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Scripts to generate mappings of postal codes to 'last line' postal localities (postal cities)

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Postal Cities

Scripts to generate mappings of postal codes to 'last line' postal localities (postal cities)


This repository contains tools to process the crowd-sourced data from the OpenStreetMap & OpenAddressess projects in order to understand the association between postal codes and their corresponding locality (city).

The motivation for this project is that users commonly complain that the city associated with their address is incorrect.

This is either due to the locality information being missing, or it's because the postal service in their area uses a different 'preferred last line' locality name when compared with the locality name assigned by the Federal statistics or GIS department.


A user addresses their postal mail to 100 Example Street, Souderton PA 18964, USA, the geocoder has the correct address as 100 Example Street, Franconia, PA, USA.

Technically the association with Franconia is correct as the address lies within the political boundary of Franconia, however this doesn't change the fact that the locals refer to this location as Souderton despite it being slighly outside the political boundary of Souderton.

In order to solve this problem, we will source all the locality names associated with the postal code 18964 within USA and use them to associate locality aliases which can be used when searching.

Data extraction workflow

The scripts are designed to be used on a full-planet build but will work just as well for a smaller extract, running the planet build can take some time, if it's your first time try a smaller extract first.

The expected input format for these scripts is a 4-column TSV file (without a header line). The four columns are (in left-to-right order): Postcode, City Name, Longitude, Latitude.

Extract the relevant data from OpenStreetMap

Firstly we need to extract some fields from OSM, we only really need two fields: addr:postcode and addr:city, we will additionally extract the lat/lon coordinates of the OSM entity in order to determine which county it belongs to, and also to prevent associating a locality very far away from the OSM entity.

The easiest way to do this is using pbf2json, there is an example script ./scripts/

The pbf2json script should output JSON lines, each line contains one OSM entity which has the properties we are looking for.

{"id":366753196,"type":"node","lat":39.739789,"lon":-75.60334800000001,"tags":{"addr:city":"Wilmington","addr:housenumber":"30","addr:postcode":"19805","addr:state":"DE","addr:street":"Spruce Avenue","amenity":"library","ele":"27","gnis:county_name":"New Castle","gnis:feature_id":"2378672","gnis:import_uuid":"57871b70-0100-4405-bb30-88b2e001a944","gnis:reviewed":"no","name":"Elsmere Library","source":"USGS Geonames","website":""}}

{"id":366753232,"type":"node","lat":39.6779242,"lon":-75.76328720000001,"tags":{"addr:city":"Newark","addr:housenumber":"220","addr:postcode":"19711","addr:state":"DE","addr:street":"South Main Street","amenity":"police","ele":"40","gnis:county_name":"New Castle","gnis:feature_id":"2131076","gnis:import_uuid":"57871b70-0100-4405-bb30-88b2e001a944","gnis:reviewed":"no","name":"Newark Police Department","phone":"+1-302-366-7111","source":"USGS Geonames"}}

You can then convert the JSON to the 4-column TSV format by piping the data to:

... | jq -r 'select(.tags."addr:postcode" != null) | select(.tags."addr:city" != null) | [.tags."addr:postcode", .tags."addr:city", (.lon + .centroid.lon), (.lat +] | @tsv'

Extract the relevant data from OpenAddresses

The following command will work recursively on a directory of nested CSV files downloaded from

You will need to download and unzip the data yourself before continuing. The $OA_PATH variable should point to a directory which should be searched recursively for CSV files.


You can then convert the CSV files to the 4-column TSV format as such:

find ${OA_PATH} \
  -type f \
  -name '*.csv' \
    | xargs awk \
      -F ',' \
      'FNR > 1 {if ($1 && $2 && $6 && $9) print $9 "\t" $6 "\t" $1 "\t" $2}'

Import fields in to sqlite

The next step is to import the relevant data in to a sqlite database, processing the full planet will produce many million rows, so using sqlite will ensure that we don't hit issues with available RAM.

