active state

If, for instance, there is a zone is defined in NetBox DNS and an address record is created in the forward zone with the address, the corresponding PTR record will be created in the former zone as the reverse RR name for the IPv4 address is

When an A record is created for which a PTR record is not necessary or desired, the "Disable PTR" option can be used to prevent the creation of the corresponding PTR record even if a reverse zone matching the address exists.

If the reverse zone does not exist in NetBox DNS, it will not be created automatically as it is not certain that the authority for that zone lies with the user. However, should a matching reverse zone be created at a later date, the PTR records for all active A or AAAA records in NetBox DNS that match the new reverse zone will be created automatically (unless "Disable PTR" is set for a record).

Should the name and/or value of an A record be changed, this will result in the corresponding PTR record being updated, moved or deleted. Similarly, should an A record be deleted, the corresponding PTR record will also be deleted.

A record detail view for a standard record:

Record Detail

A record detail view for a managed record:

Managed Record Detail

Note that for managed records there are no buttons for deleting, editing or cloning them as they cannot be managed manually. Otherwise they are handled in the same way as standard records.

Displaying records

Records can either be displayed by opening the record list view from the "Records" or "Managed Records" navigation item on the left, or per zone via the respective tabs in the zone defail view. In any case, the tables can be filtered by name, value, zone, or tags to narrow down the set of records displayed.

Importing records

When importing records in bulk, the mandatory fields are name, zone, type and value. If the optional view field is not specified, NetBox DNS will always look for the zone specified in zone in the default view. To address zones in non-default views, the view field must also be specified.


Registrar objects relate to the DNS domain registration and represent the registrar information for DNS domains related to zones. A DNS zone does not necessarily need to be registered: Zones that are not available via public DNS or that are sub-zones of registered zones do not require registration. In most cases registration information is only required (and possible) for second-level domains.

Registrar objects relate to the registration institutions responsible for registering domains with the TLD registries. A list of accredited registrars is available on the ICANN website.


The following Django permissions are applicable to Registrar objects:

Permission Action
netbox_dns.add_registrar Create new registrar objects
netbox_dns.change_registrar Edit registrar information
netbox_dns.delete_registrar Delete a registrar object
netbox_dns.view_registrar View registrar information

To use tags, the extras.view_tag permission is required as well.


The following fields are defined for registrars:

Field Required Explanation
Name Yes A unique name for the registrar
IANA ID No A numeric ID assigned by the IANA on accredtiation of the registrar
Referral URL No The URL of the registrar's web presence
WHOIS Server No The WHOIS server for the registrar
Abuse Email No The Email address used to report abuse cases for a domain
Abuse Phone No The phone number used to report abuse cases for a domain

The fields are closely related to the WHOIS fields for the registrar for a domain. More information can be found on the ICANN web site

Displaying Registrars

A registrar in detail view:

Registrar Detail

If there are zones registered for the registrar, a second tab shows a list of these zones.

Registrar DetailZones

Registration Contacts


The following Django permissions are applicable to RegistrationContact objects:

Permission Action
netbox_dns.add_registrationcontact Create new registration contact objects
netbox_dns.change_registrationcontact Edit registration contact information
netbox_dns.delete_registrationcontact Delete a registration contact object
netbox_dns.view_registrationcontact View registration contact information

To use tags, the extras.view_tag permission is required as well.


The following fields are defined for registration contacts:

Field Required Explanation
Name No A name for the contact. The name is not necessarily unique, because the same person might have many DNS contacts, sometimes also called 'handles'.
Contact ID Yes A unique ID, usually assigned by the Registrar, that identifies the person or organisation.
Organization No An organization the contact is associated with
Street No The street of the contact's address
City No The city of the contact's address
State/Province No The state or province the contact is located in
Postal Code No The postal code of the contact's address
Country No The ISO3166 country code of the contact's address
Phone No The phone number of the contact
Phone Extension No The phone extension of the contact
Fax No The fax number of the contact
Fax Extension No The fax extension of the contact
Email No The Email address of the contact

The fields are closely related to the WHOIS fields for the registrant, admin contact, tech contact and billing contact for a domain. More information can be found on the ICANN web site

Displaying Registration Contacts

A contact in detail view:

Contact Detail

If there are zones registered for the contact, a second tab shows a list of these zones.

Contact DetailZones

Zone Templates

Zone templates can be used to add common sets objects to zones. As an example, there are often groups of zones that are using the same set of name servers, the same tenant or the same registration information. Template records provide another functionality that makes it possible to comfortably assign common objects to zones.

Zone templates can be used interactively at zone creation time, or for existing zones using the edit view. It is also possible to assign a zone template while importing zones via CSV, JSON or YAML, both for new and existing zones, and via the REST API. Assigning zone templates in Bulk Edit operations is currently not supported.

