layout | title | nav_order | parent | permalink |
default |
CREATE Paths |
6 |
Materialized Paths |
/mat-paths/create |
The CREATE script incorporates the following components:
- prologue - json_ops through base_ops;
- ancestor list generation - levels through ancestors (note that the referenced template contains a SELECT-style prologue, which is replaced with a modify-style prologue);
- path_terms removes rows corresponding to already existent categories and adds row numbers;
- ASCII id generation - id_counts through ids;
- new_nodes joins path terms with newly generated IDs.
------------------------------ PROLOGUE ------------------------------
json_ops(ops) AS (
'[' ||
'{"op":"create", "path_new":"BAZ/bld/tcl/tests/safe/"},' ||
'{"op":"create", "path_new":"safe/ssub00/modules/"},' ||
'{"op":"create", "path_new":"safe/ssub00/msys/nix/misc/"}' ||
base_ops AS (
"key" + 1 AS opid,
json_extract(value, '$.op') AS op,
json_extract(value, '$.path_old') AS rootpath_old,
json_extract(value, '$.path_new') AS rootpath_new
FROM json_ops AS jo, json_each(jo.ops) AS terms
--------------------------- ANCESTOR LIST ----------------------------
levels AS (
SELECT opid, rootpath_new AS path, length(rootpath_new) - length(replace(rootpath_new, '/', '')) AS depth
FROM base_ops
json_objs AS (
SELECT *, json('{"' || replace(rtrim(path, '/'), '/', '": {"') ||
'":""' || replace(hex(zeroblob(depth)), '00', '}')) AS json_obj
FROM levels
ancestors AS (
SELECT min(jo.opid) AS opid,
replace(replace(substr(fullkey, 3), '.', '/'), '^#^', '.') || '/' AS asc_path,
replace("key", '^#^', '.') AS asc_name
json_objs AS jo,
json_tree(replace(jo.json_obj, '.', '^#^')) AS terms
WHERE terms.parent IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY asc_path
ORDER BY opid, asc_path
path_terms AS (
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY opid, asc_path) AS counter,
ancestors.*, substr(asc_path, 1, length(asc_path) - length(asc_name) - 1) AS asc_prefix
FROM ancestors
LEFT JOIN categories AS cats ON asc_path = cats.path
WHERE cats.ascii_id IS NULL
------------------------- ASCII ID GENERATOR -------------------------
id_counts(id_counter) AS (SELECT count(*) FROM path_terms),
json_templates AS (SELECT '[' || replace(hex(zeroblob(id_counter*8/2-1)), '0', '0,') || '0,0]' AS json_template FROM id_counts),
char_templates(char_template) AS (VALUES ('-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_')),
ascii_ids AS (
SELECT group_concat(substr(char_template, (random() & 63) + 1, 1), '') AS ascii_id, "key"/8 + 1 AS counter
FROM char_templates, json_templates, json_each(json_templates.json_template) AS terms
GROUP BY counter
ids AS (
SELECT counter, ascii_id,
(unicode(substr(ascii_id, 1, 1)) << 8*7) +
(unicode(substr(ascii_id, 2, 1)) << 8*6) +
(unicode(substr(ascii_id, 3, 1)) << 8*5) +
(unicode(substr(ascii_id, 4, 1)) << 8*4) +
(unicode(substr(ascii_id, 5, 1)) << 8*3) +
(unicode(substr(ascii_id, 6, 1)) << 8*2) +
(unicode(substr(ascii_id, 7, 1)) << 8*1) +
(unicode(substr(ascii_id, 8, 1)) << 8*0) AS bin_id
FROM ascii_ids
new_nodes AS (
SELECT bin_id AS id, asc_name AS name, asc_prefix AS prefix
FROM path_terms, ids USING (counter)
INSERT INTO categories (id, name, prefix)
SELECT * FROM new_nodes;