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Architecture patterns




Serialize template context

Don't pass any "rich" objects into the template context. Instead, serialize domain objects to Python primitives beforehand.


  • Having rich objects in the template is an enabler for undesirable behaviour:

    1. It encourages adding application-logic-rich methods to models, just so that functionality is available in templates (see Why your Django models are fat). This is particularly prevalent for list views.

    2. It makes it easy to trigger hundreds of SQL queries for a single HTTP request, especially in a list view where the template loops over a Queryset and calls methods on each model instance. Serializing in the view ensures all SQL queries are performed before template rendering.

  • It makes it easy to convert a Django HTML view into a JSON API view as the view is already serializing domain objects into JSON -- you just need to remove the template-rendering part. This dovetails in with our long-term strategy of embracing more React apps backed by JSON APIs for user interfaces.

  • It makes it easier to cache data as all the database querying is done in one place.

  • It makes it easier to compute global or queryset-level variables in one place.


Use Serializer classes from the Django-Rest-Framework to serialize rich objects into dictionaries before rendering templates.

Example for a list-view using an embedded serializer.

from django.views import generic
from rest_framework import serializers

class Teams(generic.ListView):
    template_name = "teams.html"
    model = models.Team
    context_object_name = "teams"

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # Serialize the queryset and remove object_list from the ctx so the 
        # Queryset instance is not included in the template context.
        context[self.context_object_name] = self.get_serialized_queryset(context.pop('object_list'))

        return context

    def get_serialized_queryset(self, queryset):
        return self.TemplateSerializer(instance=queryset, many=True).data

    class TemplateSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
        # Obj attributes just need same name
        pk = serializers.IntegerField()
        name = serializers.CharField()

        # Read fields off related objects using `source`
        leader_pk = serializers.IntegerField(source='')
        leader_name = serializers.CharField(source='leader.get_full_name')

        # Call a model method using `source`
        num_users = serializers.CharField(source='get_num_users')

        # Call a method on this serializer (looks for method prefixed `get_`)
        call_weight = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

        # Use format=None to get datetime instances instead of strings
        created_at = serializers.DateTimeField(format=None)

        def get_call_weight(self, obj):

You don't have to embed the serializer class - reusable serializers can also be used.

When serializing a collection of different domain objects (eg for a detail or template view), pass them to the serializer as a dict:

from django.views import generic
from rest_framework import serializers
from . import forms

class SwitchBrand(generic.FormView):
    template_name = "switch-brand.html"
    form_class = forms.Confirm

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.account = shortcuts.get_object_or_404(models.Account, number=kwargs['account_number'])
        self.target_brand = shortcuts.get_object_or_404(data_models.Brand, code=kwargs['brand_code'])
        return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

    class _TemplateContext(serializers.Serializer):
        account_number = serializers.CharField(source='account.number')
        current_brand_name = serializers.CharField(source='')
        target_brand_name = serializers.CharField(source='')
        electricity_agreements = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
        gas_agreements = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

        def get_electricity_agreements(self, obj):
            agreements = obj['account'].get_active_electricity_agreements()
            return [
                    'mpan': agreement.meter_point.mpan,
                    'tariff_code': agreement.tariff.code,
                } for agreement in agreements

        def get_gas_agreements(self, obj):
            agreements = obj['account'].get_active_gas_agreements()
            return [
                    'mprn': agreement.meter_point.mprn,
                    'tariff_code': agreement.tariff.code,
                } for agreement in agreements

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # Pass the account and target brand to the serializer in a dict.
        extra = self._TemplateContext(
            instance=dict(account=self.account, target_brand=self.target_brand)).data

        return ctx

    def form_valid(self, form):

The key point for using Serializers is that the data being serialized must be passed as a single object. Hence when there's a collection of different objects, we pass a dictionary containing them all.


Layered approach

An application should be split into architectural layers, each with their own role, each ignorant of the layers that call into them.

Here are our current layers, listed in order with the outer-most layer first.

  • interfaces - where functionality for websites, command-line applications, Celery tasks live. This covers anywhere where some external event (eg a HTTP request) triggers a query or an action. No application logic should live in this layer, just the translation of the interface event into a application- or domain-layer call.

  • application - where the "use cases" of the application live. Use-cases are the actions that the application supports (eg "submit a meter reading", "register a new account", "process a move-out"). This layer should contain functionality for orchestrating each use-case journey. It can call into the domain layer for re-usable domain functionality that doesn't belong to one particular use-case.

  • domain - where re-useable business logic lives. Functionality in the domain layer should be agnostic of which application use-case is calling it.

  • data - where data models (eg Django models) live. Models should not contain any business logic and should be kept very thin.

Related reading:

In a layered approach, the fattest layer will be the domain layer. To ensure it remains discoverable (ie easy for developers to find functionality they are looking for), prefer these conventions.

  • Package functionality by domain category/subcategory;
  • House read-only functionality in a module/package called queries.
  • House write functionality in a module/package called operations.

For example:


Or, for when there's a lot of queries/operations to house:

            # import all "public" objects into here
            # import all "public" objects into here

This means a developer whose code needs to ask a question about the $subcategory part of the domain (eg "where did this account last submit a meter-reading?") knows where to look to find an answer.

This isn't a strict requirement - if there's a better naming convention for your part of the domain then use it.

Think of these modules as the public API of the $subcategory of the domain.

Sometimes it isn't obvious what the "category" of a function is. Use these rules-of-thumb:

  • For functions in a queries package, use the category defined by the type of object being returned. For example, if your function returns Accounts, package it in octoenergy.domain.accounts.queries.

  • For functions in an operations package, use the category defined by the type of primary object being passed in (or operated on). That is, if your function adds a new MeterPoint to a Property, package it in as the Property instance is the primary object in this scenario.

The application layer contains "use-cases" which are journeys or actions that the platform supports. They are intended to be called from the interface layer. Normally a use-case involves some kind of write operation. Read-only entry-points in the interface layer can normally call straight into the domain layer.

The basic file structure is as follows:

            # import all "public" objects into here


              # import all "public" objects into here
              # responsible for spawning Celery tasks
            # responsible for building PDF documents

For simpler use-cases, a module (rather than a package) can suffice.


  • Import everything "public" into the module. This includes any exceptions that a use-case function might raise.

  • Prefix the other modules with underscores to indicate they are private and shouldn't be imported from directly.

  • Ensure public functions requires kwarg-only arguments (ie def my_public_function(*, foo, bar)).

  • Ensure public functions have docstrings, detailing their parameters and return types as well as any exception types that can be raised.

It's not always obvious when something should live in the application- or domain layer. In general, lean towards putting functionality in the domain layer so it is re-usable by other use-cases. But make sure it's designed in a re-usable and use-case agnostic way.