When a zone template is assigned to a zone, all objects associated with the zone template are assigned to the target zone if the target zone does not have a value for the same object yet. If, for example, a zone already has a set of name servers assigned to it, the set of nameservers assigned to the zone template is ignored when the template is assigned to the zone. That makes it possible to override some or all objects of a zone template, both at the time of its application and later on.

A zone to which a zone template was applied does not maintain any kind of relation to that template, and vice versa. Because of this, editing a zone template after it was applied to one or multiple zones does not change the values the target zones received from the template.

A zone template detail view:

ZoneTemplate Detail

Additonally there are tabs showing the journal and the change log for the zone template.


The following Django permissions are applicable to ZoneTemplate objects:

Permission Action
netbox_dns.add_zonetemplate Create new zone template objects
netbox_dns.change_zonetemplate Edit zone template information
netbox_dns.delete_zonetemplate Delete a zone template object
netbox_dns.view_zonetemplate View zone template information

To use tags, the extras.view_tag permission is required as well. Additionally, for Nameserver, Registrar and RegistrationContact type objects the associated view permission is required to create a zone template, but not to apply it.


The following fields are defined for zone templates:

Field Required Template Field Explanation
Name Yes No The name of the zone template
Description No No A short textual description of the zone template
Nameservers No Yes The set of nameservers associated with the zone template
Record templates No Yes The set of record templates associated with the zone template
Registrar No Yes The registrar associated with the zone template
Registrant No Yes The registrant associated with the zone template
Admin contact No Yes The administrative contact associated with the zone template
Tech contact No Yes The technical contact associated with the zone template
Billing contact No Yes The billing contact associated with the zone template
Tags No Yes NetBox tags assigned to the zone template
Tenant No Yes A tenant associated with the zone template

Fields marked as "Template Field" are copied to zones that the template is applied to. In the case of record templates, a record for each remplate will be created in the target zone if there is no record with the same name, type and value yet.

Record Templates

Record templates are used to create records in zones to which zone templates are applied. A record template is very similar to a record without a zone. When it is applied to a zone, it defines a record to be created in that zone.

Record templates undergo a basic name validation when they are created, but without a zone object it is not possible to fully validate a record template. This is done when assignment to a zone takes place. Therefore it can happen that a perfectly valid record template creates an invalid record when assigned to a zone. One possible reason are conflicts with an existing record, e.g. a CNAME with the same name, or violated length restrictions when the FQDN is created from the record and zone names.

On the target zone, a target record is only created if there is no record with the same name, type and value yet. This also applies when the creation of duplicate records has been enabled using the configuration setting enforce_unique_records: False.

A record template detail view:

RecordTemplate Detail

Under the configuration details of the zone template itself there is a list of record templates assigned to the zone template.

Additonally there are tabs showing the journal and the change log for the record template.


The following Django permissions are applicable to RecordTemplate objects:

Permission Action
netbox_dns.add_recordtemplate Create new record template objects
netbox_dns.change_recordtemplate Edit record template information
netbox_dns.delete_recordtemplate Delete a record template object
netbox_dns.view_recordtemplate View record template information

To use tags, the extras.view_tag permission is required as well.


The following fields are defined for zone templates:

Field Required Template Field Explanation
Name Yes No The name of the zone template
Description No No A short textual description of the zone template
Record name Yes Yes The set of nameservers associated with the zone template
Type Yes Yes The set of record templates associated with the zone template
Value Yes Yes The registrar associated with the zone template
Status No Yes The registrant associated with the zone template
TTL No Yes The administrative contact associated with the zone template
Tenant No Yes A tenant associated with the zone template
Tags No Yes NetBox tags assigned to the zone template

Fields marked as "Template Field" are copied to zones that the template is applied to. In the case of record templates, a record for each remplate will be created in the target zone if there is no record with the same name, type and value yet.

Name validation

The names of DNS Resource Records are subject to a number of RFCs, most notably RFC1035, Section 2.3.1, RFC2181, Section 11 and RFC5891, Section 4.2.3. Although the specifications in the RFCs, especially in RFC2181, are rather permissive, most DNS servers enforce them and refuse to load zones containing non-conforming names. NetBox DNS validates RR names before saving records and refuses to accept records not adhering to the standards.

The names of Name Servers, Zones and Records are all used as RR names in DNS, so all of these are validated for conformity to the aforementioned RFCs. When a name does not comply with the RFC rules, NetBox DNS refuses to save the name server, zone or record with an error message indicating the reason for the refusal.

Please be aware that unlike names, values are not validated. While this is theoretically possible and may be implemented at some point, it is not a trivial task as there is a plethora of RR types with even more value formats.

