- Include (CycloneDX)[https://cyclonedx.org/] software bill of materials (SBOM) generation support
- Use SPDX official license list for dependency license IDs
- Include (Package URL i.e. purl)[https://github.com/package-url/purl-spec] in Dependency model
- Include discovered package hashes in Dependency model
- Introduced new dynamic policies
-- Existing policy types,
will now be known aslegacy
policies. -- New policy types can be defined as logical condition strings (i.e.license_type IN MIT,ISC,Apache-2.0
- Avoid errors when processing dependency specifications with invalid characters
- Fixed bug where vuln processing could fail if version was unspecified
- Operating model changed from API based to local analysis
- Added support for policy checks
- Removed support for project and DADA configuration
- Removed the need for any account, credentials, or usage limits
- Bump urllib3 dependency
- Added support for policies
- Updated PyYAML
- Updated documentation
- Added Docker support
- In some interpreters click accepts an empty string as an arguments, while others return None
- Allow ochrona to accept piped input
- Updated to support new authentication provider
- Fixed bug where file name could not be provided from config
- Friendly Error when no dependency files are found
- Improved output formatting
- Added ability to exclude directories
- Fixed incorrect report count if a dependency file was empty
- Fix for AttributeError when parsing some setup.py files
- Additional cleanup for requirements files with specified hashes or python version requirements
- Additional minor fixes when running in a Windows environment
- Allow colored output to be disabled and auto-disable for Windows users
- Fixed API error on empty requirements file
- Fix import error when running in some scenarios
- Added support for Conda environment.yml files
- Added support for tox.ini files
- Added support for constraints.txt files
- Added type hints and mypy support
- Improved XML reporting
- Added support for safe pip -r style installs for requirements.txt style files
- Prevent using requirements.txt lines that are not direct dependencies
- Added Package license to FULL output report
- Added support for safe pip installs by doing a pre-install check.
- Added support for including poetry.lock and setup.py dependency files
- Added support for including dev dependencies in Pipfile.lock files