In order to support all distros and old libc we build and package on centos6.4 (64 bit). The package script takes care of cross compiling Influxdb for 32bit architectures.
TODO: move the following to chef recipe.
Below are the steps needed to setup a centos6.4 vm to build Influxdb.
sudo yum install git-core glibc.i686 hg bzr protobuf-compiler glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++.i686 libstdc++-devel.i686 python-pip
sudo pip install --upgrade awscli
git clone
mkdir bin
cd bin
tar -xzvf ../go1.1.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv go go1.1.2
ln -s go1.1.2 go
cd ..
curl -L | bash -s stable
rvm install 1.9.3
cd influxdb/
git clean -dfx
git checkout .
git pull --rebase
# PATH=$HOME/bin/go/bin:$PATH GOROOT=~/bin/go/ ./
PATH=$HOME/bin/go/bin:$PATH GOROOT=~/bin/go/ ./ 0.1.1.rc3