Record Validation Error

Validation options

There are some special cases that need to be taken care of:

  • Some non-free operating systems accept underscores in host names, which are not permitted according to RFC1035 and rejected by default e.g. by BIND.
  • Record types such as SRV, TLSA and TXT can contain underscores as the first character of a label even in more standard-conforming implementations
  • Given the large number of defined RR types, there might be other exceptions to the rules given in the RFCs

To take care of these cases, there are three configuration variables for NetBox DNS that adjust the validation of record names:

  • tolerate_underscores_in_labels can be set to allow the use of undercores in host names. Underscores are normally only permitted in certain record types such as SRV, not in normal host names, but at least one operating system's DNS implementation does not follow the standard and allows this.
  • tolerate_characters_in_zone_labels is a string consisting of characters that are to be allowed in zone labels in addition to the standard characters. This can be used to allow zone names like 0/ from the RFC2317 examples. Allowing special characters can lead to unexpected results with zone provisioning tools and to zones not loadable by some or all DNS server implementations, so use this option with extreme caution.
  • tolerate_leading_underscore_types contains a list of RR types that allow an underscore as the first character in a label.
  • tolerate_non_rfc1035_types contains a list of record types that allow characters outside the set defined in RFC1035 to be used in RR names. Record types in this list are exempt from validation.

Name validation default settings

Variable Factory Default
tolerate_underscores_in_labels False
tolerate_characters_in_zone_labels ''
tolerate_leading_underscore_types ["TXT", "SRV", "TLSA"]
tolerate_non_rfc1035_types []

The settings can be set or overridden in the file /opt/netbox/netbox/netbox/ by defining new values in PLUGINS_CONFIG as follows:

    'netbox_dns': {
        'tolerate_underscores_in_labels': True,
        'tolerate_characters_in_zone_labels': "/",
        'tolerate_leading_underscore_types': ["TXT", "SRV", "TLSA", "CNAME"]
        'tolerate_non_rfc1035_types': ["X25"]

SOA SERIAL validation

The SOA SERIAL field contains a serial number of a zone that is used to control if and when DNS slave servers load zone updates from their master servers. Basically, a slave server checks for the SOA SERIAL of a zone on the master server and only transfers the zone if that number is higher than the one it has in its own cached data. This does not depend on whether the transfer has been triggered by the upstream server via NOTIFY or whether it is scheduled by the slave because the SOA REFRESH time has elapsed.

SOA SERIAL numbers use integer arithmetic modulo 2^32, i.e. they wrap back to zero at 4.294.967.296. As a general rule, a serial number must never decrease (as this would keep the slaves from updating the zone). Any advancement by less than 2**31 (2.147.483.648) is considered an increase, 2.147.483.648 or more would mean a decrease in that logic and hence it is not a permitted change.

Starting from version 1.0.1, NetBox DNS does not allow the serial number to decrease and presents an error message if the user tries to perform an action that would lead to a lower than before serial number:

Serial Number Decrease Error

A special case occurs when a zone is switched from static serial numbers to automatically generated serial numbers. As one of the common schemes for manually generated serial numbers is to use a date-based numbeing like YYYYMMDDxx, which results in integer values above 2000000000, and automatic SOA SERIAL generation uses the epoch, which currently results in values below that, switching to automatic generation is not trivially possible:

Auto Serial Number Decrease Error

In this case, the serial number must first be adjusted manually so that the automatically generated serials are higher than the last value present on the slaves. See RFC 2182, Section 7 for details on how to proceed.

International Domain Names (IDNs)

NetBox DNS supports International Domain Names (IDNs) in resource records. IDNs are domain names containing Unicode characters such as special characters in Latin scripts (e.g. 'ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'ç', 'å'), non-Latin scripts such as Arabic, Kyrillian or Kanji, or even Emoji. Since DNS does not support any of these, RFC3492 defines a mapping to so-called 'Punycode' that allows to translate between the limited character set supported by DNS and Unicode.

For instance, the IDN exä is represented in Punycode as, and 👁🐝 as The Punycode representation of these names conforms to the validation rules enforced by NetBox DNS name validation. Since the Punycode representation cannot be parsed by most humans, NetBox DNS displays and accepts the Unicode representation where it is possible and necessary.

IDN Example

Internally, all IDNs are handled in a normalised form as Punycode. This ensures that the data coming from NetBox DNS can be handled by any tool and easily exported to name servers without any need for conversion to the standard format.

Root Zones

NetBox DNS provides experimental support for managing root zones. Root zones are usually maintained by the ICANN, but there are special cases in which it may make sense to use internal root name servers. Normally the root zone, designated by the name ., cannot be used in NetBox DNS as the name fails validation, but if necessary this can be enabled by setting the configuration flag enable_root_zones in the file /opt/netbox/netbox/netbox/ as follows:

    'netbox_dns': {
        'enable_root_zones': True,

This feature is disabled by default.