The database contains a table called lastline which contains the following fields:

column name description
postcode The postcode field from the source entity
city The city name from the source entity
lon The longitude value from source (or centroid in the case of a polygon)
lat The latitude value from source (or centroid in the case of a polygon)


The next step is to group similar entries and produce an aggreagate count.

This allows us to reduce the number of entries in the table, while also providing a mechanism of determining which postcode+locality values are more common than others in OSM.

The database contains a table called aggregate which contains the following fields:

column name description
count An aggregate count of how many times the combination of postcode+city occurred
postcode See description above
city See description above
lon A longitude value selected at random from one row the group
lat The latitude value from the same row at the longitude

Launching a placeholder service

The following step requires a running placeholder service.

The simplest way to get a running service is to use docker, see the placeholder README file for up-to-date instructions:

# ensure dependencies are installed
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y gzip

# pull latest docker image
docker pull pelias/placeholder:master

# ensure data dir exists
mkdir -p data

# download data (hosting by Geocode Earth)
curl -s | gunzip > data/store.sqlite3

# start placeholder docker container
docker run -d \
    -p '3000:3000' \
    -e 'PLACEHOLDER_DATA=/data/placeholder' \
    -v "$(pwd}/data:/data/placeholder" \

Conflation with Who's On First

Pelias used the whosonfirst gazetter for administrative polygons.

The next step uses a running placeholder service to find a nearby locality which matches the locality name in the database and is also within a specific distance from the lat/lon we have in the database.

Executing the scripts

Once you have all the dependencies installed you can run the build process by piping the JSON lines document produced by pbf2json in to the nodejs import script as such:

cat pbf2json.pelias.jsonl \
  | jq -r 'select(.tags."addr:postcode" != null) | select(.tags."addr:city" != null) | [.tags."addr:postcode", .tags."addr:city", (.lon + .centroid.lon), (.lat +] | @tsv' \
  | DB_FILENAME=osm.postcodes.db node import.js 1> lastline.out 2> lastline.err

The script will produce a database file osm.postcodes.db as described above and then will write lastline data in TSV format to stdout as it gets responses back from the Placeholder service, errors will be written to stderr.

It can take some time to run the planet file, you can estimate the execution time using the following formula:

db_generation_time_ms + ( number_of_json_lines * placeholder_rate_limit )

Environment Variables

The following variables are available to overrite default values:

env var default value description
DB_FILENAME osm.postcodes.db Path to the database file which is written to disk
PLACEHOLDER_HOST localhost Host name of a running placeholder service
PLACEHOLDER_PORT 3000 Port number of a running placeholder service
PLACEHOLDER_QPS 30 A rate-limit for querying the placeholder service (max per second)
PLACEHOLDER_PLACETYPES locality,borough Comma separated list of Who's On First placetypes to be used when querying the placeholder service
MAX_DISTANCE_KM 200 The maximum distance a postcode coordinate can be from the locality (in km)

Important Note: currently the place types that can be used via the PLACEHOLDER_PLACETYPES environment variable as used as is and are not subject to validation.

Optional post-processing

# sort and unique-ify results
LC_ALL=C sort -t$'\t' -k9 -k2n -k1nr lastline.out \
    | awk -F $'\t' '{ key = $4 OFS $2 }; !seen[key]++' \
    > lastline.results.tsv

# divide each line in to country-code files
mkdir 'country'
cut -f9 lastline.results.tsv | uniq | while read cc; do
  awk -F $'\t' -v cc="$cc" '$9==cc {print $2 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6 "\t" $7 "\t" $1}' lastline.results.tsv \
    > "country/$cc.tsv"

# tar up all country-code files and gzip them
tar -cvzf 'lastline.countries.tar.gz' -C 'country' .


Scripts to generate mappings of postal codes to 'last line' postal localities (postal cities)


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