Uniqueness of Records

There is no standard requiring that records within a zone must be unique. Therefore, it is permissible to create records with the same name, type and value to a zone where the same record already exists. However, in the majority of cases, this is not a sensible approach and is not aligned with expectations. There are very few use cases for this approach. On the other hand, allowing duplicate records can cause problems with bulk imports and automated updates to zones.

For this reason NetBox DNS enforces uniqueness of records by default in a way that no record can be created with a given name, type and value in a zone where an active record with the same values already exists. This enforcement can be disabled by setting the configuration variable enforce_unique_records to False:

    'netbox_dns': {
        'enforce_unique_records': False,

Please note that setting this option to True in an existing NetBox installation or updating NetBox to a later version that enforces this behaviour does not affect duplicate records that are already present in the database, and so it might make sense to clean them up manually or by script. It will not be possible to save any changes to either of the duplicate records as long as the other one is still present and active.

Uniqueness of TTLs across RRSets

RFC2181, Section 5.2 specifies that having different TTL values for resource records in RRSets, i.e. sets of records that have the same name, zone and type, is deprecated.

NetBox DNS by default enforces this restriction, which can be disabled by setting the configuration variable enforce_unique_rrset_ttl to False:

    'netbox_dns': {
        'enforce_unique_rrset_ttl': False,

If enforce_unique_rrset_ttl is set to True, new records with the same name, zone and type but a different TTL value cannot be created. It is possible to change the TTL for records that are part of an RRSet, but when the TTL is changed for one record, it will automatically be changed for the other records in the RRSet as well.

Updating existing RRSets

In the event that there are already RRSets in the NetBox DNS database with inconsistent TTL values, these can be cleaned up using the following management command:

(netbox) [root@dns netbox]# /opt/netbox/netbox/ cleanup_rrset_ttl
RRSet cleanup completed.

This modifies the TTL value for all records included in an RRSet to either the minimum or the maximum TTL value for all records in the RRSet. This can be specified by using either the --min or the --max option for the command. The default is to use the minimum TTL value.


With NetBox DNS 0.19.0 support for the NetBox tenancy feature was added. It is possible to assign all NetBox DNS objects with the exception of managed records to a tenant, making it easier to filter DNS resources by criteria like their assignment to a customer or department.

Tenancy does not have any impact on uniqueness constraints within NetBox DNS.

The NetBox detail view for tenants shows a tenants in the list of objects on the right hand side.

NetBox Tenant Detail

The columns of the table on the left side are clickable and link to filtered lists showing the related views, nameservers, zones and records.

RFC 2317

RFC 2317 provides a solution to the issue of delegation of reverse zones for IPv4 subnets with a longer network mask than /24, which is not possible using the classical zone hierarchy.

The solution works is to define specific zones that hold the PTR records for such a subnet, and then insert CNAME records for these PTR records in the zone containing it. NetBox DNS release 0.22.0 and later support creating these RFC2317 zones and the automatic insertion of PTR records within them and, optionally, CNAME records in the containing zone that point to the PTR records.

Designating a Zone as an RFC2317 Zone

RFC2317 Zone Configuration

The 'RFC2317 Prefix' specifies an IPv4 prefix with a network mask length of 25 or longer. If an address record is created for an address in this prefix, the PTR record will be created in the zone the prefix has been specified for.

If the checkbox labelled 'RFC2317 Parent Managed' is selected and there is an zone corresponding to a subnet containing the RFC2317 Subnet, a CNAME record pointing in that zone will be created automatically when a PTR record is created in the RFC2317 zone. If the checkbox is unchecked, it is assumed that the reverse zone for the parent prefix is not managed within NetBox DNS. In this instance, the responsibility for creating the CNAMEs falls upon the authority responsible for the parent zone.

If the zone name is selected in a way that makes the zone is a sub-zone of the corresponding zone such as, the parent zone must delegate the zone to the name servers responsible for it if the authoritative name servers are not the same.

RFC2317 Zones and Managed Parent

If an RFC2317 zone has a managed parent zone in NetBox DNS, the detail view of the RFC2317 zone has a link to the parent zone.

RFC2317 Child Zone

The parent zone, on the other hand, has a tab showing all RFC2317 child zones.

RFC2317 Parent Zone

RFC2317 CNAME Record Detail View

For CNAME records created in RFC2317 parent zones, the detail view shows the A and PTR record(s) the RFC2317 CNAME record relates to in the card 'RFC2317 Targets':

RFC2317 CNAME Record


The following limitations exist for RFC2317 zones:

  • An RFC2317 prefix must have a length of 25 or longer. Shorter prefixes are not covered by RFC 2317.
  • In order to enable the 'RFC2317 Parent Managed' feature, the parent reverse zone must exist.
  • The RFC2317 PTR records always have a name corresponding with the host part of the address record's value in the RFC2317 subnet. Formatting the name (e.g with prefixes and suffixes) is currently not supported.
  • The RFC2317 CNAME records in parent zones are created on demand when a PTR in a child zone is created. Pre-creating them on creation of an RFC2317 zone is currently not supported.
  • The RFC2317 CNAME records are managed records and can not be edited manually. In normal operation this should never be necessary.


IPAM DNSsync is a new feature introduced with NetBox DNS 1.1 and replaces the experimental IPAM Coupling feature. The functionality of IPAM DNSsync builds upon the IPAM Coupling functionality, but extends it in several ways, providing a much more powerful solution in larger environments.

This solution totally replaces IPAM Coupling. It is not possible to continue to use IPAM Coupling starting from NetBox DNS version 1.1. IPAM Coupling has always been labelled an experimental feature which was bound to change significantly, and with the release of NetBox DNS 1.1 this change is taking place.

Basic functionality

The functionality of IPAM DNSsync is based on mapping IPAM Prefix objects to NetBox DNS View objects. An IPAM prefix can be assigned to one or multiple DNS views via the edit view for View objects.

If a prefix is assigned to one or more views, NetBox DNS checks all IP addresses in the prefix for their 'DNS Name' field. If the DNS name ends in the zone name of any zone within the view, an address record within that zone is created so that the records's FQDN matches the DNS name of the IP address.

If there are multiple matching zones within the view, the one with the longest name is chosen. For example, if the DNS name is and there are zones and in the view, the resulting DNS record will be name1 in zone rather than name1.zone1 in zone

If there is no matching zone, no record will be created.

Differences from IPAM Coupling

The main differences between IPAM DNSsync and IPAM Coupling are the much higher degree of automation of the interaction between IPAM and NetBox DNS, and the extended functionality the new feature provides compared to IPAM Coupling. In more detail:

  • IPAM DNSsync does not require manual interaction when an IP address is created or updated. Particularly it ist not necessary to manually define the name and the zone of the address record for an IP address, but only a value in the 'DNS Name' field and a mapping from prefixes to DNS views

  • IPAM DNSsync does not require any custom fields on IPAddress objects, but supports the relevant part of the IPAM Coupling custom fields ('Disable PTR' and 'TTL') and adds a new field 'Disable DNSsync' to make it possible to exempt IP addresses from record generation. To migrate these custom fields from the old IPAM Coupling to the new IPAM DNSSync, the command under “Creating the IPAM DNSSync custom fields” must be executed

  • IPAM DNSsync is not limited to one DNS record per IP address, which was a major limitation in split horizon DNS settings. It is now possible to create multiple records in zones in different views for the same IP address

  • With IPAM Coupling it was possible to create inconsistent date, i.e. by first adding a record name1.zone1 in zone and then adding a new zone to the DNS model. This creates a situation where the old address record can no longer be found due to the zone hierarchy. IPAM DNSsync automatically migrates the record(s) in such cases.

  • An IPAM Coupling functionality that is lost in IPAM DNSsync is the observance of NetBox DNS permissions in IPAM operations, and especially object-level permissions. The operation of DNSsync is a pretty complicated thing, where just creating an IP address may result in

    • the creation of an address record
    • the update of the zone SOA SERIAL for the address record zone
    • the creation of a new SOA record for the address record zone
    • the creation of a PTR record for the address record
    • the update of the zone SOA SERIAL for the PTR record zone
    • the creation of a new SOA record for the PTR record zone
    • the creation of an RFC2317 CNAME record
    • the update of the zone SOA SERIAL for the RFC2317 CNAME record zone
    • the creation of a new SOA record for the RFC2317 CNAME record zone

    and that is the simplest case. Updating records, changing view assignments, renaming zones etc. can each create the same operations for multiple records, and whether or not these actions are performed is depending on not only the operation itself, but also the data that is changed. This is a nightmare to validate, and a squared nightmare to test. Maintaining object permission validation was just impractical as long as Django's functionality does not change, so the functionality was dropped. If necessary, restrictions can be implemented using NetBox custom validators, but that is out of scope for this plugin.

  • IPAM DNSsync no longer overwrites the 'DNS Name' field of IP addresses but uses it to create DNS records. There is one downside to this, which is that IDNs cannot be entered directly but have to be formulated in Punycode, but on the upside the 'DNS Name' field is now properly validated.

Multiple assigned views per prefix

If there is more than one view assigned, the zone matching takes place for each view independently, and if there are matching zones in two or more views, an address record will be created in each of the zones. That way, a record can be added to more than one zone in a split horizon DNS setup.

Prefix hierarchy

When determining the views that will be searched for matching zones, NetBox DNS uses the longest prefix containing the IP address that is assigned to one or more views. That way, hierarchical matching is possible. Take the following example:

Prefix Views View 1 View 2 View 1, View 2

In this example, the whole prefix is assigned to View 1. All sub-prefixes of inherit that assignment except for, which is assigned to View 2 (and only View 2, as inheritance is not cumulative). There is, however, a sub-prefix that is assigned to both View 1 and View 2.

Sub-prefixes that are not assigned to a view inherit their views from their parent prefix, so in this example the prefix would be assigned to View 1 by inheritance, to View 2, and to View 1 and View 2.

If it should become necessary to explicitly disable DNS record generation for a given prefix that otherwise inherits a view assignment from its parents, the solution is to create a view (e.g. named 'NoDNS') that doesn't contain any zones and assign the prefix to that view.

The mechanism is exactly the same for IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes.

Assigning views to prefixes

Apart from the standard mechanism of configuring the prefixes assigned to a view in the edit view for the view, it is sometimes easier to assign views to prefixes. This can be done using the 'DNS Views' button in the prefix detail view:

DNS Views Button

This button opens a form that allows to add views to a prefix instead of vice versa:

DNS Views Button

If there are any inherited views for the prefix there is a table showing the parent they were inherited from and the inherited views. If any views are assigned to a prefix, that list of views will override the inherited views.

DNS records

The records created by IPAM DNSsync are managed records, i.e. they cannot be modified manually. There are, however, some ways in which record creation can be influenced.

Record status

The status of an automatically generated address record is controlled by the status of the IP address object the record is created for. If the address object has one of the statuses Active, DHCP or SLAAC, the address record created will be Active, otherwise Inactive.

This mapping can be controlled via the plugin configuration by setting the variable dnssync_ipaddress_active_status. The Variable is a list of IP address statuses that result in an active address record and can be overridden in like in the following example:

from ipam.choices import IPAddressStatusChoices


    'netbox_dns': {
        'dnssync_ipaddress_active_status': [

This makes IP addresses with the status Active, Reserved and DHCP create active address records, while all other IP address statuses result in inactive address records.

Please note that changing this setting will not result in immediate changes to the address record statuses, but only be observed when the IP address is saved or updated.

Creating the IPAM DNSsync custom fields

For the next settings, the optional custom fields for IPAM DNSsync need to be created. This can be done by running the manage command setup_dnssync from the command line:

/opt/netbox/netbox/ setup_dnssync

This command creates three custom fields and removes old custom fields formerly used by the experimental IPAM Coupling feature except for 'TTL' and 'Disable PTR'. The function of these fields has been retained from IPAM Coupling for convenience, so the settings made for individual IP addresses will not be lost.

Unlike with IPAM Coupling, the custom fields are optional. They are required to make use of the three settings described below, but the general DNSsync functionality does not require them.

Record TTL

To explicitly set the TTL for an address record, the optional custom fields need to be set up. Then it is possible to specify the TTL by using the 'TTL' custom field for the IP address. The value entered in this field will then be used for the address record being created.

Disable PTR

Normally, NetBox DNS automatically creates PTR records for address records if the PTR zone is present. To disable that functionality for a record, the 'Disable PTR' flag can be set.

To set the flag for an address record created by IPAM DNSsync, the optional custom field Disable PTR can be used on the IP address. If set, it results in the corresponding flag being set for the IP address, so no PTR record will be created even if the reverse zone is defined in the view.

Disable address record creation

To disable the creation of an address record altogether, either leave the 'DNS Name' field empty or check the optional custom field Disable DNSsync. No address record will be created if that field is checked.


When IPAM DNSsync creates address records there may be conflicts caused by duplicate address records (which are by defauld not allowed) or address records that otherwise violate DNS restrictions like having the same name as a CNAME in the same zone, which DNS does not allow.

Conflicts like these can happen on several levels, for example when IP addresses are created or updated, or when prefixes are assigned to deassigned from views or deleted (all of these operations can change the inheritance by which prefixes and IP addresses are assigned to zones, so they may result in new conflicts. The current solution to handle that kind of conflict is to report it and refuse to execute the operation that would cause the DNS misconfiguration.

An example of a conflict at IP address level: DNS Conflict for IPAddress

Another example shows a conflict at View level when assigning a prefix: DNS Conflict for View Prefix Assignment

The solution is to either disable automatic DNS record configuration for the affected IP addresses (which retains the original DNS records) or to remove or deactivate the existing address records and try again.

Additional Information for IP Addresses and DNS Records

When a link between an IP address and a DNS address record is present, additional panes will appear in the IPAM IP address and NetBox DNS record view, as well as in the detail views for NetBox DNS managed records.

IPAM IP Address Information

For each IP address with DNS address records created by IPAM DNSsync, the detail view has a pane showing a list of the addresses created for it.

Related DNS Address Record

If NetBox DNS also PTR records for the created DNS address record, the detail view for the IP address will contain a second pane showing these pointer records.

Related DNS Address Record

IPAM Prefix Information

For each prefix assigned to one or more DNS views, the detail view has a pane showing a list of the views it is assiged to.

Assigned DNS Views

If the prefix does not have any views directly assigned to it, but inherits view from a parent prefix, the pane shows the list of inherited views instead:

Inherited DNS Views

DNS View Information

For each DNS view with one or more assigned prefixes, the detail view has a pane showing a list of the prefixes assigned to it.

Related DNS Address Record

DNS Record Information

The detail views for the address and pointer records created for a coupled IP address include a link to that IP address, which can be used to navigate to the address.

Record Detail View for Coupled IP Address

Conflict remediation

In the standard configuration, NetBox DNS checks records for uniqueness and does not allow to have two records with the same name, type and value in the same zone (see Uniqueness of Records).

For records automatically generated by DNSsync, this is not generally the desired behaviour:

  • It cannot be taken for granted that IP addresses are unique, not even within a VRF
  • When an existing environment is migrated to NetBox DNS, there may be existing address records that conflict with the autogenerated ones

For this reason, NetBox DNS does not check uniqueness for address records automatically generated by DNSsync, and there is an option to deactivate other conflicting address records automatically. This is not enabled by default, but it can be switched on with the configuration variable dnssync_conflict_deactivate:

    'netbox_dns': {
        'dnssync_conflict_deactivate': True,

If this flag is set to True, NetBox DNS deactivates existing address records if there is a conflict with an address record automatically generated by IPAM DNSsync. This generally makes it much easier to transition from manually created address records to IPAM DNSsync.

This only affects address records, other records that may cause conflicts with automatically generated address records (such as CNAME records with the same name) still must be manually cleaned up. Please also note that the address records are only deactivated, not deleted. Reviewing the changes and deleting records that are no longer needed is left to the user.

IP Address Filtering

Normally, all IP addresses in a prefix assigned to a DNS view will be considered as candidates for creating address records. In some cases, however, this is not the desired behaviour, e.g. for external zones that should not get records for all IP addresses that are present in internal zones.

For this use case, it is possible to define filters per DNS view that provide additional criteria for which IP addresses should get address records in DNS. The syntax is essentially the same as for NetBox object permissions and defines a Django filter expression that can be used against ipam.IPAddress objects. If, for example, only names starting with the string external- are to be published in the external zone, the filter would look like this:

    "dns_name__startswith": "external"

As a more practical example, the user can create a boolean custom field named external, and define the following IP address filter for the external view:

    "custom_field_data__external": true

If defined that way, only IP addresses with the external custom field set to True will get address records in zones in the external view, while zones in other views are not restricted.

Disabling DNSsync

IPAM DNSsync modifies the core functionality for IPAM Prefix and IPAddress objects in some ways by modifying the functionality of saving and deleting objects of these classes. If the functionality of IPAM DNSsync is not required and the impact of having NetBox DNS installed on systems where this is the case needs to be minimized, these mechanisms can be disabled by setting the dnssync_disabled variable in

    'netbox_dns': {
        'dnssync_disabled': True,

This will disable the DNSsync functionality and the GUI elements required to use it completely, but will not delete any data already present in the database.

Handling duplicate IP addresses

Depending on the NetBox configuration and the settings for individual VRFs, it can be permitted to create identical IP addresses multiple times. Since the standard settings for NetBox DNS prevent creating duplicate records (which would be a consequence of having duplicate IP addresses with the same DNS name), this creates a potential conflict.

When a duplicate IP address is created with the same DNS name as an existing one, the following criteria are checked:

  • NetBox DNS is set to enforce_unique_records = True
  • Both IP addresses are in an active state, defined by the NetBox DNS setting dnssync_ipaddress_active_status
  • Neither IP address has the custom field ipaddress_dns_disabled set to True

If all criteria apply, NetBox DNS will refuse to create or update the IP address with the following error message:

Duplicate IP Address

Using short zone names

Normally, DNSsync does not create address records in zones with less than two labels in their name (TLDs and root zones). In some cases it may be desirable to allow this, e.g. in enterprises where a one-label domain is used internally.

To allow creating names in domains with one label, configure the dnssync_minimum_zone_labels option:

    'netbox_dns': {
        'dnssync_minimum_zone_labels': 1,

A setting of 1 allows names like to be created (provided there is a zone named zone in NetBox DNS. Please note that this is generally not a good idea. Setting the value to 0 would allow to create address records in the root zone, which is a very bad idea.

Rebuilding DNSsync relations

In some cases it can happen that there are stale managed records or the connection between IP addresses and their related DNS records gets into an inconsistent state. This is also possible when moving from IPAM Coupling to IPAM DNSsync, where linked DNS address records may be left lying around despite not having a relation with an IP address via a Prefix to View assignment.

The management command rebuild_dnssync can be used to clean up the relations and remove orphaned DNS records.

/opt/netbox/netbox/ rebuild_dnssync

Migration from IPAM Coupling

The former experimental feature linking IPAM IP addresses to NetBox DNS address records, IPAM Coupling, has been replaced with IPAM DNSsync in version 1.1.0.

There is no direct migration path from IPAM Coupling to IPAM DNSsync because the mechanism is vastly different, moving from manually assigning an address record to an IP addess to automatic assignment by prefix/DNS view. When designing the new feature, however, effort was taken to keep it as compatible to the old mechanism as possible. To migrate from using IPAM Coupling to IPAM DNSsync, the following steps are recommended:

  • Upgrade NetBox DNS from the 1.0 version installed to the latest 1.1 version. This will result in all DNS records created by IPAM Coupling being retained, but changes to the IP addresses they were created for will no longer result in upgrades to the records.
  • Run the management command to set up the DNSsync custom fields:

/opt/netbox/netbox/ setup_dnssync

This command removes the old, obsolete 'Zone' and 'Name' custom fields, modify the retained fields 'TTL' and 'Disable PTR', and create the new 'Disable DNSsync' custom field. The values of the retained fields will be kept.

  • Set the timeout for the reverse proxy server for NetBox to at least 300 seconds. The timeout is set in the configuration variable uwsgi_read_timeout for Nginx with uwsgi, proxy-timeout for Apache with mod_proxy. This is highly depending on your specific configuration, so check your settings.
  • Assign the views of the domains where the address records should be created to the prefix in which the IP addresses are contained. If the prefixes are very large and contain many IP addresses with prefixes, consider creating (temporary) smaller prefixes for the migration as migrating a prefix with thousands of addresses takes longer than the timeout of the reverse proxy server for NetBox.
  • After the migration of one prefix and zone is completed (this may take a couple of minutes), repeat the process until all IP addresses have been assigned. This can be verified in the GUI by checking the 'Related DNS Address Records' table in the addresses' detail view.

After these steps have been completed, creating, deleting or updating IP addresses will be synchronised with the related DNS records as before.


There are limited options to customize the appearance and functionality of the NetBox DNS plugin.

Name of the Main Menu Item

The default name of the submenu NetBox DNS uses in the NetBox sidebar is 'DNS'. Using the configuration variable menu_name in the plugin configuration this can be changed to a different value, e.g. 'NetBox DNS':

    'netbox_dns': {
        menu_name: "NetBox DNS",

Use a Submenu of the 'Plugins' Menu

In some cases it might be desired not to provide a main menu item for NetBox DNS but use a submenu of NetBox' standard 'Plugins' menu instead. This can be achieved by setting the configuration variable top_level_menu to False (the default value is True):

    'netbox_dns': {
        top_level_menu: False``,

The name of the submenu is always 'NETBOX DNS' and cannot be changed by setting menu_name . This is hard-coded in NetBox.

Zone and Record status

By default there are pre-defined values for the "Status" field of Zone and Record objects, which should fit the general case. For special requirements, both the list of possible statuses and the statuses consisidered active can be modified by editing the NetBox configuration file.

The list of possible choices for the zone and record statuses can be modified by setting the FIELD_CHOICES variable in the NetBox configuration file, the statuses NetBox DNS considers active for zones and records in the PLUGINS_CONFIG variable in the same file.

Customizing zone status choices

The key for modifying the list of possible zone statuses in FIELD_CHOICES is netbox_dns.Zone.status. To add a new status Planned, use the following configuration:

	'netbox_dns.Zone.status+': [
		('planned', 'Planned', 'grey'),

The first element in the tuple is the internal name for the new status (used e.g. in the API), the second is the label used in the GUI, and the optional third element is a colour used to display the status in the GUI. Note the + at the end of the key netbox_dns.Zone.status+. Without it, it would be necessary to define all standard statuses as well as the one to be added, which is error-prone. Do not remove standard statuses, especialls not the "Active" status!

The list of zone statuses considered active is defined in the zone_active_status variable in the plugin configuration for NetBox DNS. The default configuration can be modified by adding a status to that variable:

	"netbox_dns": {
		"zone_active_status": [

Every status configured here must be one of the pre-defined statuses or have been defined in FIELD_CHOICES. Make sure to include the standard statuses as shown above.

Customizing record status choices

The key for modifying the list of possible record statuses in FIELD_CHOICES is netbox_dns.Record.status. To add a new status Deprecated, use the following configuration:

	'netbox_dns.Record.status+': [
		('deprecated', 'Deprecated', 'grey'),

The meaning of the elements of the status tuples is as described above, and the same admonition about not removing statuses applies.

The list of record statuses considered active is defined in the record_active_status variable in the plugin configuration for NetBox DNS. The default configuration can be modified by adding a status to that variable:

	"netbox_dns": {
		"record_active_status": [

Every status configured here must be one of the pre-defined statuses or have been defined in FIELD_CHOICES. Make sure to include the standard statuses as shown above.